Formação continuada de professores da educação infantil e suas relações com a reelaboração da prática docente

Book Description

Este livro trata da formação continuada de professores da educação infantil. No desenrolar de sua parte teórica, mostra-nos que a escola e os professores necessitam conhecer e desconstruir o discurso neoliberal, que insiste em nos convencer de que nada podemos contra essa realidade, em que o Estado é minimizado em suas ações. Ressalta que o professor que acredita no seu potencial e no potencial de seus alunos, encaminha sua prática na perspectiva de reconhecer as crianças como presente e futuro da nação. A prática desse professor fundamenta-se na constante reflexão acerca do conhecimento produzido mediado ou facilitado, no âmbito da relação docente-discente na sala de aula e nas relações dentro e fora da escola. O livro também defende e trabalha a ideia de que os professores de todos os níveis de ensino são seres inacabados e conscientes de seu inacabamento (FREIRE, 1996), contraditórios, multifacetados, com histórias pessoais formadas nas relações que estabelecem com os outros, com a cultura, com o meio e consigo mesmo, fazem suas escolhas, criam-se, recriam-se, ressignificam e reelaboram seu fazer pedagógico, buscando maneiras de crescer, desenvolver-se, emancipar-se e reelaborar sua prática docente à luz da formação continuada. Assim, ressaltamos, nesta obra, os princípios da reflexividade, da colaboração e do engajamento, importantes na formação do educador. Evidencia-se que trabalhar, tendo em vista os três princípios elencados, tem se mostrado positivo, especialmente porque ajuda a superar obstáculos, a vencer medos e incertezas que, a rigor, transpõem o cotidiano docente. Por fim, acredita-se que transitar pelos meandros da formação continuada na educação infantil em articulação com a prática docente deixa evidente que o professor precisa buscar seus caminhos de aperfeiçoamento constante para ir conquistando melhorias pedagógicas, profissionais e sociais, confirmando-se que ser professor(a), no século XXI, requer compreender que o conhecimento, os alunos, as relações e os modos de aprender são diversos e se transformam rapidamente. Para continuar a dar uma resposta concreta aos direitos dos alunos, ao professor é igualmente necessário um esforço redobrado para continuar a aprender e aperfeiçoar sua prática docente.


Book Description

Bitita's Diary: The Autobiography of Carolina Maria de Jesus

Book Description

Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977), nicknamed Bitita, was a destitute black Brazilian woman born in the rural interior who migrated to the industrial city of Sao Paulo. This is her autobiography, which includes details about her experiences of race relations and sexual intimidation.

Popular and Visual Culture

Book Description

Popular and Visual Culture: Design, Circulation and Consumption is a transnational project that fosters a dialogue with multiple origins, both in geographical and academic terms. From the onset, this book questions the concepts of visual and popular culture, terms which are currently applied both to describe scientific fields, as operative concepts in theoretical discourse, and to characterize specific cultural contexts. The book’s analysis and categorization of visual and popular culture pursues discourses and practices which mark different historical eras and shape social orders. Because popular iconic and written productions are the outcome of a network of political, economic, ideological and social circumstances that are often hardly detectable and too taken for granted to be critically recognized, even by those who draw, paint or write (and live) under their influence. That is why visual figurations of popular culture should be studied as the support of a deeply motivated symbolic discourse on the values shared by a community. This book deals, in a way or another, with how popular and visual artefacts and sceneries are socially built, preserved and/or contested. The volume brings together, not only different disciplinary perspectives, but also diverse empirical phenomena, while approaching the wide subject of visuality and popular culture.

Modern Educational Dance

Book Description

From Here to Diversity

Book Description

From Here to Diversity: Globalization and Intercultural Dialogues sees interculturalism as movement, transit, travel, and the dynamics between cultures. Contemporary intercultural travel is a global journey, a circumnavigation at the speed of light that underwrites all the comings and goings, the departures and arrivals, the transmissions and receptions that are implicit in this title. Hence, From Here to Diversity examines the motivations, characteristics and implications of cultural interactions in their perpetual movement, devoid of spatial or temporal borders, in a dangerous but stimulating indefinition of limits. In the contemporary intercultural dialogue, new voices are making themselves heard, as valuable sources of study: the voices of women; non-occidentals; the non-powerful; forgotten narratives of a past that was as intercultural as the present (after all, what is colonialism other than a perverse form of interculturality?); global entertainment; tourism; oral literature; diaries; mythical narratives; the cinema; ethnography; and new teachings, among so many others. Because this project is also intercultural at its source and subject, From Here to Diversity: Globalization and Intercultural Dialogues adds to the coherence of the project by including contributions from the most wide-ranging backgrounds and nationalities, without fear of the alterity that, after all, we propose to study.

In Permanent Transit

Book Description

In Permanent Transit: Discourses and Maps of the Intercultural Experience builds interdisciplinary approaches to the study of migrations, traffics, globalisation, communication, regulations, arts, literature, and other intercultural processes, in the context of past and present times. The book offers a convergence of perspectives, combining conceptual and empirical work by sociologists, anthropologists, historians, linguists, educators, lawyers, media specialists, and literary studies writers, in their shared attempt to understand the many routes of the intercultural experience. This Permanent Transit generates an overlapping of cultures, characteristic of a site of cultural translation. In their incessant creation of uncertainties, these pages also produce new hypotheses, theories and explanations, while pushing limits, bringing about epistemological changes, and opening new spaces for independent discussion and research. The potential for change is located at peripheries marked by hybridity, where the ‘new arrivals’ and the ‘excluded’ – like this book and many of its contributors – are able to use subversion to undermine the strategies of the powerful, regardless of who they are. Cultural translation – both as Judith Butler’s ‘return of the excluded’ and as Homi Bhabha’s hybridity – is a major force of contemporary democracy, also in the academic field.

Contemporary Argentine Cinema

Book Description

"Foster discusses ten Argentine films, including Kiss of the Spider Woman, The Official Story, and Man Facing Southeast to examine the transformation of social topics into motion pictures and the relationship between commercial filmmaking strategies and Argentine redemocratization."--Publishers website.

Women in the Portuguese Colonial Empire

Book Description

Women in the Portuguese Colonial Empire: The Theatre of Shadows compiles an extensive collection of essays on the status of women throughout the vast Portuguese colonial space, from Brazil to the Far East, crossing Europe, Africa and India, between the 16th and the 20th century. Absent or mystified, silenced or victimized, women in the History of Portugal and its colonial venture are the living example of the part historiographical discourse, ideology and popular memory have played in the construction of identities, their practices and representations. The production and critical consumption of History have long revealed countless gaps and silences within its own discourse. This book questions the reason for such gaps and silences and wonders about the real role of all those who do not or have never had access to power and to the perpetuating word, those whose voices have been systematically erased from sources and documents because of past or present attending interests. Women in the Portuguese Colonial Empire: The Theatre of Shadows congregates a wide assortment of disciplines so as to provide multiple independent viewpoints, sources and methodologies. By bringing authors from around the world together, this work ensures that the various cultures and memories that are part of the global saga, as well as the various versions of the history of the Portuguese colonial empire, may be heard.