Creating Learning Organizations Through Digital Transformation

Book Description

Organizations find themselves at a pivotal crossroads in an era propelled by the sweeping tide of digital transformation, where the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the global landscape. Within these novel contexts, the imperative to cultivate Learning Organizations (LOs) has emerged as a beacon of adaptability and progress. Creating Learning Organizations Through Digital Transformation weaves the fabric of LOs within the digital tapestry, where minds perpetually expand, and learning begets learning. This journey hinges on the synergy of knowledge and digital prowess, as LOs harness data and digital content with finesse. From immersive learning to artificial intelligence, these technological frontiers reshape learning, spurring change. Unveiling the core concepts, implementations, and global impacts of LOs, this book is a compass for academics, researchers, and practitioners. It deciphers people capacities, digital contents, learning technologies, and evaluation, nurturing the symbiotic relationship between learning and transformation.

Routledge Handbook of Sport, Leisure, and Social Justice

Book Description

This is the first book to explore in breadth and in depth the complex intersections between sport, leisure, and social justice. This book examines the relations of power that produce social inequalities and considers how sport and leisure spaces can perpetuate those relations, or act as sites of resistance, and makes a powerful call for an activist scholarship in sport and leisure studies. Presenting original theoretical and empirical work by leading international researchers and practitioners in sport and leisure, this book addresses the central social issues that lie at the heart of critical social science – including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, religious persecution, socio-economic deprivation, and the climate crisis – and asks how these issues are expressed or mediated in the context of sport and leisure practices. Covering an incredibly diverse range of topics and cases – including sex testing in sport; sport for refugees; pedagogical practices in physical education; community sport development; events and human rights; and athlete activism – this book also surveys the history of sport and social justice research, as well as outlining theoretical and methodological foundations for this field of enquiry. The Routledge Handbook of Sport, Leisure and Social Justice is an indispensable resource for any advanced student, researcher, policymaker, practitioner, or activist with an interest in the sociology, culture, politics, history, development, governance, media and marketing, and business and management of sport and leisure.

Interatividade nas TICs: abordagens sobre mídias digitais e aprendizagem

Book Description

A forma com que os indivíduos estabelecem suas relações com o mundo tem mudado constantemente. As Novas Mídias e as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) proporcionam maneiras diferenciadas no que diz respeito às práticas destes indivíduos, sejam essas em momentos de lazer, de estudo ou de trabalho. Os ambientes virtuais, através das mídias interativas, possibilitam a conexão de diferentes áreas do conhecimento e a convergência dos meios na potencialização dos mais variados campos, especialmente a partir da internet. Hoje em dia não basta apenas a disposição de plataformas como forma de repositório de conteúdos. A interatividade é o ponto chave nesta nova era, focando, principalmente, a participação ativa dos usuários. Esta conexão entre professores e alunos, entre produtores e usuários das mídias inaugura um tempo em que a imersão e a participação são essenciais na geração das informações e na construção do conhecimento. Considerando este cenário, os capítulos que compõem este eBook trazem reflexões importantes para o momento atual em que a convergência das mídias e as novas tecnologias têm gerado desafios antes impensados, tanto para o campo da comunicação quanto para o da educação. A superação nas diversas áreas em que se refletem acerca de formatos diferenciados para que se estabeleçam novas práticas sociais e culturais é uma constante não somente para os profissionais em formação, mas para os usuários ávidos por novidades e na expectativa por serem inseridos neste mundo cada vez mais tecnológico, interativo e participativo. É nesse sentido que esta obra apresenta em suas páginas estudos e análises que vão além da fronteira do tradicional, incentivando ações inovadoras a partir dos dispositivos tecnológicos com os quais somos todos os dias confrontados.

New Trends and Technologies in Computer-Aided Learning for Computer-Aided Design

Book Description

"New Trends and Technologies in Computer-Aided Learning for Computer-Aided Design" contains the proceedings from the EduTech Workshop, an IFIP TC-10 Working Conference held in Perth, Australia. The workshop aimed to explore the interrelationship between computer-aided technology and computer-aided learning. Computation and communication technologies underpin work and development in many different areas. Among them, Computer-Aided Design of electronic systems and E-Learning technologies are two areas which are different but share many concerns. The design of CAD and E-Learning systems already touches on a number of parallels, such as system interoperability, user interfaces, standardization, EML-based formats, reusability aspects (of content or designs), and intellectual property rights. Furthermore, the teaching of Design Automation tools and methods is particularly amenable to a distant or blended learning setting, and implies the interconnection of typical CAD tools, such as simulators or synthesis tools, with e-learning tools.

Diversities of Innovation

Book Description

Innovation is often understood exclusively in terms of the economy, but it is definitely a result of human labour and ingenuity, and of the relationships among individuals and social groups. Some societies and governmental structures are clearly more successful than others: they act in divergent ways, fostering innovation and employment, and they utilize varied opportunities from different fields of research, from new products and from their educational systems. Thus, innovation varies fundamentally between countries, and public policies – in matters such as energy technology, environmental technologies, facing climate change, and advancing conditions of life – can be determined according to different societies’ needs. This volume brings together a range of world experts to compare countries and continents and help develop a fuller picture of innovations and their social basis. It will be of interest to researchers in regional studies and economics, as well as labour unions, practitioners, and policy makers.

Arquitetura da Educação

Book Description

A educação é um processo natural, ela se fundamenta no desenvolvimento interno do aluno. As crianças são boas por natureza, elas têm uma tendência natural para se desenvolverem. Existe um distanciamento entre todos os seres humanos, este distanciamento precisa ser reduzido com elementos tirados da realidade conforme diz Pestalozzi. Neste sentido, o arquiteto representa a arte de construir esteticamente e funcionalmente estruturas com embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural, se tornando uma ciência pluridisciplinar. A arquiteto busca saber do distanciamento entre o ser humano e os meios em que vive atuando de forma pluridisciplinar e realizando assim uma exegese para então reformular o espaços, tornando-os confortáveis e contextualizados com a realidade do homem da atualidade. O docente assim como o arquiteto reconhece a distância entre ele e o aluno?, trazendo consigo embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural para construir sua aula, analisar seus alunos, a cultura em que vivem pois hoje existe a necessidade dos professores se adatarem com os alunos diante da distância que os separam.

International Perspectives on Teacher Education

Book Description

This book explores major factors impacting on teacher education in recent times. It uses examples from a broad range of international contributors who compare larger countries such as the USA, England and Australia with their smaller partners: Canada, Scotland and New Zealand, demonstrating the substantial differences existent in all three cases. They also contrast the approaches of the countries that are members of the European Union with those that are not and discuss the special circumstances of developing countries, using Malawi as a case study. The international dimension of the book allows it to address the impact of globalisation on teacher education, with attention given to subjects such as the implications of rapid technological change, the movement of teachers and students on a global level and the drive to improve standards in various parts of the world. The book asks key questions, such as whether teaching is a craft or a profession and whether teacher educators view themselves as practitioners or researchers. The question of how the profession is viewed from outside is also addressed, highlighting the lack of trust displayed by politicians and communities towards both teachers and teacher educators. The final chapter looks to the future, and considers strategies for dealing with it. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Education for Teaching.

Onlearning: How disruptive education reinvents learning

Book Description

Onlearning - How disruptive education reinvents learning brings a new concept, which appears as a response to the desire for change in education, specifically in education for executives, in the face of the exponential and out-of-sync transformations of society, which happen through technology and revolutionize organizations, people's lives and customs; with the aim of extracting the best from this evolution and expanding it in a maximized way into executive learning. The work consists of three parts: Part I deals with the history of work–oriented education, executive education, and business schools. It shows how the teaching of Administration was formalized, mainly by business schools, and what learning and cognition methodologies were developed by the various thinkers of the 19th and 20th centuries, whose models have repercussions until today. Part II outlines the scenario in which technology and digital transformation are consolidated as fundamental means for creating disruption in the most diverse areas of knowledge and industry sectors. It approaches how Clayton Christensen's theory of disruptive strategy defies the logic of traditional innovation, as well as what are the effects of new technologies on the economy, society and people's lives, and how fast are they advancing to become accessible, radically transforming reality. Finally, Part III deals with education and Saint Paul's disruptive proposal for executive education, Onlearning. It reflects on the need for education to concretely impact technological evolution in a broad way, in its economic and social aspect. It ends by presenting 20 conclusions on Onlearning, featuring objectives, actions, and projections for the future of education, based on the proposal to reinvent education through the resources that technology and digital transformation make available to everyone.

Impact of Digital Transformation in Teacher Training Models

Book Description

A new reality of teaching and learning through technology is continually on the rise creating the need for governments, organizations, teachers, students, and families to adapt. Students are realizing the need to become more autonomous, parents are having to become more present, and teachers are assuming new roles in virtual education. Although this new era of education is marked by innovation at all levels, most of these changes have not been thoroughly planned or structured, thus creating a difficult experience for all the educational stakeholders. Impact of Digital Transformation in Teacher Training Models conducts a critical discussion on teacher preparedness in the digital transformation of teaching practices. It promotes practitioner reflections on the role of institutional policies, teacher digital literacy, the digital divide, and how the ongoing digital transformation of society will induce the need for a paradigm shift in teacher training models. Covering topics such as emergency remote education, emerging pedagogies, and massive open online courses, this book is an essential resource for policymakers, government officials, education administration, pre-service teachers, educators, researchers, and academicians.

Contributions of Behavior Analysis to Reading and Writing Comprehension

Book Description

This book shows how behavior analysis can be applied to teaching reading and writing to primary school students and to special populations, such as children with intellectual and hearing disabilities and illiterate adults. Originally published in Portuguese, this contributed volume is now translated into English and presents for the first time to international researchers and students a comprehensive overview of a research program developed for more than three decades in Brazil which gave birth to a unique teaching program based on the concept of stimulus equivalence: the Learning to Read and Write in Small Steps. The book is divided into four parts. The first part presents the theoretical framework and the historical context in which the teaching program was developed by the group led by Drs. Julio Cesar de Rose and Deisy das Graças de Souza, currently organized in the National Institute of Science and Technology on Behavior, Cognition, and Learning (INCT/ECCE). The second part describes the modules that make up the Learning to Read and Write in Small Steps teaching program. The third part presents results of empirical research conducted with children with intellectual and hearing disabilities and illiterate adults. Finally, the fourth part presents contributions from other areas of knowledge – such as speech therapy, linguistics, and education – to the understanding of reading and writing and possible dialogues between them and behavior analysis. Contributions of Behavior Analysis to Reading and Writing Comprehension will be of interest to researchers and students in the fields of psychology and education interested in the application of behavior analysis to teaching and learning processes. It will also be a valuable resource for professionals directly working in educational institutions, such as elementary school teachers and psycho-pedagogues. The translation of the original manuscript in Portuguese was done with the help of artificial intelligence. The present version has been revised technically and linguistically by the authors in collaboration with a professional translator.