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O tempero do tempo

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Este volume se originou a partir das ações do projeto de pesquisa nos Estudos Descritivos da Tradução, homologado pela UTFPR, campus de Pato Branco, sob nossa coordenação. O objetivo maior do projeto foi viabilizar a tradução de textos literários brasileiros para a língua inglesa, por meio da atuação de tradutores em formação e da supervisão de docentes do departamento e curso de Letras, licenciatura Português-Inglês. Entre 2018-2019 estabelecemos crucial parceria com a Editora da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, EDUEL, por intermédio da direção do Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Migliozzi Ferreira de Mello, a qual nos possibilitou contato com publicações de relevância e sua consequente tradução realizada pelos participantes do nosso projeto. A parceria vigente nos prenuncia a produção de muitos frutos literários e tradutórios. Assim, após cuidadosa revisão das traduções, discussão e reflexão dos participantes, concretiza-se este livro de poesia bilíngue do nosso brilhante e carismático escritor londrinense, Domingos Pellegrini. Laureado com o Prêmio Jabuti, em 1977, pelo romance O homem Vermelho e, novamente, em 2001, pelo livro O caso da chácara chão, Domingos foi ainda agraciado com outras quatro edições do prêmio. A divulgação da obra poética de nosso escritor de renome nacional e internacional nos enche de orgulho e satisfação e, dessa forma, oferecemos este livro em edição bilíngue, cuja leitura certamente encantará a todos.

Exploratory Practice in Language Teaching

Book Description

This book tracks the development of Exploratory Practice since the early 1990s as an original form of practitioner research in the field of English language teaching. Drawing on case studies, vignettes and narratives from teachers and learners around the world as they experienced Exploratory Practice in their different contexts, Hanks examines the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of the Exploratory Practice framework and asks what the principles really mean in practice. For language professionals considering investigating their classrooms and their teaching/learning practices rigorously and thoughtfully, this book breaks new ground, arguing for a fresh perspective: (exploratory) practice-as-research. Judith Hanks is Lecturer in TESOL at the University of Leeds, UK. Her work bridges specialist areas in language teacher education, intercultural communication, TESOL and EAP.

Facilitating In-Service Teacher Training for Professional Development

Book Description

As new trends emerge in the realm of education, instructors are faced with the task of continuing development in order to stay up to date on the latest teaching methodologies for both virtual and face-to-face education. Facilitating In-Service Teacher Training for Professional Development is a pivotal reference source for the latest research on the scenarios faced by in-service educators, uncovering models, recent trends, and perceptions of in-service teacher training. Featuring extensive coverage across a range of relevant perspectives, such as teacher identity, collaborative teacher development, and exploratory practice, this book is ideally designed for researchers, practitioners, and professionals seeking current research on the need for continuing development in teacher education.

Arquitetura da Educação

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A educação é um processo natural, ela se fundamenta no desenvolvimento interno do aluno. As crianças são boas por natureza, elas têm uma tendência natural para se desenvolverem. Existe um distanciamento entre todos os seres humanos, este distanciamento precisa ser reduzido com elementos tirados da realidade conforme diz Pestalozzi. Neste sentido, o arquiteto representa a arte de construir esteticamente e funcionalmente estruturas com embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural, se tornando uma ciência pluridisciplinar. A arquiteto busca saber do distanciamento entre o ser humano e os meios em que vive atuando de forma pluridisciplinar e realizando assim uma exegese para então reformular o espaços, tornando-os confortáveis e contextualizados com a realidade do homem da atualidade. O docente assim como o arquiteto reconhece a distância entre ele e o aluno?, trazendo consigo embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural para construir sua aula, analisar seus alunos, a cultura em que vivem pois hoje existe a necessidade dos professores se adatarem com os alunos diante da distância que os separam.

Teaching and Learning Practices That Promote Sustainable Development and Active Citizenship

Book Description

The profound changes that we are experiencing at the political, environmental, economic, social, and cultural levels of our “postmodern” society pose immense challenges to education. In order to empower students to analyze, reflect, and take action for a sustainable world, the learning and educational process must be experienced in the context of citizenship; that is, it must be designed, planned, and implemented having global sustainability as a framework, thus developing societal awareness, values, and principles. Teaching and Learning Practices That Promote Sustainable Development and Active Citizenship is an essential research book that provides comprehensive research on education as a fundamental factor in empowering citizens to understand and act on the multiple risks and challenges to the sustainability of our society and world. Highlighting a range of critical learning strategies such as global and critical education, development education, and transformational education, among others, this book is ideal for academicians, education professionals, researchers, policymakers, and students.

Sustainable Pedagogical Research in Higher Education

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Considering both the theoretical and practical possibilities of the sustainability of higher education research in a world in which research budgets are often hard to secure, this book shares results from international research to demonstrate the innovation occurring to secure sustainable research funding. Rooted in diverse research experiences and reflections of academics and higher education institutional leaders, this book explores ways to promote and sustain pedagogical innovation in the higher education context. Beginning with an analysis of theoretical views from political, institutional and research practice spheres about the relevance of sustainability of educational research in higher education, it considers the need to promote educational research focused on pedagogical innovations in higher education. The second part of the book addresses practical experiences of funded educational research and offers guidance to assure the future of sustainable pedagogical interventions. This book is ideal reading for anyone interested in the role of sustainable funding in ensuring the future of higher education research, including researchers and postgraduate or undergraduate students who are researching or interested in the topic. It will also be of interest to senior institutional leaders and managers responsible for educational development in higher education.

Leading Change in Teacher Education

Book Description

The international attempt to expand schooling despite dealing with an insufficient number of trained teachers has placed significant pressure on teacher education. Continued effort to change all aspects of teacher education, including ways of learning, methods of practice, institution interaction and assessment of teaching ability, in order to fulfil the desire to offer inclusive and equitable teaching for all, is a serious consideration. In response to this increased attention on cross-national campaigns, Leading Change in Teacher Education features discussions covering what has been done, how and why the change has happened, the journey itself and the challenges encountered along the way, alongside contributions from international academics who share their reflections and suggestions for a way forward, despite a global shortage of teachers. Strategies surrounding the design and delivery of education now centre on improving how teachers are prepared, supported and evaluated. Leading Change in Teacher Education captures the stories of international change leaders by: Providing details of both the successes and challenges faced Presenting innovative practices in teacher education from around the world Describing the strategies put in place to ensure that teacher education is developing The topics discussed are relevant for educators, policymakers and international organizations involved in the design and implementation of programmes in teacher education. Leading Change in Teacher Education is also an invaluable resource for those looking to increase the changes occurring within teacher education.

Social Representations for the Anthropocene: Latin American Perspectives

Book Description

The Anthropocene has become a field of studies in which the influence of human activity on the Earth System and nature is both the main threat and the potential solution. Social Representations Theory has been evolving since the 1960s.It links knowledge and practice in everyday life and is an effective way to deal with systemic crises based on common sense. This book assembles key contributions by Latin American scholars working with social representations in the social sciences that are of conceptual relevance to the study of the Anthropocene and that investigate the societal consequences of complex interrelations between common sense and topics of global relevance, such asthe contradictions of sustainable development, the construction of risks beyond risk-perception, health, negotiation and governance in the field of education, gender equality, the usefulness of longitudinal and systemic ethnography and case studies, and agency and the link between inequality, crises and risk society in the context of COVID-19, presenting theoretical and methodological innovations fromSpanish, Portuguese and Frenchresearchthat have rarely been available in English. • This is the first book to address the relevance of Social Representations Theory for the Anthropocene as a societal era• It presents the multidisciplinary scope of Social Representations• This book covers emerging research contributions in Social Representations Theory from Latin America• This book presents innovative research and commentaries by established researchers in the field• This multidisciplinary book should be in the libraries of many disciplines in the social sciences and humanities