François Hemsterhuis, Œuvres philosophiques

Book Description

This book has been published in open access thanks to the financial support of the Open Access Book Fund of the University of Groningen. François Hemsterhuis (1721-1790) was a Dutch philosopher on the crossroad of Enlightenment, Classicism and Romanticism. He published his treatises in French, with a beautiful lay-out. They were read and discussed immediately, by outstanding philosophers and artists like Diderot, Jacobi, Herder, Goethe, Novalis and Schleiermacher. This critical edition of Hemsterhuis’s OEuvres philosophiques, together with an early German translation, Vermischte philosophische Schriften, published in 1782-1797. François Hemsterhuis (1721-1790) war ein niederländischer Philosoph auf dem Schnittpunkt von Aufklärung, Klassizismus und Romantik. Er veröffentlichte seine Abhandlungen auf Französisch, in elegantem Layout. Bereits unmittelbar nach ihrem Erscheinen bildeten sie den Stoff zahlreicher Diskussionen unter berühmten Dichtern und Denkern wie Diderot, Jacobi, Herder, Goethe, Novalis und Schleiermacher. Die vorliegende kritische Ausgabe der Œuvres philosophiques von Hemsterhuis beinhaltet auch die zeitgenössische deutsche Übersetzung, Vermischte philosophische Schriften, die in 1782 und 1797 veröffentlicht wurde. François Hemsterhuis (1721-1790) était un philosophe néerlandais sur le carrefour des Lumières, le Néo-classicisme et le Romantisme. Il a publié ses traités en français, avec une belle mise en page. Ils ont été lus et discutés immédiatement par des philosophes et des poètes réputés comme Diderot, Jacobi, Herder, Goethe, Novalis et Schleiermacher. Cette édition critique offre des Œuvres philosophiques de Hemsterhuis, accompagnée d’une traduction allemande contemporaine, Vermischte philosophische Schriften, publiée en 1782-1797.

The Early Writings of Francois Hemsterhuis, 1762-1773

Book Description

This critical edition translates Hemsterhuis' 'Letter on an Antique Gemstone', 'Letter on Sculpture', 'Letter on Desires', 'Letter on Man and his Relations' and 'Philosophical Description of the Character of the Late Mr F. Fagel' into English for the first time. Three introductions explore these texts' influence and significance.

The Dialogues of Francois Hemsterhuis, 1778-1787

Book Description

This collection translates Hemsterhuis' Sophylus, Aristeaus, Simon and Alexis dialogues into English for the first time, with full scholarly apparatus and commentary. It includes two introductory essays: one by Daniel Whistler (on Hemsterhuis and Amelia Gallitzin) and Laure Cahen-Maurel (on the transmission and influence of these dialogues).

The Philosophical Correspondence and Unpublished Writings of Francois Hemsterhuis

Book Description

The first ever English translation of Fran ois Hemsterhuis' philosophically ambitious and illuminating fragments, notes and correspondence, making accessible to Anglophone readers some of the most significant texts, for a genuine understanding of his philosophy. This final volume in The Edinburgh Edition of the Complete Philosophical Works of Fran ois Hemsterhuis includes the Letter on Atheism, the Letter on Fatalism and the Letter on Optics--all penned as part of his remarkable correspondence with Amalie Gallitzin--as well as the unpublished dialogue, Alexis II. Also included is Hemsterhuis' philosophical responses to Plato, Spinoza and Diderot, to contemporary political events in the Dutch Republic and to the French Revolution.

François Hemsterhuis

Book Description

Main Philosophical Writings and the Novel Allwill

Book Description

Jacobi's polemical tract Concerning the Doctrine of Spinoza in Letters to Herr Moses Mendelssohn propelled him to notoriety in 1785. This work, as well as David Hume on Faith, or Idealism and Realism, Jacobi to Fichte, and the novel Allwill, is included in George di Giovanni's translation. In a comprehensive introductory essay di Giovanni situates Jacobi in the historical and philosophical context of his time, and shows how Jacobi's life and work reflect the tensions inherent in the late Enlightenment.