Frankie the Ferret

Book Description

Do you have a pet? Maybe a dog, or a cat, or a gold fish? Lots of people do, but not many people have a pet like Frankie the Ferret. A lovable, mischievous, and comical little fellow, Frankie fills his family home with love and laughter, and his family wants to share that with you! Do you want to meet him? Then let’s go!

Book Description

Frankie the Ferret

Book Description

Do you have a pet? Maybe a dog, or a cat, or a gold fish? Lots of people do, but not many people have a pet like Frankie the Ferret. A lovable, mischievous, and comical little fellow, Frankie fills his family home with love and laughter, and his family wants to share that with you! Do you want to meet him? Then let’s go!

The Cover Up

Book Description

TO HELP KEEP YOUR EREADER TOPPED UP, ALL OSCAR SPARROW TITLES ARE ON LOCKDOWN DURING CORONAVIRUS What could link a webcam girl, a cross-dressing police chief and an escaped ferret? A British nation torn by Brexit staggers on. Frankie Ferret, a pre-school children’s TV celebrity escapes into sewers of London and surely is dead. The people unite in grief. Police Chiefs, counselors and politicos stand in tear-stained sincerity with the common people. Viktor Pinupskin of Russia offers a genetically modified bear cub with his own face as a substitute. Internet bots urge a vote and attempt to sway the masses. Chaos and panic threaten to destroy the economy. Into the mix steps young police inspector, Crispin Bissel. His mission is to lead the search and target PR for the cops. His ex-girlfriend, Selena Fontesse, is a mature ex-webcam girl specializing in veggie porn. She has the looks and the bosom to comfort a people broken by sorrow. Could love be re-kindled over an open drain? Could Frankie be alive? Could a billionaire, a hot air balloon, a pop star, and a staring messianic child bring happiness back to a population in despair? And what if the big plans were to fail? What if there were a cover up? A deplorable basket case of a book. All right-thinking people should be offended. Cross-dressing vegan cannibals will love this story. There’s no safe space on campus when a ferret like Frankie gets into the pipes. A tender love story, an outrageous unfair satire, an exposé of the media-cult whirl in which we live, where news, fake news, and spin are the currencies of coercion. Buy this book and forgive yourself for laughing. It’s not incorrect if you didn’t mean to.

An Evening of Long Goodbyes

Book Description

Vastly entertaining and outright hilarious, Paul Murray’s debut heralds the arrival of a major new Irish talent. His protagonist is endearing and wildly witty–part P. G. Wodehouse’s Bertie Wooster, with a cantankerous dash of A Confederacy of Dunces’ Ignatius J. Reilly thrown in. With its rollicking plot and colorful characters, An Evening of Long Goodbyes is a delightful and erudite comedy of epic proportions. Charles Hythloday observes the world from the comfortable confines of Amaurot, his family estate, and doesn’t much care for what he sees. He prefers the black-and-white sanctum of classic cinema–especially anything starring the beautiful Gene Tierney–to the roiling and rumbling of twenty-first-century Dublin. At twenty-four, Charles aims to resurrect the lost lifestyle of the aristocratic country gentleman–contemplative walks, an ever-replenished drink, and afternoons filled with canapés as prepared by the Bosnian housekeeper, Mrs. P. But Charles’s cozy existence is about to face a serious shake-up. His sister, Bel, an aspiring actress and hopeless romantic, has brought to Amaurot her most recent–and to Charles’s mind, most ill-advised–boyfriend. Frank is hulking and round, and resembles nothing so much as a large dresser, probably a Swedish one. He bets on greyhounds and talks endlessly of brawls and pubs in an accent that brings tears to Charles’s eyes. And, most suspiciously, his entrance into the Hythlodays’ lives just happens to coincide with the disappearance of an ever-increasing number of household antiques and baubles. Soon, Charles and Bel discover that missing heirlooms are the least of their worries; they are simply not as rich as they have always believed. With the family fortune teetering in the balance, Charles must do something he swore he would never do: get a job. Booted into the mean streets of Dublin, he is as unprepared for real life as Frank would be for a cotillion. And it turns out that real life is a tad unprepared for Charles, as well.


Book Description

This book is a continuation of the book 'NOWHERE STREET', a story about Frankie Goushen, a young boy's early life in the cafes and dives of Cable Street in the 50's, in London's East-End. Nowhere Street tells of his time spent in an Approved School, of the bullying and spite which went on at the time. This book continues the story of Frankie's life, when he becomes involved with the Gangsters of the East-End. It depicts the times of the late 50's and the early 60's, of his fight to survive and the time spent in the different Prisons, Borstals and Institutions of the day. This is a tough book of hurt and pain, though through the dirt and the grime shines the light of social history and what was seen as normal in those days. While the tale is gritty and the words not for those with a softer disposition, the story can only be told to its strength and much is based on my earlier life.

Flirting With Fairies

Book Description

Literary agent, Nicole McConnelly is in trouble. Her career’s in the toilet, her bank account overdrawn, and she’s a wanted, fugitive fairy, from the Realm of Imagination, with a price on her head and a ruthless bounty hunter, who happens to be Satan’s brother, on her heels. Lonely young writer, Kaleb Whalen, lives in a rundown apartment with his pet cockroach and dreams of becoming a best-selling author. But after a run-in with a Boston city bus, he may have lost any chance of a future at all. When both agent, and author, magically appear center-page in Kaleb’s jungle adventure novel, Nicole finds herself faced with something more terrifying than her long-time nemesis…the possibility of something she has artfully avoided for three centuries. True Love.

Space Critters

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The One Show

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How Brands Become Icons

Book Description

“Iconic brands” (ie: Coca-Cola, Volkswagon, Corona) have social lives and cultural significance that go well beyond product benefits and features This book distills the strategies used to create the world’s most enduring brands into a new approach called “cultural branding". Brand identity is more critical than ever today, as more and more products compete for attention across an ever-increasing array of channels. This book offers marketers and managers an alternative to conventional branding strategies, which often backfire when companies attempt to create identity brands.