From Gallipoli To Baghdad [Illustrated Edition]

Book Description

Includes Gallipoli Campaign Map and Illustrations Pack -71 photos and 31 maps of the campaign spanning the entire period of hostilities. The epic story of a Chaplain attached to the 4th Battalion the Royal Scots during the First World War; ministering to his flock amid the shot and shell of the bloody failures at Gallipoli and onward to the victorious march to Baghdad. “British (Scottish) author and clergyman. He was born at Corsock, near Kircudbright in the South-West of Scotland, the second son of John Ewing and Marion McCulloch, and was educated at the Universities of Glasgow and Leipzig. Following his ordination, he served as a minister in Palestine, Birmingham, and his native Scotland, He was married twice, both times to women from Hartlepool in County Durham; firstly, in 1888, to Margaret Jane Park, and, secondly, in 1896, to Elizabeth Mary Black, with whom he had one son and two daughters. In 1910, he was appointed Territorial Chaplain to the 4th. Battalion of the Royal Scots Regiment, and served as Chaplain to the Forces on Gallipoli for eight months including the evacuation, for which he was awarded the Military Cross and was mentioned in despatches. Later in the War, he was at the Suez Canal for three months and in Mesopotamia for a year, in the course of which which he was wounded at Baghdad and, again, mentioned in despatches, and a third such mention occurred with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in the advance from Gaza to Jerusalem. After the Armistice, he became the Chaplain of St. Andrew's Church in Jerusalem. He was the author of seven books, most of which, such as "Arab and Druze at Home" (1907) and "Cedar and Palm" were concerned with the Middle East. The final line of his inscription reads, "A comforter of many."”-Memorial

From Gallipoli to Baghdad

Book Description


Book Description

Contains over 55 photos and 10 maps. “Someone once remarked that the ‘NZ’ in ANZAC is silent, and perhaps people associate ANZAC especially with Australia with its ANZAC Day parade and commemorative services. This book, part of the Official History of New Zealand’s effort in the Great War, clearly shows the extent of New Zealand’s part in that ill-fated Gallipoli campaign. The NZEF sailed from Wellington on 16th October 1914, in all 351 officers and 7410 other ranks making four infantry battalions, four mounted rifles regiments, an artillery brigade, sappers, signals, medical and other divisional troops. They disembarked in Alexandria on 3rd December and the infantry battalions were attached to the Canal defence force where, in February 1915 they had their first brush with the Turks, repelling an attack on the Canal. In Egypt they combined with Australian troops to form the New Zealand and Australian Division, landing on Gallipoli on 25th April 1915. By the end of the campaign they had suffered 7,197 battle casualties (Medical History of the War ) or almost one hundred per cent of the original expeditionary force. [It] gives a clear picture of the terrain over which the battles were fought, the climate, the conditions, the intensity of the fighting and a realistic account of the horrors of the battlefield. The easy-to-read text is supported by a wealth of contemporary photos and clear maps. There is a list of honours ... (one VC) including Mention in Despatches .... The appendices also contain tables showing ships transporting the NZEF and which units each carried; the ships carrying the division to Gallipoli; the detailed strengths, by units, of the original expeditionary force and subsequent units raised during the Gallipoli campaign. There is a very useful glossary of all the place names mentioned in the text with translation of some of the Turkish features e.g., Tepe, a hill; Kale, a fort; and there is a Gallipoli Diary.” —N&M Print Ed.

Gallipoli Diary Vol. I [Illustrated Edition]

Book Description

udes Gallipoli Campaign Map and Illustrations Pack –71 photos and 31 maps of the campaign spanning the entire period of hostilities. The desperate losses and ultimate failure of the Gallipoli campaign are legendary even among the holocaust of the First World War. The man ultimately held responsible for the failure was General Ian Hamilton, the officer in charge of the operation; criticism has been heaped on him since the last Allied soldier left the Turkish peninsula in 1915. His diaries however paint a different picture; that of a General struggling with a task that was night-on impossible to begin with; Thrust in to a mad-cap operation he was given the scantest of details; “But my knowledge of the Dardanelles was nil; of the Turk nil; of the strength of our own forces next to nil. Although I have met K. almost every day during the past six months, and although he has twice hinted I might be sent to Salonika; never once, to the best of my recollection, had he mentioned the word Dardanelles.” Short of men, supplies and most all ammunition; his failure was not from a lack of effort. Fighting uphill against an entrenched enemy, the ground that he and his men fought over was some of the toughest on Earth to attack. Always too close to the fighting line he was out of his depth with the strategic thinking necessary in an army commander. There is much in his diaries that is of interest the serious student of the Gallipoli campaign and the casual reader of the story of the First World War.

In The Clouds Above Baghdad, Being The Records Of An Air Commander [Illustrated Edition]

Book Description

“War in the air over the Middle East Mesopotamia, ‘the land of the two rivers’, is deemed the birthplace of civilisation. Now modern day Iraq, it has known warfare throughout the millennia that man has inhabited it. By the first years of the twentieth century the Ottoman Turkish Empire had claimed Mesopotamia as their own and its alliance with Germany during the Great War brought battle to it once more. For the first time conflict came to its skies in the form of the newly formed air forces of the opposing armies. This book concerns the experiences of an officer of the R. F. C fighting a war far different from his comrades on the Western Front but one which was just as deadly. This is an usual account of early war in the air from one of the great conflicts sideshow theatres.”—Leonaur Print Edition Author — Group Captain John Edward Tennant D.S.O. M.C. d. 1941 Text taken, whole and complete, from the edition published in London, C. Palmer, 1920. Original Page Count – x and 289 pages. Illustrations — 38 illustrations.

The Joseph M. Bruccoli Great War Collection at the University of South Carolina

Book Description

Bruccoli Great War Collection at the University of South Carolina: An Illustrated Catalogue provides a reference tool for the study of one of the great watershed moments in history on both sides of the Atlantic serving historians, researchers, and collectors.

ANTWERP TO GALLIPOLI - A Year of the War on Many Fronts - and Behind Them [Illustrated Edition]

Book Description

Includes Gallipoli Campaign Map and Illustrations Pack -71 photos and 31 maps of the campaign spanning the entire period of hostilities. Written in the tumultuous days of the opening months of the First World War, American writer Arthur Ruhl was one of the few English speaking journalists who saw first-hand behind the German and Turkish lines. He initially reported from the Belgian front, and accompanied the German Army as it marched to seeming victory; but they were bloodily stopped at the battle of the Marne by the French and then again by the British at Ypres. Ruhl then travelled to the far side of Europe to report on the struggles between the Turkish army and the British, French and Anzac forces at Gallipoli. The book he penned is vivid, immediate and filled with graphic vignettes of the fighting that he witnessed. Warmly recommended.