From His Lips: About His Co-workers

Book Description

Brother Zach defined his role in the work of God and functioned essentially as a team leader. He understood the work of God and leadership in terms of receiving from God His will and methods for His work, but he also looked to God to receive the men and women who were God's workers in the work. These became his co-workers. He was their team leader. Some of the co-workers and co-leaders in his team served for short periods, and some served with him a lifelong commitment. From his lips, we can enter into the spiritual environment, and into the lives of the men and women who served the Lord with him. For the purposes of testimony, many statements for correction, rebuke, and re-alignment have been deliberately omitted because the public nature of the book is inappropriate for such a ministry of perfection and intimacy. We have shared what came from his lips to motivate his co-workers, and that reflects his absolute faith not only in God but in those that had teamed up with him. He saw the good and he built on the good, and around such a leader, many unusual men and women emerged as is evident in these anecdotes. May the Lord build you as you read, and may the Lord build you as you share in an unusual leader building men and women for God's work.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 3)

Book Description

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 3) contains the following books: Revolutionary Thoughts on Leadership (Volume 1) The Character and Personality of the Leader Basic Christian Leadership The Overcomer as a Servant of Man Making Spiritual Progress (Volume 1) This volume undertakes a study of the leadership substance and style of Joshua and other servant leaders in the Scriptures lased with live examples from the author and several other leaders in the kingdom. Revolutionary Thoughts on Leadership is a string of revolutionary perspectives on leadership that will provoke you, confront you, discipline you, rebuke you, correct you, stir you, and spur you on to aspire, desire, and require victorious and triumphant leadership. Servant leadership is the central focus of this volume. Jesus, our superb and supreme Model was an embodiment of servant leadership. A servant leader leads by not lording it over his followership. When a leader dedicates himself to serve his people, they will eventually be his servants forever. The old men told Rehoboam, If today you will be a servant to these people and serve them and give them a favourable answer, they will always be your servants (1 Kings 12:7). Everyone who will succeed as a leader must appropriate these words. Christian leadership hinges heavily on character. The man with an abundance of divine love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, endurance, and perseverance will definitely attract an increasing following in a foul and perverse world. We send this third volume on leadership out with a cry to the Lord that He should use it to build many into leaders of His people capable of leading them into the totality of God’s purposes in this generation and beyond.

Qualifications For Serving in The Gospel

Book Description

Many want to serve the Lord in the gospel but are ignorant of the standards of God for those who would qualify as labourers in the gospel. The author shows from the scriptures who is qualified, the characteristics of the qualified and examples of those who qualified to serve the Lord. In this book, you will discover the qualifications which revolutionize the disciple's service to God in the gospel and also the flaws he must avoid in order to be a qualified workman who serves God and man in this generation. We send this book out with the prayer that the Lord would be pleased to use it to grant His children a better understanding of His service and instruct them on how to qualify to serve Him in the gospel enterprise. May God bless you richly as you read.

Encounter The Saviour!

Book Description

Nicodemus - a prominent Pharisee and a key Jewish religious leader - is beyond doubt one of the most mysterious figures we find in the Bible. He came to visit Jesus secretly by night and received an instruction that perplexed him greatly. He was told, "You must be born again!". As though Nicodemus ought to know exactly what He meant! - What does it actually mean to be born again? - Are you born again? In this book, Professor Z.T. Fomum, without mixing his words, presents the full and complete counsel of God for those seeking true and vital union with God. It is a redemption story sandwiched with the testimonies of two top civil servants who encountered the Saviour, were transformed, and never were the same again. If you are earnestly seeking reconciliation and union with God, this is the book you need! You may as well be burning with desire to present the complete undiluted message of the cross to a dear one, relative, friend, or colleague, and do not know how to go about it. This book answers that need. It is your pathfinder! Dare to read it!

Prerequisites for Spiritual Ministry

Book Description

What is spiritual ministry and what does it take to become a heaven-approved minister of the New Covenant? In this heart to heart discourse, the author, Professor Z.T. Fomum describes spiritual ministry as the impartation of God. He is burdened to communicate to all who desire to have a spiritual ministry, how they can develop a personal relationship with God, possess and be possessed by God so that they can impart Him to others. Using our supreme example the Lord Jesus, and other biblical icons like the prophets Elijah and Elisha, the apostle Paul and Timothy, he expounds on topics like sincere faith, the indispensable revelation of God, spiritual gifts identified and employed and many other attributes which are indispensable for a God-approved ministry. This is a must-read for all who desire to invest their lives in fruitful and acceptable service of the Most High God. May the Lord transform you into a workman approved of God. God bless you abundantly.

Are You Still a Disciple of the Lord Jesus?

Book Description

In every race, the prize is awarded to those who run to the end. You might have started as a disciple of the Lord Jesus. That was a good beginning. However, I ask, "Are you still a disciple of the Lord Jesus?" The testimonies and message in this book will help you to situate yourself and, by the grace of God, return to being a disciple of the Lord Jesus, if you have backslidden. If you have never been a disciple of the Lord Jesus, this book will help you to become one. Even if you think that all is going well with you, read the book in order to help others who may be in need. May the Holy Spirit, the Revealer of the Lord Jesus Christ, draw close to you and help you to see things clearly as you read and to act on this message! With every blessing in our Lord’s wonderful name.

You, Your Team, And Your Ministry

Book Description

You, Your Team, And Your Ministry is a powerful guide for anyone looking to excel as a leader. Written by author Z.T. Fomum, this book emphasizes the importance of building a strong team for success in ministry. The author recognizes that a leader cannot work alone and must have a group of people working alongside him to advance God's purposes. Fomum explores the qualities of life that God demands of a leader and the importance of being a role model. He emphasizes that the leader's lifestyle and communication skills will determine the success of their team. He also provides a set of doctrinal tips necessary for the leader, their team, and their ministry, making this book a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their leadership skills. Whether you are a seasoned leader or just starting out, the practical advice and deep insights in this book will help you build a strong team that will help you achieve your ministry goals.

The Power of Brokenness

Book Description

With an expanding work—both local and international—there is pressing demand for new leaders. Emerging leaders often observe the deficiencies in the ministries of those who have long occupied center stage. Filled with innovative ideas and creativity, they aspire to bring something out of the ordinary—the very essence of God's creativity. Yet, the God of creativity demands that His creatures do not tamper with His design. The work of God must be carried out in God's way. The curse of carnal service lies in its ineffectiveness. Natural attributes, worldly achievements, and scholarly prowess can only be instrumental in God's service if the Holy Spirit chooses to employ them. The Power of Brokenness takes you on an extraordinary journey into the heart of effective Christian leadership, uncovering the hidden strength found in embracing brokenness. The author, Theodore Andoseh, artfully weaves insights from biblical narratives, particularly the transformative story of Moses—once a prospective Pharaoh, with vast knowledge, martial expertise, and numerous conquests under his belt—to demonstrate the work of God within the inner man, preparing the servant of God for usefulness and effectiveness in their divine calling. Brokenness, though painful, is not a negative force. The mighty prince proved ineffective, but it was the broken shepherd in God's hands who served the Lord with remarkable effectiveness. The elite Moses proved useless and could only save one person, who did not even leave Egypt. However, the broken Moses fulfilled his calling in the might of the Lord and led over three million people out of Egypt. As you read through the lines of this book, may the Lord open your eyes to the power of brokenness and its centrality in the service of the Lord.

The Missionary as a Son

Book Description

The Missionary as a Son is a keynote lecture delivered by the author to missionary candidates during a transformative session at the School of Knowing and Serving God, the esteemed missionary training institution of Christian Missionary Fellowship International in Yaounde. The message unravels the essence of being a missionary son and provides invaluable guidance on how to embrace this identity. Drawing inspiration from the Lord Jesus Christ—the ultimate example, the author illuminates the core principles of becoming a missionary son. Jesus, as both the Son of God and the Son of Man, devoted His entire existence to fulfilling the work entrusted to Him by His Father, thus bringing glory to God. In this divine blueprint, God reveals His design for the missionary enterprise, expecting every missionary to begin their journey as sons, both of God and of man. The pathway to truly belonging to a man is through complete allegiance to God. To accurately relate to a man of God, one must first understand how God speaks and relates to that individual. Admiration forms the foundation of sonship, for without admiration, one fails to perceive the glory inherent in another person. It is through this natural process that we emulate those we admire. Ministry is the natural outgrowth of a genuine relationship with God. Spiritual union and communion with the divine inevitably bear fruit in the form of impactful ministry. As you embark on this enlightening journey, may your heart be open to the cry within these pages—a heartfelt plea for God to perform spiritual heart surgeries within the lives of all missionaries and missionary candidates, birthing in them a profound transformation that molds them into missionary sons, mirroring the character and example of Christ.

The Church: Rights and Responsibilities of the Believer

Book Description

In this compelling message, Prof Fomum delves into the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of the believer within the context of the church. He puts things in the form of a systematic exposition of the Scriptures in the book of Ephesians. The unique characteristics and raison d'être of the church are clearly presented. · Is the church a building or the people? · What's the role of the church in the believer's life and vice versa? · How does someone become a member of the church? · What does a believer miss by not being part of the local church? The reader will discover that all of God’s power is available to the believer only in the context of the church. He who is fully in the church will tap into that power. The purposes of God are tied to the church. Unless one finds his place in the church, in the local context, he has missed it all. Every believer must therefore get to know his rights and responsibilities in the local church, flow in them, fulfill them and enjoy the benefits therein. The believer's rights are an empowering anointing while spiritual gifts and offices are given to enable him carry out every responsibility successfully.