Book Description
In today's weightless economy, monetary development if bound with information. False or not, information must be able to keep people engaged in the game. This is why cryptocurrency relies on the Internet and celebrities to survive. A celebrity's speech has a much bigger impact than an expert's speech with a not amusing complexion. As I previously stated, the new billionaires are not attractive, but rather developers who suffer from shoulder and wrist pain due to their long association with the computer to build new games such as Metaverse and drawing charts and uploading them for you to make technical analysis on the internet. Furthermore, the world's wealthiest individuals are still unknown, and people such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates and everything we see in the media is voluntarily shown on screen. If you don't want to develop your own game for others to play on your field, then follow the rules of the game if you're playing someone else’s. Living in the theme park of life, it’s impossible not to use technology. We must accept and learn to live with the small dangers that come with modern living in addition to the innumerable advantages, and we must realize that most people are merely consumers of technology with no control over its creators. And we should know that there’s no such a thing as capitalism, but according to the statistics, monopoly capitalism is becoming more and more powerful and discriminatory. What I’ve said shows how closely tied monetary and financial issues are, and you cannot independently work on cryptocurrency. The history of money and financial markets provides the foundation for everything that happens to us now. Toss out your conspiracy theories about life's events; then, remove conspiracy theories from your mind. A wave is created, and those who are awake ride it while those who are asleep give the ride; the important thing to remember is that the wave swings in its path and the receiver and rider eventually exchange energy in a direction that they both move. That's why admitting that moving opposite to the trend of social change is inevitable and that we may better focus on our own personal management of our lives by accepting it.