From World War to Waldheim

Book Description

The growing internationalization of the world poses a fundamental question, i.e., through what mechanisms does culture diffuse across political boundaries and what is the role of politics in shaping this diffusion? This volume offers some answers through the case study of the relationship between two quite different states during the Cold War era - Austria, a small neutral country, and the United States, the reigning superpower. The authors challenge naive notions of cultural diffusion that posit the submission of small "peripheral" areas to the dictates of hegemonic powers at the "core." "Americanization" has no doubt taken place since 1945; however, local forces crucially shaped this process, and Austrian elites enjoyed considerable leeway in pursuing "Austrian" political objectives. On the other hand, with the expulsion of Vienna's cultural and intellectual elite after the Anschluß, the United States, more than any othercountry, became heir to the rich cultural legacy of "Vienna 1900," which profoundly shaped politics and culture in both its "high" and popular forms in postwar America. The relationship climaxed and came full circle with the unfolding of the Waldheim affair, which forced Americans and Austrians to reinterpret the meaning of the Nazi era for their own history in a confrontation with the "other."


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Details the Nazi affiliation and war crimes of Kurt Waldheim, former United Nations Secretary-General and President of Austria.


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"Kurt Josef Waldheim (German pronunciation: [kt valdham]; 21 December 1918? 14 June 2007) was an Austrian diplomat and politician. Waldheim was the fourth Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1972 to 1981, and the ninth President of Austria, from 1986 to 1992. While he was running for President in Austria in 1985, his service as an intelligence officer in the Wehrmacht during World War II caused obvious international controversy. The Wehrmacht was the Armed forces of Nazi Germany."--Wikipedia.

Kurt Waldheim's Wartime Years

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A collection of documents related to Kurt Waldheim's activities and attitudes during World War II prepared by Austrian officials as a rebuttal of allegations made against him. Reviews the key allegations (including his alleged involvement in the deportation of Greek Jews), discusses evidence which refutes them, and provides a selection of relevant documents.

Waldheim and Austria

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In the Eye of the Storm

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SCOTT (copy 1): From the John Holmes Library collection.

Between Empire and Continent

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Prior to World War I, Britain was at the center of global relations, utilizing tactics of diplomacy as it broke through the old alliances of European states. Historians have regularly interpreted these efforts as a reaction to the aggressive foreign policy of the German Empire. However, as Between Empire and Continent demonstrates, British foreign policy was in fact driven by a nexus of intra-British, continental and imperial motivations. Recreating the often heated public sphere of London at the turn of the twentieth century, this groundbreaking study carefully tracks the alliances, conflicts, and political maneuvering from which British foreign and security policy were born.

The Waldheim Report

Book Description

An authorized English translation of the unpublished report submitted in German by the International Commission of Historians set up in 1987 at the request of Kurt Waldheim, then President of Austria. Its assignment was to determine the facts concerning Waldheim's wartime service and his participation in National Socialist organizations. The Commission (six members, chaired by Prof. Hans Rudolf Kurz) examined accusations against Waldheim advanced by U.S. Justice authorities, the World Jewish Congress, and Yugoslav accusations submitted to the United Nations War Crimes in 1944. The report deals mainly with Waldheim's activities in Yugoslavia and Greece. Ch. 6 (p. 97-109) analyzes Waldheim's involvement in the deportation of Jews from the Greek mainland and islands. The Commission disproved Waldheim's assertion that he knew nothing about those deportations. In general, the Commission concluded that Waldheim repeatedly assisted in unlawful actions and it established his complicity in clear cases of wrongful acts. The introduction by Manfred Messerschmidt (p. 7-23), a member of the Commission, discusses the Commission's establishment and its work, and how the Austrian Federal Republic prevented publication of the report.

Austrian Historical Memory and National Identity

Book Description

When the Hapsburg monarchy disintegrated after World War I, Austria was not considered to be a viable entity. In a vacuum of national identity the hapless country drifted toward a larger Germany. After World War II, Austrian elites constructed a new identity based on being a "victim" of Nazi Germany. Cold war Austria, however, envisioned herself as a neutral "island of the blessed" between and separate from both superpower blocs. Now, with her membership in the European Union secured, Austria is reconstructing her painful historical memory and national identity. In 1996 she celebrates her 1000-year anniversary. In this volume of Contemporary Austrian Studies, Franz Mathis and Brigitte Mazohl-Wallnig argue that regional identities in Austria have deeper historical roots than the many artificial and ineffective attempts to construct a national identity. Heidemarie Uhl, Anton Pelinka, and Brigitte Bailer discuss the post-World War II construction of the victim mythology. Robert Herzstein analyses the crucial impact of the 1986 Waldheim election imploding Austria's comforting historical memory as a "nation of victims." Wolfram Kaiser shows Austria's difficult adjustments to the European Union and the larger challenges of constructing a new "European identity." Chad Berry's analysis of American World War II memory establishes a useful counterpoint to construction of historical memory in a different national context. A special forum on Austrian intelligence studies presents a fascinating reconstruction by Timothy Naftali of the investigation by Anglo-American counterintelligence into the retreat of Hitler's troops into the Alps during World War II. Rudiger Overmans' "research note" presents statistics on lower death rates of Austrian soldiers in the German army. Review essays by Gunther Kronenbitter and Gunter Bischof, book reviews, and a 1995 survey of Austrian politics round out the volume. Austrian Historical Memory and National Identity will be of intense interest to foreign policy analysts, historians, and scholars concerned with the unique elements of identity and nationality in Central European politics.