Radiation Gas Dynamics

Book Description

When the temperature of a gas is not too high and the density of a gas is not too low, the transfer of heat by radiation is usually negligibly small in comparison with that by conduction and convection. However, in the hypersonic flow of space flight, particularly in the re-entry of a space vehicle, and in the flow problem involving nuclear reaction such as in the blast wave of nuclear bomb or in the peaceful use of the controlled fusion reaction, the temperature of the gas may be very high and the density of the gas may be very low. As a result, thermal radiation becomes a very important mode of heat transfer. A complete analysis of such high temperature flow fields should be based upon a study of the gasdynamic field and the radiation field simultaneously. Hence during the last few years, considerable efforts have been made to study such interaction problems between gasdynamic field and radiation field and a new title, Radiation Gasdynamics, has been suggested for this subject. Even though radiative transfer has been studied for a long time by astro physicists, the interaction between the radiation field and the gadsynamic field has been only extensively studied recently.

Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics

Book Description

Excellent, informative volume focuses on dynamics of nonradiating fluids, problems involving waves, shocks and stellar winds, physics of radiation, radiation transport, and the dynamics of radiating fluids. 1984 edition.

Fundamentals of Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics

Book Description

This book offers an overview of the fundamental dynamical processes, which are necessary to understand astrophysical phenomena, from the viewpoint of hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, and radiation hydrodynamics. The book consists of three parts: The first discusses the fundamentals of hydrodynamics necessary to understand the dynamics of astrophysical objects such as stars, interstellar gases and accretion disks. The second part reviews the interactions between gases and magnetic fields on fluid motions – the magnetohydrodynamics – highlighting the important role of magnetic fields in dynamical phenomena under astrophysical environments. The third part focuses on radiation hydrodynamics, introducing the hydrodynamic phenomena characterized by the coupling of radiation and gas motions and further on relativistic radiation hydrodynamics. Intended as a pedagogical introduction for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, it also provides comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals of astrophysical fluid dynamics, making it an effective resource not only for graduate courses, but also for beginners wanting to learn about hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, and radiation hydrodynamics in astrophysics independently.

The Equations of Radiation Hydrodynamics

Book Description

Graduate-level text examines propagation of thermal radiation through a fluid and its effects on the hydrodynamics of fluid motion. Topics include approximate formulations of radiative transfer and relativistic effects of fluid motion; microscopic physics associated with the equation of transfer; inverse Compton scattering; and hydrodynamic description of fluid. 1973 edition.

Modern Developments in Gas Dynamics

Book Description

During the last decade, the rapid growth of knowledge in the field of fluid mechanics and heat transfer has resulted in many significant ad vances of interest to students, engineers, and scientists. Accordingly, a course entitled "Modern Developments in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer" was given at the University of California to present significant recent theoretical and experimental work. The course consisted of seven parts: I-Introduction; II-Hydraulic Analogy for Gas Dynamics; 111- Turbulence and Unsteady Gas Dynamics; IV-Rarefied and Radiation Gas Dynamics; V-Biological Fluid Mechanics; VI-Hypersonic and Plasma Gas Dynamics; and VII-Heat Transfer in Hypersonic Flows. The material, presented by the undersigned as course instructor and by various guest lecturers, could easily be adapted by other universities for use as a text for a one-semester senior or graduate course on the subject. Due to the extensive notes developed during the University of California course, it was decided to publish the material in three volumes, of which the present is the first. The succeeding volumes will be entitled "Selected Topics in Fluid and Bio-Fluid Mechanics" and "Introduction to Steady and Unsteady Gas Dynamics." Finally, I must express a word of appreciation to my wife Irene and to my children, Wellington Jr. and Victoria, who made it possible for me to write and edit this book in the very quiet atmosphere of our home.

The High Temperature Aspects of Hypersonic Flow

Book Description

The High Temperature Aspects of Hypersonic Flow is a record of the proceedings of the AGARD-NATO Specialists' Meeting, held at the Technical Centre for Experimental Aerodynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium in April 1962. The book contains the papers presented during the meeting that tackled a broad range of topics in the aspects of hypersonic flow. The subjects covered during the meeting include pressure measurements, interference effects, the use of wind tunnels in aircraft development testing, high temperature gas characteristics, boundary layer research, stability and control and the use of rocket vehicles in flight research. Aerospace engineers and aeronautical engineers will find the book invaluable.

Nonlinear Problems of Engineering

Book Description

Nonlinear Problems of Engineering reviews certain nonlinear problems of engineering. This book provides a discussion of nonlinear problems that occur in four areas, namely, mathematical methods, fluid mechanics, mechanics of solids, and transport phenomena. Organized into 15 chapters, this book begins with an overview of some of the fundamental ideas of two mathematical theories, namely, invariant imbedding and dynamic programming. This text then explores nonlinear integral equations, which have long occupied a prominent place in mathematical analysis. Other chapters consider the phenomena associated with essentially divergent small-divisor series, such as may occur in the formal solution of differential equations that represent the oscillations of conservative dynamical systems. This book discusses as well the mechanics of idealized textiles consisting of inextensible filaments. The final chapter deals with the use of the Peaceman–Rachford alternating direction implicit method for solving the finite difference analogs of boundary value problems. This book is a valuable resource for engineers and mathematicians.