Fundamental of Kingdom Wealth

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WealthKingdom wealth refers to the abundance and prosperity that flows from living a life that is aligned with the principles of the Kingdom of God. It is not just about accumulating material possessions but about experiencing true wealth in all aspects of life, including spiritual, emotional, and relational well-being.The concept of kingdom wealth is rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, who spoke extensively about the Kingdom of God and how it operates. In the Bible, Jesus emphasized the importance of seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33).Kingdom wealth is not something that is earned through hard work or achieved through personal ambition, but it is a gift that is received by living a life that is in obedience to God's will. The Bible says, "The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it" (Proverbs 10:22).Kingdom wealth is not limited to financial prosperity, although it can certainly include that. The Bible says, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers" (3 John 1:2). This means that true wealth encompasses all areas of life, including physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth.One of the key principles of kingdom wealth is the concept of stewardship. As Christians, we are called to be faithful stewards of all that God has given us, including our time, talents, and resources. This means using our resources to bless others and to further the Kingdom of God. Jesus said, "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you" (Luke 6:38).Another important aspect of kingdom wealth is the idea of generosity. The Bible says, "The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself" (Proverbs 11:25). When we are generous with our resources, we open ourselves up to receive even more blessings from God. This is not just about giving money, but about giving of ourselves and our time to serve others.Kingdom wealth is also about having the right perspective on material possessions. The Bible says, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal" (Matthew 6:19-20). This means that we should not place our ultimate trust in material possessions, but in God.In conclusion, Kingdom wealth is about living a life that is aligned with the principles of the Kingdom of God. It is about experiencing true wealth in all areas of life, including spiritual, emotional, and relational well-being. It is not something that is earned or achieved through personal ambition, but it is a gift that is received by living a life that is in obedience to God's will. Kingdom wealth encompasses the principles of stewardship, generosity, and having the right perspective on material possessions. Ultimately, it is about seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to us (Matthew 6:33).Kingdom wealth differs from traditional wealth in several ways. First, it is not solely focused on accumulating material possessions or financial resources for personal gain. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of using wealth to advance the purposes of God and to promote the well-being of others.

Kingdom Wealth

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Kingdom Wealth

Book Description

The wealth God gives to a man in a large measure transcends money and material wealth; it is a way of life which demonstrates His glory and greatness. Our daily lives should reflect it in the eyes of a pessimistic world which is basking in bleakness and schemes. KINGDOM WEALTH is a thirty days mentorship program. A unique collection of valuable concepts, insights, poetry, and most importantly scriptural truths that enlightens, enliven and enrich life. This timeless transformational book will challenge you to do more than standby and watch things happen. It will move you into action to put God's principles of kingdom Wealth into practice in every day of your life. You spirit will be enriched and your mind enlightened as you read through the daily expositions. This is a great book for a resource, insight, ideas, and a burst of information and inspiration for those willing to possess and utilize the wealth of God's kingdom.

Kingdom Principles of Wealth Creation

Book Description

There is a treasure chest buried in your God-ordained purpose and the secret map to locating this treasure is to discover your purpose. To every purpose there is a demand for supply. If you can discover your purpose you will uncover your supply.Join author Elijah Sinyinza on this intriguing voyage of discoveries into the highs and lows of the hidden secrets behind manifestation of wealth in your God-ordained purpose. The wisdom contained in this book will give you in-depth insights into what money really is, the two principle sources of wealth, the principle of time in wealth creation, how to create a wealth creation platform, spiritual principles which govern financial prosperity and many more.We are in the days when the church of Jesus Christ is beginning to Exodus the bondage of poverty and enter into the "promised land" of divine provision and supernatural abundance and this book has been written as a record of principles to trigger this Genesis of financial freedom. About the author: Elijah Sinyinza is an Author, entrepreneur, leadership and business consultant who has conceived a vision to impact the world through divine insights revealed through books and other media platforms. He is a member of the Ambassadors Royal Assembly Ministries and has served in several leadership positions in the ministry.Other books authored: The Secret Place of God

Laws Of Kingdom Wealth

Book Description

We will be discussing the economic system of the kingdom of God, and we need to understand that the battle for wealth and prosperity is not just about the desire to use money to prove a point to people around you, but that there is a program and there is an agenda that is bigger than the personal interest of men, its important to get this, that prosperity is not just about the propriety for affluence but it's the time redemption strategy. Paul was teaching the church in Ephesus and he admonish them to redeem time and he said the reason why they should redeem time is because the days were evil and the days are still evil, so we must access the system of God that makes up time for redemption, also in my previous message, I also spoke about preserving our soul while we prosper, that satan is not after your money, he's not after real estate, he's not after any of these things, he's after the souls of men and that he will use the journey or your desire or your need for financial prosperity to force you to exchange your souls the kind of prosperity that he gives and the bibles says what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and then looses his soul. Read This Book and be Mightily Blessed

Kingdom Wealth Principles

Book Description

Title: Kingdom Wealth Principles. Embark on a transformative journey to true wealth! "Kingdom Wealth Principles" unveils the secrets to financial abundance, compassion-driven success, and a life filled with purpose. Discover how these principles can lead to lasting prosperity, and hear the inspiring story of John, who used this book to turn his financial struggles into a life of abundance. Benefits: 1.Gain Financial Abundance: Learn the biblical principles that lead to true wealth and financial freedom. 2.Cultivate Compassion: Discover how giving generously can enrich your life and the lives of others. 3.Find Purpose: Align your actions with divine purpose and experience a life of deep fulfillment. Meet John, a reader who turned his life around using "Kingdom Wealth Principles." Struggling with debt and financial stress, he stumbled upon this transformative book. Applying the principles within, John not only paid off his debts but also started a business that gave back to his community, providing jobs and hope to those in need. His life became a testament to the power of these principles. Are you ready to experience true wealth, compassion, and purpose? It's time to take action. Grab your copy of "Kingdom Wealth Principles" now and embark on a life-changing journey. Don't wait for tomorrow; the path to abundance starts today. Your destiny of wealth, compassion, and purpose awaits.

Kingdom Wealth

Book Description

Discover the transformative power of God's divine principles for prosperity in your life. "Kingdom Wealth" unveils the secrets to unlocking supernatural abundance, guided by biblical teachings. This enlightening book will captivate Christians aspiring to align their financial lives with God's will. Some of the things you will learn are: The Power of the Kingdom Mindset: Cultivate a mindset of abundance, faith, and trust in God's provision. The Role of the Kingdom Mandate: Uncover the biblical mandate of work, diligence, and stewardship in wealth creation. Kingdom Investing and Finance: Learn the principles of Kingdom investing and managing finances according to biblical principles. Overcoming Financial Strongholds: Break free from financial curses and poverty mindset through spiritual warfare. The Wealth Transfer: Understand the biblical principles of wealth transfer and the role of inheritance in Kingdom prosperity. The Principle of Increase: Comprehend the biblical principle of increase and nurture a lifestyle of abundance and prosperity. Step into the fullness of God's provision for your life. Embark on a journey towards a life filled with God's abundant blessings as you explore the profound wisdom of "Kingdom Wealth." Allow your faith and understanding of biblical prosperity principles to guide you towards a thriving, Kingdom-centred life. David Balestri is the Marketplace Pastor and an elder at Hope Unlimited Church in Sydney, Australia. (, he is also an executive business consultant and entrepreneur. (, He is a leading voice in the body of Christ for believers called to serve God in their businesses and careers. (

Becoming a Wealth Creator

Book Description

Becoming A Wealth Creator: Advancing into Kingdom Prosperity Gives You: Keys to Take You from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, Should Christians Desire to Have Money? Biblical Perspective of Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism Book Description: For mankind to obey God's command, money is critical. Finances are necessary to subdue crime, human trafficking, drugs, infirmity, and many other evils in the world. You may even have a dream inside you for how God wants to use you for His purposes. It takes money to fulfill that dream. To become a Kingdom Wealth Creator, a person must replace an old mindset of poverty thinking. Today can be your season to break out of any poverty mindset that is hindering you from increasing and multiplying. Realize that wars are in the natural world and wars are in the spiritual world. For a person to become a Wealth Creator a war must be won. Allow the Lord to empower you to win your war and cross over from a place of lack or barely enough to a position of wealth and abundance!

Kingdom Wealth

Book Description

The prosperity God gives to a man in a large measure transcends money and material wealth; it is a way of life which demonstrates His glory and greatness. Our daily lives should reflect it in the eyes of a pessimistic world which is basking in bleakness and schemes.KINGDOM WEALTH is a unique collection, organized into forty days devotional insight, from wise men and women of past and present; beautified with epic poetry, quotations, and most importantly the untimely word of God. This highly creative book is designed to educate, enrich and expound God's principles of kingdom Wealth. Your life will never remain the same as you hear from Oral Roberts, T.L. Osborn, John Avanzini, Myles Munroe, Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar Jr, Kenneth Copeland, Morris Cerullo, Benson Idahosa, Bill Winston, Markus Bishop, Robert Tilton, A. A. Allen, Kenneth Hagin, Frank Damazio, Rich Broth, Jack Coe Jr, Jesse Duplantis, Buddy Harrison, Leroy Thompson, Keith Moore, Rick Joyner, David Yonggi Cho and many others.This is a great book for insight, ideas, resource and a burst of hope and inspiration for those willing to possess and utilize the wealth meant for kingdom citizens.


Book Description

Money is one of the major needs of the body of Christ today. As a believer the moment you got born again, you need money to serve Jehovah. Divine prosperity, riches, and wealth are from God. Proverbs 8:18, says, ‘’Riches and honor are with me, yea durable riches and righteousness.’’. God is the only one that can bring financial blessings to His children. Haggai 2:8, ‘’ The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts. As believers, we can declare and decree the word of God into the spiritual atmosphere and command financial prosperity and wealth to manifest in our lives. Biblical prophetic decree is a powerful tool in the school of spiritual warfare. We need faith when we do this because faith is the hope of things yet unseen. When we desire financial prosperity and wealth in our lives, then we need to keep confessing, decreeing and declaring the word of God into our prosperity until it becomes a reality in our lives. God wants His children to be prosperous and wealthy in life so we may be a blessing to the nations. I want to encourage you to use these decrees every day and soon you will see the manifestation of a prosperous and wealthy life.