Fundamental Solutions in Elastodynamics

Book Description

This work is a compilation of fundamental solutions (or Green's functions) for classical or canonical problems in elastodynamics presented with a common format and notation. These formulas describe the displacements and stresses elicited by dynamic sources in solid elastic media like full spaces, half-spaces, strata and plates in both two and three dimensions, using the three major coordinate systems (Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical), and also for transient and harmonic motions. Such formulas are useful for numerical methods and practical application to problems of wave propagation in elasticity, soil dynamics, earthquake engineering, mechanical vibration, or geophysics. These formulas were heretofore only found scattered throughout the literature. The solutions are tabulated without proof, but giving reference to appropriate modern papers and books containing full derivations. Most formulas in the book have been programmed and tested within the MATLAB environment. The program listings are available for free download on the book's website.

Fundamental Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Operators

Book Description

This monograph provides the theoretical foundations needed for the construction of fundamental solutions and fundamental matrices of (systems of) linear partial differential equations. Many illustrative examples also show techniques for finding such solutions in terms of integrals. Particular attention is given to developing the fundamentals of distribution theory, accompanied by calculations of fundamental solutions. The main part of the book deals with existence theorems and uniqueness criteria, the method of parameter integration, the investigation of quasihyperbolic systems by means of Fourier and Laplace transforms, and the representation of fundamental solutions of homogeneous elliptic operators with the help of Abelian integrals. In addition to rigorous distributional derivations and verifications of fundamental solutions, the book also shows how to construct fundamental solutions (matrices) of many physically relevant operators (systems), in elasticity, thermoelasticity, hexagonal/cubic elastodynamics, for Maxwell’s system and others. The book mainly addresses researchers and lecturers who work with partial differential equations. However, it also offers a valuable resource for students with a solid background in vector calculus, complex analysis and functional analysis.

Fundamental Solutions for Differential Operators and Applications

Book Description

A self-contained and systematic development of an aspect of analysis which deals with the theory of fundamental solutions for differential operators, and their applications to boundary value problems of mathematical physics, applied mathematics, and engineering, with the related computational aspects.

Advanced Structural Dynamics

Book Description

Developed from three decades' worth of lecture notes which the author used to teach at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this unique textbook presents a comprehensive treatment of structural dynamics and mechanical vibration. The chapters in this book are self-contained so that instructors can choose to be selective about which topics they teach. Written with an application-based focus, the text covers topics such as earthquake engineering, soil dynamics, and relevant numerical methods techniques that use MATLAB. Advanced topics such as the Hilbert transform, gyroscope forces, and spatially periodic structures are also treated extensively. Concise enough for an introductory course yet rigorous enough for an advanced or graduate-level course, this textbook is also a useful reference manual - even after the final exam - for professional and practicing engineers.

The Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method

Book Description

A novel computational procedure called the scaled boundary finite-element method is described which combines the advantages of the finite-element and boundary-element methods : Of the finite-element method that no fundamental solution is required and thus expanding the scope of application, for instance to anisotropic material without an increase in complexity and that singular integrals are avoided and that symmetry of the results is automatically satisfied. Of the boundary-element method that the spatial dimension is reduced by one as only the boundary is discretized with surface finite elements, reducing the data preparation and computational efforts, that the boundary conditions at infinity are satisfied exactly and that no approximation other than that of the surface finite elements on the boundary is introduced. In addition, the scaled boundary finite-element method presents appealing features of its own : an analytical solution inside the domain is achieved, permitting for instance accurate stress intensity factors to be determined directly and no spatial discretization of certain free and fixed boundaries and interfaces between different materials is required. In addition, the scaled boundary finite-element method combines the advantages of the analytical and numerical approaches. In the directions parallel to the boundary, where the behaviour is, in general, smooth, the weighted-residual approximation of finite elements applies, leading to convergence in the finite-element sense. In the third (radial) direction, the procedure is analytical, permitting e.g. stress-intensity factors to be determined directly based on their definition or the boundary conditions at infinity to be satisfied exactly. In a nutshell, the scaled boundary finite-element method is a semi-analytical fundamental-solution-less boundary-element method based on finite elements. The best of both worlds is achieved in two ways: with respect to the analytical and numerical methods and with respect to the finite-element and boundary-element methods within the numerical procedures. The book serves two goals: Part I is an elementary text, without any prerequisites, a primer, but which using a simple model problem still covers all aspects of the method and Part II presents a detailed derivation of the general case of statics, elastodynamics and diffusion.

Time-dependent and Vibration Problems

Book Description

This series has been developed in response to the interest shown in boundary ele ments by scientists and engineers. Whilst Volume 1 was dedicated to basic principles and applications, this book is concerned with the state of the art in the solution of time-dependent problems. Since papers have recently been published on this im portant topic it is time to produce a work of a more permanent nature. The volume begins with a chapter on the Fundamentals of Boundary Integral Equation Methods in Elastodynamics. After reviewing the basic equations of elasto dynamics, the wave equation and dynamic reciprocal theorems are stated and the direct and indirect boundary element formulations are presented. Eigenvalue problems are discussed together with the case of the Fourier transformations. Several applications illustrate the effectiveness of the technique for engineering. Chapter 2 examines some of the various boundary integral equation formulations available for elastodynamic problems. In particular the displacement-traction for mulation is compared with the displacement-potential case. The special character istics of the elastodynamics fundamental solutions are discussed in detail and a criti cal comparison with the elastostatics case is presented. While the chapter is not meant to be a complete review of the work in the field, the original presentation of the problem and the suggestions for further work make an important contribu tion to the development of the method.

Boundary Elements in Dynamics

Book Description

A reference for those who need to acquire detailed knowledge of the formulation, implementation, and practical applications of BEM in dynamics. The author presents research on BEM in dynamics of continua. The main emphasis is on the development of the different boundary element formulations.

Integral Transform Techniques for Green's Function

Book Description

This book describes mathematical techniques for integral transforms in a detailed but concise manner. The techniques are subsequently applied to the standard partial differential equations, such as the Laplace equation, the wave equation and elasticity equations. Green’s functions for beams, plates and acoustic media are also shown, along with their mathematical derivations. The Cagniard-de Hoop method for double inversion is described in detail and 2D and 3D elastodynamic problems are treated in full. This new edition explains in detail how to introduce the branch cut for the multi-valued square root function. Further, an exact closed form Green’s function for torsional waves is presented, as well as an application technique of the complex integral, which includes the square root function and an application technique of the complex integral.

Fundamentals of Seismic Wave Propagation

Book Description

Fundamentals of Seismic Wave Propagation, published in 2004, presents a comprehensive introduction to the propagation of high-frequency body-waves in elastodynamics. The theory of seismic wave propagation in acoustic, elastic and anisotropic media is developed to allow seismic waves to be modelled in complex, realistic three-dimensional Earth models. This book provides a consistent and thorough development of modelling methods widely used in elastic wave propagation ranging from the whole Earth, through regional and crustal seismology, exploration seismics to borehole seismics, sonics and ultrasonics. Particular emphasis is placed on developing a consistent notation and approach throughout, which highlights similarities and allows more complicated methods and extensions to be developed without difficulty. This book is intended as a text for graduate courses in theoretical seismology, and as a reference for all academic and industrial seismologists using numerical modelling methods. Exercises and suggestions for further reading are included in each chapter.