Europa! Europa?

Book Description

The first volume of the new series “European Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies” focuses on the relation between the avant-garde, modernism and Europe. It combines interdisciplinary and intermedial research on experimental aesthetics and poetics. The essays, written by experts from more than fifteen countries, seek to bring out the complexity of the European avant-garde and modernism by relating it to Europe’s intricate history, multiculturalism and multilingualism. They aim to inquire into the divergent cultural views on Europe taking shape in avant-garde and modernist practices and to chart a composite image of the “other Europe(s)” that have emerged from the (contemporary) avant-garde and experimental modernism. How did the avant-garde and modernism in (and outside) Europe give shape to local, national and pan-European forms of identity and community? To what extent does the transnational exchange and cross-fertilisation of aesthetic tendencies illustrate the well-rehearsed claim that the avant-gardes form a typically European phenomenon? Dealing with canonised as well as lesser known exponents of modernism and the avant-garde throughout Europe, this book will appeal to all those interested in European cultural, literary and art history.

Ensayo y CríTica Literaria

Book Description

Con muchas aclaraciones de Ensayo y Crítica Literaria, o la (lettera y tur) -arte de la palabra o arte de la letra- para enriquecer más aun sus escondidos tesoros del conocimiento, que cada persona tiene guardada en lo profundo de su corazón, como una reserva especial para los momentos de convivencia con los seres más queridos. Asimismo lo importantes son, llegar a comprender un ínfimo por ciento de las riquezas literarias, entonces la comunicación entre los seres humanos seria más agradables. Y con certeza que maravilloso seria avenirse sin distinción de raza ni lengua, ni credo religioso y color, sino tan solo apreciar con la lettera y tur a los oídos de cada prójimo, y luego salir a la luz para demostrar las riquezas que llevamos por dentro cada ser humano. Además de todos, el dominio del idioma y la cultura si es posible colectivamente, es lo imprescindible en las profesiónes como Políticos y de los Credo Religiosos, pero también el adepto puede adquirir estos principiando en la educación y el estudio de la observación, depurándose en la práctica constantemente para lograr el objetivo. Como el dominio del idioma, la cultura, y perseverar siempre con el buen gusto de la inspiración con sus buenas intenciones.

Latin American Women Writers: An Encyclopedia

Book Description

Latin American Women Writers: An Encyclopedia presents the lives and critical works of over 170 women writers in Latin America between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries. This features thematic entries as well as biographies of female writers whose works were originally published in Spanish or Portuguese, and who have had an impact on literary, political, and social studies. Focusing on drama, poetry, and fiction, this work includes authors who have published at least three literary texts that have had a significant impact on Latin American literature and culture. Each entry is followed by extensive bibliographic references, including primary and secondary sources. Coverage consists of critical appreciation and analysis of the writers' works. Brief biographical data is included, but the main focus is on the meanings and contexts of the works as well as their cultural and political impact. In addition to author entries, other themes are explored, such as humor in contemporary Latin American fiction, lesbian literature in Latin America, magic, realism, or mother images in Latin American literature. The aim is to provide a unique, thorough, scholarly survey of women writers and their works in Latin America. This Encyclopedia will be of interest to both to the student of literature as well as to any reader interested in understanding more about Latin American culture, literature, and how women have represented gender and national issues throughout the centuries.

La Novela Revolucionaria. Contribución a La Crítica

Book Description

En Bolivia, el 9 de abril de 1952, despus de tres das de combates los trabajadores derrotaron al ejrcito nacional, arrebataron el poder poltico a la oligarqua e impusieron un gobierno al servicio del pueblo. Naci la Revolucin Nacional, una de las tres ms grandes realizadas en Latinoamrica durante el Siglo XX. El ensayo La Novela Revolucionaria. Contribucin a la Crtica demuestra que novellas publicadas durante el perodo pre revolucionario, provocaron cambios ideolgicos en las conciencias de los lectores populares, y de ese modo contribuyeron a la Revolucin Nacional Boliviana. Otras novelas escritas durante los aos del gobierno revolucionario, procuraron crear una conciencia en favor de una revolucin socialista. Al hacerlo instauraron un nuevo subgnero novelstico: La novela revolucionaria boliviana. El ensayo est enfocado en el anlisis dialctico de dos categoras: Historia y novela. Ofrece referencias conceptuales formuladas por tericos (Karl Marx, Georg Lukcs, Gerald Genette y Robert Jauss) que privilegian una crtica literaria basada en las interconexiones entre el desarrollo social y la cosmovisin que se expresa en las novellas que refl ejan, de uno u otro modo, dicha realidad. El ensayo precisa que la novella boliviana posee la capacidad de tomar de la vida de los trabajadores sus experiencias ms esenciales, y las expresa artsticamente. Siendo lo ms relevante el propsito de ayudarles a convertirse de una clase en s a una clase para s. El mrito del ensayo del Dr. Guido J. Arze es haber sabido demostrar que las novellas revolucionarias bolivianas ayudaron a promover la lucha armada liberadora, usndolas como vehculos de concientizacin, y con ello consagraron un nuevo subgnero: La novella revolucionaria boliviana. Novela que difi ere en cuanto a su funcin de sus semejantes las novelas de la Revolucin Mexicana y de la Revolucin Cubana.

The Other Roots

Book Description

First published in 1936, the classic work Roots of Brazil by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda presented an analysis of why and how a European culture flourished in a large tropical environment that was totally foreign to its traditions, and the manner and consequences of this development. In The Other Roots, Pedro Meira Monteiro contends that Roots of Brazil is an essential work for understanding Brazil and the current impasses of politics in Latin America. Meira Monteiro demonstrates that the ideas expressed in Roots of Brazil have taken on new forms and helped to construct some of the most lasting images of the country, such as the "cordial man," a central concept that expresses the Ibero-American cultural and political experience and constantly wavers between liberalism's claims to impersonality and deeply ingrained forms of personalism. Meira Monteiro examines in particular how "cordiality" reveals the everlasting conflation of the public and the private spheres in Brazil. Despite its ambivalent relationship to liberal democracy, Roots of Brazil may be seen as part of a Latin Americanist assertion of a shared continental experience, which today might extend to the idea of solidarity across the so-called Global South. Taking its cue from Buarque de Holanda, The Other Roots investigates the reasons why national discourses invariably come up short, and shows identity to be a poetic and political tool, revealing that any collectivity ultimately remains intact thanks to the multiple discourses that sustain it in fragile, problematic, and fascinating equilibrium.

The Cambridge History of Latin American Women's Literature

Book Description

The Cambridge History of Latin American Women's Literature is an essential resource for anyone interested in the development of women's writing in Latin America. Ambitious in scope, it explores women's literature from ancient indigenous cultures to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Organized chronologically and written by a host of leading scholars, this History offers an array of approaches that contribute to current dialogues about translation, literary genres, oral and written cultures, and the complex relationship between literature and the political sphere. Covering subjects from cronistas in Colonial Latin America and nation-building to feminicide and literature of the indigenous elite, this History traces the development of a literary tradition while remaining grounded in contemporary scholarship. The Cambridge History of Latin American Women's Literature will not only engage readers in ongoing debates but also serve as a definitive reference for years to come.

Fundamentos de crítica literaria

Book Description

El acto crítico en la literatura propicia entender cómo el lenguaje significa y crea mundos, permite ver y comprender las tensiones sociales en pugna, que se filtran en los textos. Somos agudamente conscientes en este momento de la problemática del sexismo, el clasismo y el racismo, y por ello, Fundamentos de crítica literaria: una aproximación interseccional y antirracista se plantea como una herramienta para que lectores, estudiantes y profesores se sumerjan en mundos literarios y narrativos fijándose con detenimiento en las maneras como las categorías de raza, clase y género se materializan en las narraciones e incitan la visión crítica de las desigualdades e injusticias de nuestro entorno.

A Companion to Modern Spanish American Fiction

Book Description

With such figures as Jorge Luis Borges, Miguel ngel Asturias and Gabriel Garc a M rquez (both the latter Nobel Prizewinners) Spanish American fiction is now unquestionably an integral part of the mainstream of Western literature. This book draws on the most recent research in describing the origins and development of narrative in Spanish America during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, tracing the pattern from Romanticism and Realism, through Modernismo, Naturalism and Regionalism to the Boom and beyond. It shows how, while seldom moving completely away from satire, social criticism and protest, Spanish American fiction has evolved through successive phases in which both the conceptions of the writer's task and presumptions about narrative and reality have undergone radical alterations. DONALD SHAW holds the Brown Forman Chair of Spanish American literature in the University of Virginia.