Spiritual Rules and Protreptics

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1. Ten Spiritual Commandments. 2. Ten Rules of Right. 3. Ten Injunctions for Theosophists. 4. Sixteen Cautions in Paragraphs. 5. True Theosophists defined attitudinally, ethically, and philosophically.

The Ungrateful Man

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Meditation alone will not aid true spiritual development.

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Nature strives to contain Spirit and detain it here on earth, but Spirit ever strives to be freed from its earthly prison and return to its divine abode. The correct apprehension of Philosophy can help devotees to Duty and Truth to distinguish between Spiritual and Psychic wisdom. Only True philosophy, i.e., the Wisdom of Love, can help remove the weeds of dogma and correct the errors of human fancy. She is Penelope-Sophia, the loyal wife waiting for Odysseus-Christos’ return. Meditation proper is Spiritual Seership. It leads to conscious realisation of the Truths that underpin and sustain Cosmos and Man, Ideas and Forms. It bridges “the known” or phenomenon, with “the unknown” or noumenon, and instructs inwardly focused minds to identify with All, work with Nature, and live for All. Meditation is silent and unuttered prayer, the ardent turning of the soul towards the divine. It uplifts lower minds to higher realms of pure consciousness by catalepsy of the physical body. Then, by suspending the brain’s mechanical action, the Adept can see as clearly as Truth Itself. Such a deliberate withdrawal of consciousness is a magical skill that leads to the contemplation of celestial powers. Meditation is Theurgy or White Magic, Iamblichus’ Manteia, Apollonius’ and Plotinus’ Union to the Deity, Theosophy’s Raja-Yoga, the Ishvara of the ancient Yogin, the Samadhi of the modern. Psychic powers are far more subtle intoxicants than the gross physical energies. Despite of the name, clairvoyant vision is nothing but clear. Inactivity of the physical body does not indicate a condition of inactivity. For the uninitiated, “sitting for yoga” is invariably fatal. It encourages mental passivity which, in turn, aids the development of mediumistic states where one can readily fall prey to the caprice and malice of mischievous embryos of human beings. All yoga practices have disastrous results unless guided by a competent teacher. A Master of Wisdom advises concentration upon the Higher Self within the Heart: Place your love, trust, and confidence in your heart, and retire there when the battle grows fierce. Practise the habit of careful and constant concentration of mind upon every duty and act in life, and one day you might be able to kindle the Sacred Fire. But unless you are capable of unremitting devotion to truth and virtue, and of guarding Self against self, you are more likely to lose your way in the shadows than to see any real light or gain insight. Those who wallow in the mire of exotericism know not what it is to live in the world and yet be not of the world. Beware, O Lanoo! Read Nature’s Finer Forces. There are no extant works on effective and safe practice and those purporting to be are full of blinds. Which of the Two Paths wilt thou choose, O Lanoo?

The sparkle of that precious jewel, “Light on the Path,” has been dimmed by an indelible dark stain

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Mabel Collins may have been “studying” Madame Blavatsky for a time but she never “studied under” her, as she claims to have done. Madame Blavatsky is the origin and fountainhead of all Esoteric Knowledge and has the means and the necessary knowledge to teach. First, Coues proudly proclaimed himself “Perpetual President of the Esoteric Theosophical Society of America.” He then began casting slurs upon Madame Blavatsky and upon the Section of which she is the Head, in order to destroy one through the other. Attention, Theosophists! A little more “Light on the Path” for your benefit. For a woman to confess to the world that she has been deliberately deceiving it for years, simply for the pleasure of fathering the cause of a deception upon a supposed enemy, is a psychic riddle in itself. Those whom god wishes to destroy, he first deprives of reason. While the one publicly proclaimed her own untruthfulness in order to slander a hated enemy, the other jumped at the opportunity to gratify his wounded vanity at the cost of breaking the pledge and his word of honour to the Theosophical Society, which he took upon joining it. Members of the Inner Group of Theosophists are pledged by a vow of silence and secrecy to their Higher Self.

The Spirit of Life issues from the Earth’s North Pole

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The real earth is Gaia, the subjective matrix of the Universe. Our planet is Gaia’s emanation on the illusive plane of the most material world in the universe of being. The present creation, when the Earth was lifted out of the water by Brahma in the shape of a boar, is one of two great creations mentioned in the Puranas. For the waters had separated and the process of incrustation was started. What makes the world go around is the Divine Desire manifesting itself through the interrelationship of its parts. That Desire is not only beyond Spirit-Matter, it is the very cause of the two Opposing Forces. Earth is Solid Fire; water Liquid Fire; air Semi-spiritual Fire. The Spirit of the Earth is Hestia-Vesta, says Proclus. But Vesta is neither the spiritual, nor the physical Sun. She is animated by the Spirit of Life. Gaia’s symbol is Gamma, the third Greek letter and ideogram of both life eternal and of earthly life. The Jewish kabbalists, especially the practical Occultists who dealt with ceremonial magic, busied themselves solely with the spirits of the Planets and the “Elementals,” so-called. The Christian Theologians opposed the theory of the Earth’s rotation because, besides depriving our orb of its dignified central position in space, this theory produced an appalling confusion of ideas as to the Ascension, thus complicating the precise locality of heaven. The Spirit of Life issues from the Earth’s North Pole, flows around her, and becomes foul at the South Pole. In the first beginnings of human life on Earth, the only dry land was on the North Pole, where the gods rested and Fohat reigns ever since. Incrustation, however, is an incredibly slow process: the Earth did not reach her present grade of density until eighteen million years ago. The Earth needs solar heat and rain to make her throw out her germs. The procreative properties of Fire and Water, or Spirit and Matter, are symbols only of physical generation. In other words, Fire and Water are illusive emanations of their spiritual prototypes and, therefore, unclean and unholy. The Earth is now in her middle principle the astral body of self-importance, graspingness, and greed. Her present principle, the fourth in her septempartite constitution, is the astral body of desires (Kama-rupa) and of dark egotism (Ahamkara), the offspring of Mahat-Nous. The Earth will reach her true ultimate form, inversely in this to man, only toward the end of the Manvantara after the Seventh Round.

Ancient Oracles and Occult Prophecies

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The future is now. Might will be right, and envy will run riot among men. Heathen East will slay decadent West. Egypt shall be forsaken when divinity returns back from earth to heaven.

Idolatry and Zoolatry

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It is not the Philosophers, Sages, and Adepts of antiquity who can ever be charged with idolatry. The Greek and the Latin Churches especially, are as idolatrous and pagan as any other religion. With additional commentary by Simplicius and Taylor on why pagans deified dead men. and by Maximus Turius and Plutarch on statues and zoolatry.

Chesterfield’s choice thoughts to his son

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320 exhortations on becoming a man of the world and a gentleman. On vice and virtue, haughtiness and humility. Great learning without sound judgment carries us into pride and pedantry. Speak of the moderns without contempt, and of the ancients without idolatry. Never seem wiser, nor more learned, than the people you are with.