Gacha Girls Corps Vol. 1 (manga)

Book Description

UR-GUARANTEED—TO HAVE THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME! Ready for an adventure that's out of this world? We've gacha covered. Norl's a cutting-edge cutie with a cutting edge who's a cut above the rest. Heihachi's just your average mobile game addict with a whale-sized hole in his wallet. But one day, he pulls an item that pulls him into another world, spinning his life around with a spin of the gacha. Attacked by monsters, and left without options, Heihachi does what he knows best—roll gacha! To his surprise, he watches his unit materialize before his eyes. Heihachi's used to seeing cute girls pop up on his phone, but he's never seen one pop out of his phone! Join him on his quest to collect OP UR QTs! (That's Overpowered Ultra Rare Cuties.)

Gacha Girls Corps Vol. 3 (manga)

Book Description

JOIN THESE CUTE—BUT OVERPOWERED—GIRLS ON A GACHA FANTASY IN ANOTHER WORLD! After reaching the royal capital, Heihachi's party had a pretty rough time. First they fought in the arena after their mage, Estel, picked a fight with the hotheaded hottie, Dhius. Then, they farmed for Magigems day in and day out, not resting for a moment. So, is it finally time for them to take a break? No, the only breaking going on is the guild breaking the news that the party's gotta raise their rank or there'll be trouble—trouble for the guild, that is! Roll with the party as they do some Rank Up Quests, earning them access to a shiny new dungeon. Maybe they'll even answer the age-old question... Is it wrong to roll for pick up girls for a dungeon?

Gacha Girls Corps Vol. 2 (manga)

Book Description

EVEN IN ANOTHER WORLD, RATE UP IS A LIE! A mage who acts like a gremlin? Her magic is almost cheating—But don't you dare cheat on her! Welcome back to a gacha fantasy in another world! After surviving a murderous magigem marathon and dozens of duds in the gacha, Heihachi and Norl successfully welcome a new member to the team—the UR-Rank Mage Estel. As a mage, her area of effect magic really hurts. But what really, really hurts is her gremlin-like teasing. Our party heads to the royal capital in search of new material farming spots! Many temptations will try to tantalize them, like rival recruiters trying to part the party, and of course, the glamorously grand gamble of gacha! Can they get the equipment they need to survive in this world? Only fate can tell once the gacha is whirled!

Gacha Girls Corps Vol. 5 (manga)

Book Description

STACKED GACHA THAT PACKS A PUNCH With the addition of Shisuha, the priest with a powerful punch to the party, Heihachi and friends take on a raid quest. After defeating a clan of kobolds and gaining a gazillion gil as a reward, they look to settle down and set up a base in the capital, but it's out of the gacha and into the "gotchas" of real estate! If there's one fantasy more unobtainable than an isekai gacha life with beautiful girls, it's the fantasy of homeownership!

Gacha Girls Corps Vol. 7 (manga)

Book Description

GACHA CAN BE A REAL PAIN IN THE NECK! Luna is the catalyst that brought Heihachi into a new world. He's a Luna lunatic, if you will. And after overcoming gacha hell itself, he finally welcomes her into his party. Initially, she refuses to go on adventures and locks herself up in the house, but somehow he manages to lure Luna out and witness her power firsthand—! How can such a little vampire have so much power... but so little energy?!

Gacha Girls Corps Vol. 4 (manga)

Book Description

FOUR'S A CROWD! By rolling gacha in another world, Heihachi has pulled two busted UR characters. However, it seems their adventure could turn out to be a bust when they encounter even more busted enemies. So Heihachi busts out his phone and pulls the busty priest Shisuha with a 33-Roll Pick Up Gacha. Unlike his previous two UR characters, Shisuha is a beautiful, kind older girl... or is she? It's time to go wild in another world with a party that's out of this world!

Gacha Girls Corps Vol. 6 (manga)

Book Description

MO GACHA, MO PROBLEMS In the depths of the Goblin Dungeon, Heihachi meets a mysterious masked man. However, the encounter is cut short by a tall, looming, dooming monster! After a narrow escape, Heihachi receives a most foreboding notification— Remember Luna, who Heihachi tried to pull in his world before getting himself pulled into another world? Well, she's finally arrived... but as the reward of a Completion Gacha! Can Heihachi shoot for the moon and pull Luna in another world?!

My Dad's the Queen of All VTubers?! Vol. 1

Book Description

VTubers: These online entertainers have seen a surge of popularity, capturing the hearts of millions across the internet.But none of them have quite become as much of a household name as Kizuke Yai, the so-called 'Queen of VTubers.' Takashi, an average high-school student, is one of her biggest fans. He always tunes in to her broadcasts, and he might even have a little crush on her. Kizuke Yai is the real deal, an actual cute girl behind the screen, at least according to the rumors... But reality is often disappointing. The Queen of all VTubers is actually Takashi's dad.The hapless youngster stumbles upon his old man's dark secret, and soon finds himself flung into a nightmarish world of virtual song, dance, and endless cringe. Will Takashi succeed in getting his dad to quit, or will he find himself drawn deeper into the booming virtual scene despite this disillusionment?

Love After World Domination 1

Book Description

There are two sides to every coin...light vs. dark, good vs. evil, love vs. hate. Sometimes the line between the two grows thin...and it's so, so easy to cross. So it's no suprise that Fudo Aikawa, A.K.A. Red Gelato of the Gelato Five and hero to all people, just may have happened to fall for the villianess and member of the shadow organization Gekko, Desumi Magahara! But when opposites like these attract, there's more than a few obsticles to their love...! What's a pair like this to do?