Fundamentals of Gas-Surface Interactions

Book Description

Fundamentals of Gas–Surface Interactions presents the study of the surface itself and the study of the gas phase partner of the interaction in which physical or chemical transformation of the gas resulted from that interaction. This book discusses the study of the energy and momentum exchanges resulting from the gas–solid physical interaction in which either gas or solid phase properties can be measured. Organized into three parts encompassing 33 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the different sensitive physical methods for the study of surface topography, surface defects, and surface irregularities to an accuracy of a few Angstroms. This text then reviews the adsorption at very low coverage that has yielded to equilibrium analysis. Other chapters consider the measurement of surface area by adsorption and optical techniques. The final chapter deals with scattering processes including momentum and energy transfer. This book is a valuable resource for engineers.

Dynamics of Gas-Surface Interactions

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This book gives a representative survey of the state of the art of research on gas-surface interactions. It provides an overview of the current understanding of gas surface dynamics and, in particular, of the reactive and non-reactive processes of atoms and small molecules at surfaces. Leading scientists in the field, both from the theoretical and the experimental sides, write in this book about their most recent advances. Surface science grew as an interdisciplinary research area over the last decades, mostly because of new experimental technologies (ultra-high vacuum, for instance), as well as because of a novel paradigm, the ‘surface science’ approach. The book describes the second transformation which is now taking place pushed by the availability of powerful quantum-mechanical theoretical methods implemented numerically. In the book, experiment and theory progress hand in hand with an unprecedented degree of accuracy and control. The book presents how modern surface science targets the atomic-level understanding of physical and chemical processes at surfaces, with particular emphasis on dynamical aspects. This book is a reference in the field.

Modern Techniques of Surface Science

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Revised and expanded second edition of the standard work on new techniques for studying solid surfaces.

Heterogeneous Small Molecule Interactions on Surfaces Probed with Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Book Description

In recent years there has been a significant drive in the surface science to investigate heterogeneous processes under realistic conditions. In this dissertation the quantification and analysis of heterogeneous systems were explored by a variety of techniques to elucidate complex electronic and chemical properties of surfaces in the presence of fundamental gases. In particular, photoelectron spectroscopy operated under ambient pressures was employed to assess chemical reactions and phase transitions of model and applied surfaces. Specifically, this dissertation will focus on the impact of adsorption of water and oxygen on interfacial compositions of salt and metal oxide surfaces. First the extremely hydroscopic system of zinc bromide was investigated as a function of relative humidity with high pressure photoelectron spectroscopy. Advanced analysis of isothermal water uptake yielded results which quantified the energetics of adsorption. Innovative assessment of surface composition with lab-based photoelectron spectroscopy produced findings previously limited to synchrotron-based techniques. Second, the effects of water adsorption upon epitaxial metal oxide films structural relaxation through hydroxylation were investigated. Evidence based on experimental and theoretical observations suggest that various mechanisms of water dissociation may exist between manganese and nickel oxide films but also that the adsorption of water dimers at higher pressures significantly alters the reaction mechanism, promoting further hydroxylation events. Lastly, the photocatalytic properties of manganese oxides were explored under reaction conditions with exposure to light, water, and oxygen gases. Insights were made into the mechanisms of photo reactions with carbonaceous species with implications in photocatalysis. Overall this dissertation strives to highlight the analysis of complex heterogeneous systems with surface sensitive techniques focusing on in-operando conditions that are of broad interest to the surface science community and to provide enhanced understanding of important gas adsorption processes.

Photoelectron Spectroscopy

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This book presents photoelectron spectroscopy as a valuable method for studying the electronic structures of various solid materials in the bulk state, on surfaces, and at buried interfaces. This second edition introduces the advanced technique of high-resolution and high-efficiency spin- and momentum-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy using a novel momentum microscope, enabling high-precision measurements down to a length scale of some tens of nanometers. The book also deals with fundamental concepts and approaches to applying this and other complementary techniques, such as inverse photoemission, photoelectron diffraction, scanning tunneling spectroscopy, as well as photon spectroscopy based on (soft) x-ray absorption and resonance inelastic (soft) x-ray scattering. This book is the ideal tool to expand readers’ understanding of this marvelously versatile experimental method, as well as the electronic structures of metals and insulators.

Photoelectron Spectroscopy

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Gas-phase Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Computational Studies of Metal-thiolate Interactions: Implications to Biological Electron Transfer

Book Description

The research outlined in this dissertation focuses on understanding the role of metal-sulfur interactions as applied to bioinorganic and organometallic systems. This metal-sulfur interaction is analyzed using both gas-phase photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) and density functional theory (DFT). Gas-phase photoelectron spectroscopy is the most direct probe of electronic structure and is used in these studies to probe the molecular orbital energy levels of these model compounds, giving rise to an understanding of the metal and sulfur orbital interactions and characters (i.e. is an orbital primarily metal or sulfur based). Using density functional theory, orbital energies, overlap, and characters can be calculated and complement the PES experiments allowing for a detailed understanding of the electronic structure. The first part of my dissertation explains the design and implementation of a dual source gas-phase ultraviolet/X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (UPS/XPS). This gas-phase UPS/XPS can be used to quantify the bonding/antibonding character of frontier molecular orbitals, with specific applications to metal-sulfur interactions, allowing for a thorough analysis of the metal-sulfur interaction. The second part of the dissertation explores using model complexes, of the type Cpsub2subV(dithiolate) (where Cp is cyclopentadienyl and dithiolate is 1,2-ethenedithiolate or 1,2-benzenedithiolate), along with PES and DFT calculations to investigate the role of the pyranopterindithiolate cofactor and the dsup1supelectron configuration in modulating the redox potential and electron transfer in the active sites of molybdenum enzymes. This study shows that the dsup1supelectronic configuration offers a low energy electron transfer pathway for the reoxidation of the active site molybdenum center. The third part of the dissertation explores the use of model compounds that specifically focus on iron-thiolate interactions in biological systems, and the effect of electronic energy matching and sterics on the oxidation potential of this interaction. This study has shown that the metal-sulfur interaction is sensitive to the orientation of the thiolate ligand, and that during oxidation an"electronic-buffering effect"makes assigning a formal oxidation state to the metal center almost meaningless. All of these studies illustrate how the thiolate ligand can modulate the electron density and oxidation potential of the metal-sulfur interaction and the implication of this interaction to biological electron transfer.

Interaction of Gases with Surfaces

Book Description

Interface phenomena are most fascinating because of the mixing of different scales and the interference of diverse physical processes. This makes it necessary to use different levels of description: microscopic, kinetic, and gas-dynamical. A unified quasiclassical approach is used to answer practical questions dealing with inelastic gas-surface scattering, the kinetics of adsorption layers, the evolution of inhomogeneities and defects at the surface, the Knudsen layer, the development of boundary conditions on the kinetic and gas-dynamical levels, the determination of exchange and slip coefficients, and so on.

Operando X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Investigation of Ceria/gas Electrochemical Interfaces

Book Description

At solid-gas electrochemical interfaces, gas molecules interact dynamically with surface ions and electrons. A fundamental understanding of the technologically important interfaces can lead to better fuel cells and electrolyzers. In the bulk of typical oxygen-ion-conducting solids, oxygen vacancies and mobile electrons migrate under the influence of concentration and electrostatic potential gradients. Similarly, at gas-solid interfaces, these charge carriers migrate across an electrochemical double layer. The two-way traffic of ions and electrons contrasts sharply with conventional metal-based electrocatalysis, in which only electrons are transferred. This type of ion insertion reaction is ubiquitous in energy conversion and storage devices, such as lithium ion batteries, water-splitting membranes and solid oxide fuel cells. CeO2-[delta] (ceria) is a model oxygen-ion-conducting electrode, which is commonly employed to catalyze H2 oxidation and H2O dissociation reactions, as well as CO oxidation and CO2 dissociation reactions. In my thesis studies, I developed synchrotron-based ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to characterize the electrochemical double layer under reaction conditions. Concentrations and binding energy of oxygen ions, localized electrons, and surface reaction intermediates were quantified using core level and valence band X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as a function of electrochemical overpotentials. These measurements reveal that localized electrons and oxygen vacancies segregate persistently from the bulk to the surface, resulting in concentrations up to four orders of magnitude greater on the surface than in the bulk. Under water splitting conditions, H2O molecules incorporate rapidly into surface oxygen vacancies. Spectroscopy and electrochemistry results suggest that the electron transfer between Ce 4f states and OH adsorbates is rate determining. Under CO oxidation and CO2 dissociation conditions, on the other hand, carbonate is the stable adsorbate. The larger footprint of carbonate relative to hydroxyl adsorbate gives rise to adsorbate-adsorbate interactions, resulting in a coverage-dependent reaction pathway. Lastly, measurement of surface dipole potential energy in both cases reveals intrinsic dipole moments of adsorbates as the origin of electrostatic potential gradient near the surface. Combined, these in-situ investigations unravel the electrochemical reaction pathway, particularly the role of point defects at ceria/gas interfaces, and establish a rational path towards enhancing the efficacy of oxide electrocatalysts.