GB 19152-2003 English-translated version

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GB 19152-2003 Microbiological Examination of Food Hygiene-Examination of Shigella English-translated version

GB 19152-2016 Translated English of Chinese Standard. GB19152-2016

Book Description

This Standard specifies the photometric characteristic, test methods and inspection rules for the motor vehicle headlamps equipped with filament lamps, gas-discharge light sources or LED modules, emitting a symmetrical passing beam and/or a driving beam. This Standard applies to headlamps equipped with filament lamps, gas-discharge light sources or LED modules, emitting a symmetrical passing beam and/or a driving beam for L-type motor vehicles.

List of English-translated Chinese standards 2003

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HTTPS://WWW.CODEOFCHINA.COM EMAIL:[email protected] "Codeofchina Inc., a part of TransForyou (Beijing) Translation Co., Ltd., is a professional Chinese code translator in China. Now, Codeofchina Inc. is running a professional Chinese code website, Through this website, Codeofchina Inc. provides English-translated Chinese codes to clients worldwide. About TransForyou TransForyou (Beijing) Translation Co., Ltd., established in 2003, is a reliable language service provider for clients at home and abroad. Since our establishment, TransForyou has been aiming to build up a translation brand with our professional dedicated service. Currently, TransForyou is the director of China Association of Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS); the committeeman of Localization Service Committee / Translators Association of China (TAC) and the member of Boya Translation Culture Salon (BTCS); and the field study center of the University of the University of International Business & Economics (UIBE) and Hebei University (HU). In 2016, TransForyou ranked 27th among Asian Language Service Providers by Common Sense Advisory. "

List of English-translated Chinese standards (GB)

Book Description

HTTPS://WWW.CODEOFCHINA.COM EMAIL:[email protected] "Codeofchina Inc., a part of TransForyou (Beijing) Translation Co., Ltd., is a professional Chinese code translator in China. Now, Codeofchina Inc. is running a professional Chinese code website, Through this website, Codeofchina Inc. provides English-translated Chinese codes to clients worldwide. About TransForyou TransForyou (Beijing) Translation Co., Ltd., established in 2003, is a reliable language service provider for clients at home and abroad. Since our establishment, TransForyou has been aiming to build up a translation brand with our professional dedicated service. Currently, TransForyou is the director of China Association of Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS); the committeeman of Localization Service Committee / Translators Association of China (TAC) and the member of Boya Translation Culture Salon (BTCS); and the field study center of the University of the University of International Business & Economics (UIBE) and Hebei University (HU). In 2016, TransForyou ranked 27th among Asian Language Service Providers by Common Sense Advisory. "

Travels in Four Dimensions

Book Description

Does time really flow, or is that simply an illusion? Did time have a beginning? What does it mean to say that time has a direction? Do space and time really exist, or are they simply the constructions of our minds? Robin Le Poidevin provides a clear, witty, and stimulating introduction to these deep questions, and many other mind-boggling puzzles and paradoxes. No prior knowledge of philosophy is required to enjoy this book. The universe might seem very different after reading it.

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals-induced Metabolic Disorders and Treatment Strategies

Book Description

This volume offers a detailed and comprehensive analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs), covering their occurrence, exposure to humans and the mechanisms that lead to the parthogenesis of EDCs-induced metabolic disorders. The book is divided into three parts. Part I describes the physiology of the human endocrine system, with special emphasis on various types of metabolic disorders along with risk factors that are responsible for the development of these disorders. Part II addresses all aspects of EDCs, including their role in the induction of various risk factors that are responsible for the development of metabolic disorders. Part III covers up-to-date environmental regulatory considerations and treatment strategies that have been adopted to cure and prevent EDCs-induced metabolic disorders. This section will primarily appeal to clinicians investigating the causes and treatment of metabolic disorders. The text will also be of interest to students and researchers in the fields of Environmental Pharmacology and Toxicology, Environmental Pollution, Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Biotechnology, and Drug Metabolism/Pharmacokinetics.

Landscape as Infrastructure

Book Description

As ecology becomes the new engineering, the projection of landscape as infrastructure—the contemporary alignment of the disciplines of landscape architecture, civil engineering, and urban planning— has become pressing. Predominant challenges facing urban regions and territories today—including shifting climates, material flows, and population mobilities, are addressed and strategized here. Responding to the under-performance of master planning and over-exertion of technological systems at the end of twentieth century, this book argues for the strategic design of "infrastructural ecologies," describing a synthetic landscape of living, biophysical systems that operate as urban infrastructures to shape and direct the future of urban economies and cultures into the 21st century. Pierre Bélanger is Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture and Co-Director of the Master in Design Studies Program at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design. As part of the Department of Landscape Architecture and the Advansed Studies Program, Bélanger teaches and coordinates graduate courses on the convergence of ecology, infrastructure and urbanism in the interrelated fields of design, planning and engineering. Dr. Bélanger is author of the 35th edition of the Pamphlet Architecture Series from Princeton Architectural Press, GOING LIVE: from States to Systems (, co-editor with Jennifer Sigler of the 39th issue of Harvard Design Magazine, Wet Matter, and co-author of the forthcoming volume ECOLOGIES OF POWER: Mapping Military Geographies & Logistical Landscapes of the U.S. Department of Defense. As a landscape architect and urbanist, he is the recipient of the 2008 Canada Prix de Rome in Architecture and the Curator for the Canada Pavilion ad Canadian Exhibition, "EXTRACTION," at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale (