Recent Advances in Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning

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The International conference on Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning is organised bi-annually by the Eindhoven University of Technology. This volume contains a selection of papers from the seventh conference that was held at De Ruwenberg Castle in Sint-Michiels Gestel, The Netherlands, from 2 to 5 July, 2004. Traditionally, the DDSS conferences aim to be a platform for both starting and experienced researchers who focus on the development and application of computer support in the areas of urban planning and architectural design. This results in an interesting mix of well-established research projects and first explorations. It also leads to a very valuable cross-over of theories, methods, and technologies for support systems in the two different areas, architecture and urban planning. This volume contains 22 peer reviewed papers from this year's conference that are organised into five sections: * Applications of Artificial Intelligence, * Visualisation fro Design and Decision Support, * Simulation and Agent Technology, * Design Research and Design Support Systems, * Geographical Information Systems. Together, these papers provide an excellent overview of the latest results in research and development of design and decision support systems in architecture and urban planning.

Droit de la finance alternative

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La finance est en crise ; mais elle est indispensable à la vie des hommes en société. Cependant, il serait abusif de considérer "la finance" comme un tout homogène. En effet, loin de la finance conventionnelle qui fait la une de l'actualité, il existe une finance dite alternative qui tente de placer et de maintenir l'Homme au centre de son projet et à l'horizon de son ambition. Cet ouvrage, premier du genre, se propose de présenter sous forme d'études réalisées par des spécialistes du droit financier, les manifestations de cette finance alternative, les outils, instruments et techniques juridiques qui existent et qui permettent de concilier finance et humanisme. À travers l'analyse des critères de développement durable ou religieux appliqués à la finance, des monnaies alternatives, du microcrédit, de la notation extra-financière, du mutualisme et du coopératisme en finance, du crowdfunding, des fonds éthiques, du financement associatif, du financement alternatif de l'habitat ou du soutien des collectivités publiques aux entreprises, ce livre fait, en France comme en Espagne, au Royaume-Uni, en Grèce et au Canada, un tour d'horizon complet de ce segment du secteur financier souvent méconnu et qui offre néanmoins aux Hommes de réaliser leurs projets dans la perspective d'un mieux-être collectif. Pour rompre avec l'idée que la finance n'est que spéculation et prédation.

Trade-marks Journal

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Documentary Protocols (1967-1975)

Book Description

"Documentary protocols (1967-1975) is the third part of a major project that ... also included two exhibitions (Documentary protocols I and Documentary protocols II) presented at the Gallery in 2007 and 2008. This ....[was] conceived and developed by Vincent Bonin ... The publication Documentary protocols (1967-1975) ... constitutes an exercise in the critical examination of the nature of curatorial work and research at the Gallery ... It is an attempt to grasp and describe ... the paradigm of self-determination in Canadian art that emerged in the mid-1960s ... and the rupture that occurred in the mid-1970s between certain aesthetic positions and political objectives."--"Exhibiting research".


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