Gestión y Evaluación Medioambiental (Iso 14001:2015)

Book Description

Aprender a determinar el contenido de un Estudio de Impacto e identificar los factores medioambientales adquiriendo los conocimientos básicos necesarios para poder evaluar los impactos ambientales, es decir, definir el tipo de medidas para la reducción de impactos, especificar el contenido de un Programa de Vigilancia Ambiental, conocer los conceptos fundamentales de la Gestión Ambiental, tener una visión global de las etapas necesarias para implantar un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental en la Empresa, comprender y ser capaz de aplicar los requisitos de la norma ISO 14001 y el Reglamento EMAS, e implantar, documentar, gestionar y mantener un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental.

Manual de Gestion de Riesgo Ambiental

Book Description

Manual de Gestión de Riesgo Ambiental o GdRA' es una obra de consulta con contenido técnico y no técnico –humanístico-, simple –de fácil lectura-; que nuclea conceptos, información sobre el controvertido tema ambiental. Esta obra es un texto de consulta para académicos, estudiantes, periodistas, empresarios y servidores públicos.

Manual para el desarrollo de ferrocarriles urbanos

Book Description

A nivel global, ciudades buscan desarrollar soluciones de transporte asequibles, ecológicas y socialmente responsables que puedan satisfacer las necesidades de conectividad de las crecientes poblaciones metropolitanas y respaldar el futuro desarrollo económico y urbano. Cuando los sistemas ferroviarios urbanos se planifican e implementan adecuadamente como parte de una red de transporte público más amplia, éstis pueden brindar vías rápidas de movilidad y acceso vital a los centros urbanos desde la periferias. Los servicios ferroviarios urbanos de alto rendimiento, cuando se abordan cuidadosamente en el contexto de un proyecto de desarrollo, pueden ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos brindándoles acceso a oportunidades laborales y servicios esenciales, tanto del entorno urbano inmediato como de comunidades vecinas. Este manual sintetiza y difunde conocimientos sobre planificación, implementación y operación de los proyectos ferroviarios urbanos para: i) destacar la necesidad de realizar estudios tempranos y planificar los proyectos, ii) contribuir a que los proyectos sean más sostenibles (desde el punto de vista económico, social y ambiental); iii) mejorar los beneficios socioeconómicos de los usuarios y el acceso de estos a distintas oportunidades; iv) maximizar el valor de la participación privada, cuando corresponda, y v) fortalecer la capacidad de las instituciones encargadas de la gestión e implementación de los proyectos. Se ofrece experiencia para lidiar con los desafíos técnicos, institucionales y financieros a los que se enfrentan los tomadores de decisiones de proyectos ferroviarios urbanos. Se reúnen los conocimientos especializados del personal del Banco Mundial y el aporte de numerosos especialistas para sintetizar buenas prácticas y recomendaciones basadas en experiencia global que no responden a intereses comerciales, financieros ni políticos, entre otros. El material presentado tiene como objetivo servir de guía imparcial para maximizar el impacto y afrontar los desafíos que conllevan los sistemas ferroviarios urbanos en las ciudades de países desarrollados y en desarrollo. No se brinda un enfoque único, sino que se reconocen las complejidades y los distintos contextos existentes cuando se aborda un proyecto de desarrollo ferroviario urbano; de ese modo, se apoya a las autoridades a prepararse para formular las preguntas adecuadas, analizar las cuestiones clave, llevar a cabo los estudios necesarios, aplicar las herramientas apropiadas y aprender de las buenas prácticas internacionales, todo ello en el oportuno momento del proceso de desarrollo del proyecto.

Guía para la aplicación de ISO 14001 2015

Book Description

El principal objetivo de este libro es contribuir a la comprensión de los requisitos especificados en la Norma ISO 14001:2015 y ayudar a las organizaciones a la hora de diseñar e implantar un sistema de gestión ambiental eficaz y eficiente. La guía se ha elaborado manteniendo la secuencia de los apartados de la norma, cuyo contenido se reproduce íntegramente acompañado de comentarios y ejemplos, que ayudan a entender los requisitos del modelo de sistema de gestión ambiental propuesto, como paso previo a su aplicación en el diseño o rediseño del sistema.

Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

The Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean of ECLAC presents a set of basic statistics on the economic, sociodemographic and environmental situation of the region during a specific time period. This edition of the Yearbook includes information available up to mid-December 2014, and it comprises four chapters. The first covers demographic and social indicators and continues to reflect special efforts to mainstream the gender perspective in statistical information and to encompass poverty-related topics. The second chapter presents economic statistics relating to trade, balance of payments and domestic prices, as well as national accounts. The statistical series are expressed in constant dollars. The third chapter provides quantitative information available on the environment. Given the abundance of data 'often diverse and sometimes conflicting' now accessible to researchers, special attention must be paid to technical aspects specifying the source of the data, their definition and coverage. This information is presented in the fourth chapter, which deals with methodology and metadata, supplementing the more specific information contained in the footnotes to each of the tables in this Yearbook.

Biodegradable Polymers

Book Description

Basic concepts on biodegradable biopolymer science are presented in this book, as well as techniques, analyses, standards, and essential criteria for the characterization of biodegradable materials obtained from biopolymers. The development and innovation of products and processes considering the environment are highlighted in this book. All of the applications described have been discussed from the point of view of sustainability. Additionally, this book highlights that biodegradability is a great burden when trying to replace, modify, and/or design existing products, and processes that are highly polluting. Finally, the present book concludes with reflections on the development of biopolymers in different areas, and some of their consequences depending on their biodegradability.

Environmental Impact of Mining and Mineral Processing

Book Description

Environmental Impact of Mining and Mineral Processing: Management, Monitoring, and Auditing Strategies covers all the aspects related to mining and the environment, including environmental assessment at the early planning stages, environmental management during mine operation, and the identification of major impacts. Technologies for the treatment of mining, mineral processing, and metallurgical wastes are also covered, along with environmental management of mining wastes, including disposal options and the treatment of mining effluents. - Presents a systematic approach for environmental assessment of mining and mineral processing projects - Provides expert advice for the implementation of environmental management systems that are unique to the mining industry - Effectively addresses a number of environmental challenges, including air quality, water quality, acid mine drainage, and land and economic impacts - Explains the latest in environmental monitoring and control systems to limit the environmental impact of mining and processing operations

Green Profits

Book Description

Green Profits covers two tightly connected topics, environmental management systems (EMS) and pollution prevention (P2), in a single volume. Authored by an environmental engineer and an economist/planner, Green Profits shows how to implement an EMS, especially ISO 14001, so that it leads to profitable pollution prevention innovations, and how to identify and implement pollution prevention measures in a sound strategic business framework. Green Profits provides the knowledge and tools for enterprise managers to achieve the benefits of both EMS and P2, and to do so in ways that fit in with existing management systems in their enterprises.Environmental management systems are planned and organized ways for an enterprise to manage its interactions with the environment, in particular those interactions that consume resources, degrade the environment, and create human health risk. Part I of Green Profits provides a thorough and practical understanding of the elements of EMSs in general and ISO 14001 in particular, tools and techniques for implementing an EMS and achieving ISO 14001 certification, and help with getting the implementation process started.Pollution prevention involves replacing process technologies that generate pollution with those that do not or that do so much less. It focuses on improving production processes to minimize waste rather than treating effluents or emissions, which add to costs. Part II of Green Profits provides tools such as step-by-step guides to conducting a P2 audit and energy and material balances for identifying P2 opportunities in an enterprise; examples of P2 practices in specific industry sectors; and a set of tools for assessing potential P2 investments from a bottom-line point of view.With this New Handbook -- · Bring your facility into compliance · Improve your corporate image · Reduce your company's environmental liabilities · Identify and save millions of dollars from pollution prevention projects This New Handbook Includes -- · A step-by-step approach to implementing ISO 14001 · A step-by-step approach to implementing Pollution Prevention · Contains nearly 100 useful charts and tables used by the experts in establishing environmental action plans, gap analyses, establishing an Environmental Management System · Contains dozens of useful charts and calculation methods with examples for evaluating the costs and savings to your company in implementing Pollution Prevention · Dozens of industry-specific case studies that you can learn and profit from · Shows you in stepwise fashion how project financing principles and environmental cost accounting methods, when coupled with EMS can save your company moneyThis New Handbook is unique because unlike other volumes that separately cover Environmental Management Systems and Pollution Prevention, you have it all in one single volume, written by Experts that are Practitioners.