Book Description
I've seen a lot of new business owners transition from the truckto the office without making any changes to their mentality, and this is a recipe for failure. They don't learn to think like anentrepreneur, and as a result, they wind up making decisionsreactively instead of strategically. I've seen business owners makemistakes such as: - Starting a business before understanding what it takes tosucceed.- Making business decisions based on feelings only.- Hiring the wrong people for the right job or hiring theright people for the wrong job.- Clinging to a "my way or the highway" mentality thatmakes them resistant to adopting new and essential tools.- Refusing to take full responsibility and blaming someoneelse for their failures.I wrote this book to help you avoid errors like these . . . errors thatcan destroy a new business and your great potential for growth.In these pages, you won't find the magic key to overnight success.What you will find are insights on the most important elementsfor building a successful business. Work on mastering these key aspects of owning a business, and you'll gradually transform bothyour company and yourself for the better