Getting Into Manifestation Zone

Book Description

Despite the power and consistency of these Universal Laws, why is it that some people still struggle to apply them in their daily lives? Why can it sometimes be difficult to apply these manifestation techniques in a way that yields consistent results... every single time, no matter what we ask for? If these Universal Laws are as "precise" as the laws of physics, then shouldn't they work one hundred percent of the time without fail for every single person on this planet? If you have asked these questions at some point in your spiritual journey, you're in for a real treat. Join bestselling author and spiritual explorer Richard Dotts as he returns with his latest and most anticipated book for this year, Getting Into Manifestation Zone - A Radical Way to Manifest 24/7 .In Getting Into Manifestation Zone, Dotts puts forth the radical premise that our results are inconsistent not because these Universal Laws do not work reliably all of the time. Rather, it is because these Universal Laws are unseen, and most people do not have an accurate conceptual representation of how they work. As a result, an individual can live his entire life not understanding the powerful nature of these unseen spiritual forces and how to tap into them. The solution then, according to Dotts, is to conceptualize these Universal Laws in a way such that they become visible to us. In his usual trademark style, Richard walks readers through a radical framework that allows us to clearly visualize the inner workings of these Universal Laws. More importantly, Richard shows everyone how to know where they stand in relation to these Universal Laws, and hence "foresee" the future they are about to create.As Richard explains, an accurate visualization of these Universal Laws is the first step. When we have an accurate framework through which to perceive these Laws, we turn these ethereal and unseen forces into something tangible and instantly perceivable by our senses. By cultivating a moment-to-moment awareness of where we stand in relation to these Universal Laws, we are able to focus our energies and manipulate these unseen forces in a precise manner that yields results every single time.In Getting Into Manifestation Zone, Richard presents a completely new framework for manifestations that allows one to accurately visualize these spiritual principles for themselves. Once an understanding and internalization of this framework is complete, the reader is taken through a series of exercises based on this framework to create an alternate reality for himself. The framework also answers many age-old questions about applying these spiritual techniques to create physical manifestations, such as: - Why is it that most people find it so difficult to create a new, desired reality? (The framework explains why most people perpetuate their existing realities by default, unless they know the right way to "break out" of this unconscious way of living.)- How did the spiritual masters throughout the ages create seeming miracles and manifestations out of thin air? (The framework explains how they are able to do so by immersing themselves entirely in the spiritual dimension and staying there.)- How can YOU spend most of your time in the spiritual dimension, and yet function effectively as a physical being in this modern world? - And more...

44 Ways to Manifest

Book Description

It's Time to Remove Limiting Self-beliefs, Banish Your Fears, and Attract Anything You Want in Your Life. Are you tired of reading book after book on Law of Attraction but still feeling stagnant? OR worse, going through the motions and still not living a life of purpose and passion of which you truly enjoy? Do you ever feel that deep down you were born for more? This spiritual book will take your life to places beyond your wildest manifestations. Why does it seem that some people live a purposeful life, while most of us feel stuck? It's simple. They know how to manifest the right way, and so can you. 44 Ways to Manifest is not quite magic but it's the closest you'll get to manifesting miracles. The author guides you on a powerful journey with a practical roadmap towards your dreams. This no-nonsense spiritual guide will help you unlock the truth behind REAL manifestation secrets to a better life.As you read you will discover unique manifestation rituals, the power of traditional African spirituality healing methods, and finally, the life-changing Law of Vibration to tap into the ever present positive flow of the universe. The 44 proven guidelines are presented in an adult picture book which gives an easy to read, fun learning style, as you dig deep and find out what your soul truly desires.Each page will help you escape from uncertainty, open the door to endless possibilities, and ultimately bring you one step closer to your calling in life. What you will find on this journey: - 44 proven ways to transform your life: An easy to read adult picture book. - How to Manifest the RIGHT way: Learn special manifestation rituals, old African spirituality traditions, and the powerful Law of Vibration. - Bust through limiting beliefs: Reprogram your mind to live the life you desire. - Raise your vibration: Elevate into greatness. - Become an expert manifester: To attract anything you want in your life. Are you ready to turn your dream life into an abundant reality?

Law of Manifestation

Book Description

LIMITED-TIME BONUS FREE EBOOK INCLUDED Do you have dreams you want to achieve in life that seem impossible? Don't worry, millions of people all around the world are experiencing the same frustrations as you. Conquer your goals the right way with the easy to digest instructions and guidelines found within this book. If you follow the simple, beginner-friendly steps in this book I guarantee you will start to see a positive change in your life, mind, and spirit. The fundamentals of the Law of Manifestation are not hard to learn or master. This is exactly where I see the biggest problem with people trying to chase their goals, many search for hours trying to find the "secret" or "hack" to get what they want when all they have to do is conquer the basics of their mind to see success. Fixing your perspective is the first and biggest step in seeing positive changes in your life which is why this book focuses on perfecting your craft. Mastering the fundamentals has not only worked for me, but for thousands of others who have tried them and have seen permanent success. Find yourself some time and learn the basics of manifesting what you want with just the power of your mind, and to do just that, you need this book. Interview with the Author Q - So, what makes this book so special? A - It's a mix of things, really. When I started learning the power of manifesting I was hooked but at the same time I was frustrated with the hard to follow guidelines most people were putting out. In this book, I wanted to cut off all the fat and get to the beautiful core of how anyone can harness manifestation magic for themselves. Q - Who is this book for? A - This book is perfect for beginners looking to manifest what they want into their lives. I made it simple to follow and I included exercises that can be used for whatever you're trying to manifest into your life. For instance, I had one reader write to me saying that they used these tips to focus on manifesting love and it worked! Another one came to my desk recently about how a man was able to manifest money for his family and it made me feel so happy. I love getting messages like that and I hope all future readers will also have a great experience with the book. Q - What exactly is inside of this book? A - It's a quick read but there is a lot to digest inside. Here's a preview of what you will learn... The Basics Of The Law Of Manifestation How To Live In The Present Moment How To Define Your Goals Mentalities To Adopt And Avoid The Secret To Lifelong Success What To Do If You Are Having Difficulty Achieving Your Goals When To Cut Out Negative Thoughts From Your Life The Benefits Of The Law Of Manifestation And Much, Much More! Click the BUY button and change your life Today! Download "How To Manifest Anything With The Power Of Your Mind" right now... and get a FREE BONUS EBOOK on Exactly How To Create A Powerful Mindset

Spontaneous Manifestations from Zero

Book Description

What if every single self-help book you read (including this one) produces immediate and lasting results in your life? What if there is a way to easily apply spiritual teachings and manifestation techniques from diverse sources to instantly dissolve longstanding problems, challenges and roadblocks in your life? Can you compress the time it takes for your physical manifestations from a few months to a few minutes or less?In his latest book Spontaneous Manifestations From Zero, the world's favorite manifestation author Richard Dotts lays the foundation by first explaining the Magic Transformation Process. Richard developed this process as an easy way for anyone to quickly integrate new spiritual teachings into their life and see fast results. Drawing on his own personal experiences and struggles with interpreting these esoteric teachings, the Magic Transformation Process bridges the gap between theory and practice by "transforming" any teaching into a form that is easily assimilated by our current belief system. The result is a high level of personal effectiveness and greatly improved success rates when learning any spiritual or self-help technique, such as those intended for instant manifestation or spiritual healing. Having laid this general groundwork for personal development, Richard moves on to explain why manifestations are not about taking a piecemeal approach. Many readers apply manifestation techniques in a piecemeal manner to fill up perceived voids in their lives. But as Richard explains, becoming an effective manifestor goes beyond just using these techniques when the need arises and neglecting them in other areas of your life. To become an effective manifestor, one needs to move towards an actual, holistic living of this material at all levels of their being instead of merely understanding it theoretically. To help readers do so, Richard expands upon the concept of timeless manifestations which he originally introduced in his book Playing In Time And Space. In this current book, Richard takes readers through a powerful series of inner exercises to "perceive our physical manifestations as the Universe sees it - at a single point in time." Most readers have a difficult time understanding why time and space boundaries do not matter to the Universe and how time is only a convenient illusion when it comes to our manifestations. Through the steps described by Richard, readers are guided to see why instant spontaneous manifestations are not just a fantasy but a definite possibility in our everyday experience. Next, Richard shares the Quick Statement Process, a powerful technique that allows readers to cut through any negative feelings, emotions or thoughts arising from particular situations in their own life. These negative feelings often delay and hold our manifestations back, which is why it is important that we break free from them as soon as possible. The Quick Statement Process allows one to dissolve any negative feelings of doubt without the need for any logical rationalizations or psychoanalysis. Just drop it and be done with them! Readers are in for a treat as Richard rounds up the book by showing readers how to "collapse" their perceptions of time and space - such that they are both living in their current reality and also a "future" reality where their desires are already manifest. He shares his latest insights on why worrisome and fearful thoughts just cannot exist when we "collapse the future into the now" and live in a state of perpetual bliss. This is the zero state from which spontaneous manifestations happen, and you can live it today!

The Manifestation Formula

Book Description

"You are what you think", '"You attract what you think about".These simple ideas have never had a practical explanation of how attraction and manifestation actually work so we can manage our thoughts to achieve our goals. Philosophers, teachers, scientists and ordinary people have been interested in manifestation concepts for centuries. But most people are still seeking practices that connect to the way we actually think and live. After hundreds of books, blogs and webinars, I decided to use my research expertise to analyze the traditional teachings, the quantum sciences and the evidence we see every day of successful manifestation. I knew something was missing between my thoughts and the results - with the inevitable struggle between positive thoughts and negative thoughts along the way. The usual advice is that we must have positive thoughts "most of the time" to manifest what we want. But no teaching could tell me what "most of the time" actually meant. So, I had to discover the answer for myself. So how do we have positive thoughts "most of the time? The answer turned out to be pretty simple. Everything we know about the universe is described with math formulas, and the same is true for how to manage our thoughts to achieve our goals. I looked at successful achievements and connected the dots to fill in the missing steps between our thoughts and ideas and achieving a goal successfully.You don't have to be 100% positive, and you can't get rid of all the negatives. You just have to know how you are thinking about your goal, positive or negative, and use the simple Manifestation Formula to help you achieve the successful balance between them.We humans also like to measure our progress, so I created the Thoughts Scorecard. We need to know our progress to reach the critical balance between positive thoughts and negative thoughts in order to enter the successful manifestation zone. AuthorRich Spitzer had a long career in communications and behavioral research. After retirement Rich discovered metaphysics concepts, including the law of attraction, manifestation and synchronicity. Rich applied his research expertise to find practical, modern methods to successfully manifest thoughts and ideas to achieve our personal goals.

Let The Universe Lead You!

Book Description

In Let The Universe Lead You!, bestselling author and spiritual explorer Richard Dotts reveals the steps to letting the Universe lead you in whatever you do. Imagine what your life would be like if you could simply hold an intention for something... and then be led clearly and precisely, every single time, to the fulfilment of your deepest desires. No more wondering about whether you are on the "right" path or making the "right" moves. No more second-guessing yourself or acting out of desperation - You simply set an intention and allow the Universe to lead you to it effortlessly! According to Richard, the Universe does not always give you want you want, but it always gives you the vibrational essence of what you ask for. Understanding this spiritual principle is the key to your physical manifestations. This is why so many people do not get what they ask for in words or prayers despite wanting it so badly, because they do not realize the true vibrational essence of their asking. Once you open your eyes to the true vibrational essence of your intentions, you'll see that the Universe always delivers a perfect match, every single time. Manifestations then become as simple as deliberately becoming a vibrational match to what you ask for until it happens in your outer reality!Let The Universe Lead You! is a groundbreaking book not only for fans of Richard Dotts but also for Richard himself. As he was writing this book, Richard manifested the perfect dream car for himself with all his desired options and features. He attributes this to the immense power of Reverse Manifestations, a technique which he introduced in Spontaneous Manifestations From Zero and expands upon in this book. Applying the process of Reverse Manifestations and connecting to the vibrational essence of his desires for himself, Richard was able to manifest his dream car in one Sunday afternoon. Two days later even before this book was completed, the car was sitting in his garage! Read about Richard's amazing car manifestation experience in this book and find out how you can do it for yourself with any intention that you set your mind to. These techniques are open and available for anyone's use, regardless of your current conditions or circumstances in life. They do not depend on willpower or luck. All it takes is a willingness to apply them in your life as described and to let your old ways of thinking and acting in this world go. When you give up the need to be in control and let the Universe lead you, that is when you'll finally be led to your longstanding manifestations. As Richard puts it, "I started writing this book holding only the intention of the car in my consciousness. Two days later, as I followed the exercises while describing them in the book, the car was mine. Even a part of myself was surprised although I've been doing this for the longest time! I was gently led to my dream car in one afternoon after six months of doing nothing on the outside."This is just a glimpse of what is possible when you practice the art of reverse manifestations, connect with the vibrational essence of your desires and allow yourself to be led by the Universe. The Universe always knows best, so let it lead you towards your manifestations!

Manifestation: Make the Law of Attraction Work for You

Book Description

Manifestation: Make the Law of Attraction Work for You Unlock the secrets to manifesting your dream life with "Manifestation," a transformative guide that empowers you to harness the full potential of the Law of Attraction! Are you tired of living an ordinary life and ready to step into your greatness? "Manifestation" is your roadmap to success, guiding you through practical techniques, powerful affirmations, and life-changing visualizations that will ignite your inner power and transform your reality. Inside "Manifestation," you'll discover: ✨ The Power of Visualization: Learn how to create a clear vision of your desired reality and manifest it into existence. ✨ Believe and Receive: Cultivate a mindset of unwavering belief and watch as the universe aligns to fulfill your deepest desires. ✨ Manifest Your Dreams: From love and relationships to career success and financial abundance, discover how to manifest every area of your life with confidence and clarity. ✨ Become Your Best Self: Overcome limiting beliefs, cultivate self-love, and unleash your full potential to become the person you've always wanted to be. ✨ Transformative Practices: Explore meditation techniques, affirmations, and daily rituals to keep your manifestation journey on track and accelerate your results. "Manifestation" is not just a book; it's a catalyst for profound change and personal growth. Are you ready to manifest miracles, achieve your dreams, and live the life you've always imagined? What Readers Are Saying: "A life-changing book that provides actionable steps to manifest your dreams. Highly recommended!" - ****** "I've read many books on manifestation, but this one stands out. Clear, practical, and inspiring!" - ***** "Manifestation is the key to unlocking your potential, and this book is the perfect guide. A must-read!" - ***** "I've already seen positive changes in my life after implementing the techniques from this book. Thank you!" - ***** Don't wait any longer. Click "Add to Cart" now and start manifesting your dream life today!

The Manifestation Trilogy

Book Description

THREE BEST-SELLING MANIFESTATION BOOKS-IN-ONE! Here's a breakdown of what included in this book: Book #1, The Manifestation Manifesto, introduces you to the subject of manifestation and contains over 20 excellent strategies to get what you want without the need to visualize anything. It's good for beginners and seasoned manifestors alike. It's full of secrets to rid yourself of possible mental and emotional obstacles to harness your startling manifestation mindpower. Book #2, The Manifestation Matrix, offers an easy, multi-step manifestation formula anyone may use to attain just about any realistic goal, including money, love and career success. However, it's not only about the formula. It helps you learn how to focus your mind on what you want. It teaches how to channel your manifestation power constructively. It contains ideas not common in other manifestation books. You will also learn why these ideas are valuable. Book #3, The Manifestation Mindset, takes you from a person who merely dabbles with manifestation to a person who truly lives it. This book centers around nine powerful manifestation strategies, which include specific and effective experiments to help affirm your belief in your power and get rid of doubt that stands in your way. Also featured: "The Manifestation Powerhouse Meditation," which helps you program your mind to radiate your desires to the Universe. Highlights: - life-changing meditations that reprogram your mind for success - how to identify and change beliefs that block manifestation - why your vision board failed and an easy, unique way to fix it - 9 ways to collect Vital Energy (chi, prana) to manifest things faster - ways to recognize your manifestation power with symbols and affirmations - an easy way to stimulate your heart chakra - to improve the quality of what you manifest - two magic words that put you in an energetic receiving state - five mini-experiments you can perform to prove your manifestation ability - the mental law that can ruin your success - and how to overcome it - how to use a "magic manifestation talisman" - and over a dozen more This original 3-in-1 compilation by Forbes Robbins Blair will make manifesting easier than ever! With this compilation, you will begin to manifest your way toward success effectively and quickly. These lessons work for thousands of Amazing Manifestation Strategies Series readers. Allow them to work for you. Scroll to the Look Inside feature to read more.

The Key to Living the Law of Attraction

Book Description

Use this key to unlock THE SECRET and live the life of your dreams... Following on from the hugely successful THE SECRET, this book is a simple 'how to' guide for using the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire. THE KEY explains not only what you need to know but what you need to do in order to attract what you want in your life. It addresses important issues of clarity, purpose and action. This thought-provoking guide will take you step-by-step through the processes of defining your dreams, goals and desires. And along the way you will gain a greater understanding of yourself - a sense of who you really are and why you are here. Your journey begins right here, right now. You can change your life, increase your awareness and empower yourself to create an amazing future - one that is filled with love, joy and abundance.

Manifestation Pathways

Book Description

Do you know that each time you ask for something, no matter what it may be, there exists an infinite number of pathways through which it can come into your life? And do you know that since there are infinite pathways to your good, things are always yours in the moment you ask for them, with no exceptions? Once you understand and apply this Universal truth in your own life, then all fears and uncertainties surrounding your manifestations melt away. The question becomes not whether something will eventually happen in your life, but when it will happen. Manifestations become as simple as knowing what you want, planting it into your future reality and letting your good be there... when you get there!Join bestselling author and spiritual explorer Richard Dotts in Manifestation Pathways, where he explains the fascinating science behind the manifestation pathways which are always available to us... no matter our current circumstances or what we ask for. In yet another illuminating look at these spiritual laws of manifestation, Richard draws on modern science and ancient spiritual teachings to explain why there are truly "no accidents" in this Universe, and why in the moment we ask for something (no matter what it may be)... the Universe has already identified an infinite number of manifestation pathways to fulfill our good. The key to fast and effective manifestations then involves the simple steps of (1) identifying, and (2) traversing one of these manifestation pathways that may initially be invisible to us. As Richard puts it, the biggest cause of delayed manifestations comes from stubbornly insisting that our good is delivered to us through a particular channel or method. Because of our continued insistence on a single pathway to the exclusion of everything else, we limit our own possibilities and close the doors to all the other ways through which our desires can be manifested in our lives. When we realize how an infinite number of pathways always stand between us and our desired good, manifestations become as simple as recognizing the paths of least resistance and then traversing them. Very often, some of the fastest and most direct pathways will be invisible from our limited human perspectives. Recognizing our paths of least resistance is not an intellectual activity. It does not require a weighing of pros and cons, or a consideration of which action is the "best" for us to take next. As Richard explains in Manifestation Pathways, recognizing our paths of least resistance is a "feeling" activity that involves using our inner senses.Imagine having a desire for something and then immediately intuiting (knowing) what the path of least resistance should be for that desire. When you allow the Universe to lead you in this manner and unfold the manifestation pathway of least resistance to you, then life becomes as effortless as knowing what you want, planting it in your future reality and letting your good be there when you get there... every single time! This book will show you the practical techniques to make it happen in your life.