Lost Race of the Giants

Book Description

An exploration of mythological and archaeological evidence for prehistoric giants • Examines the many corresponding giant mythologies throughout the world, such as the Greek and Roman titans, Norse frost giants, and the biblical Nephilim • Reveals recent finds of giant skeletons in the deserts of Saudi Arabia and India • Explains how giants passed on their sophisticated culture and civilization to humanity before being wiped out in the great age of cataclysms and floods Giants are a cornerstone of the myths, legends, and traditions of almost every culture on Earth. Stories of giants are often considered fantasies of the ancients or primitive attempts to explain natural phenomena, but archaeological discoveries of 10- and 12-foot skeletons--many of which have been suppressed--confirm the existence of a forgotten golden age of giants before recorded history. Patrick Chouinard examines the staggering number of corresponding giant mythologies throughout the world, such as the Greek and Roman titans, Norse frost giants, the Hindu Daityas, the biblical Nephilim, the Celtic Formorach, the Sumerian Anunnaki, and the multitude of myths in which the sky or world is held aloft on the shoulders of a giant. He links these stories to Atlantis as well as other legends of prehistoric civilizations lost to cataclysm and great floods whose survivors spawned the rise of ancient civilizations. The author reveals how physical remains of giant-size peoples have been found on almost every continent, including recent finds in the deserts of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and northern India as well as hundreds of excavations of giant mummies and skeletons across the United States, corresponding directly with Native American accounts of red-haired giants. He also examines reports from famous explorers such as Magellan, Sir Francis Drake, and Desoto of their encounters with giants on the North American continent. Revealing how giants represent the true earthborn race, Chouinard explains how they engaged in open conflict with the extraterrestrial gods who created humanity for forced labor and how they passed their sophisticated culture and civilization on to humanity before being nearly wiped out in the great age of cataclysms.

Giants Gods and Lost Races

Book Description

Giants Gods and Lost Races by Mary Sutherland It is beyond our comprehension that any of the story tales told to us as a youth could possibly be true. But what would you do if you were to learn that these stories may be based off events long ago forgotten in our history? Mary Sutherland, the author of "Giants Gods and Lost Races" takes you and your imagination back in time when giant humans walked the earth; Earthly rulers and gods were riding around on "flying carpets" warring with each other and - as the ancient people described- 'having battles by throwing thunder bolts back and forth.' "Giants Gods and Lost Races" takes you back to a time of 'celestial cities and air ships'; mountains rising from what seemed to be out of nowhere, destroying many and leaving others stranded on their snow covered peaks; strange gods and even stranger creatures walking around as half-man and half-animal. Up until only recently it was only through religious faith that we could even try to wrap our minds around God speaking to Moses from a burning bush or aiding him by parting a sea. Only through faith could we accept the creation stories; angels and fallen angels...even the concept of heaven or hell. "Giants Gods and Lost Races" is a compilation of several decades of research Mary Sutherland has dedicated her life to. It is her desire to challenge the readers' belief system and open his or her eyes to look outside the box and explore all the possibilities this life has to offer, as well as past and future life. After reading this book the reader will realize that we are never alone in life. We are surrounded by invisible beings that live in what Sutherland calls 'The Invisible Worlds. Yes, Margaret, faeries are real as are guardian angels and even earth angels; djinn; giants and little people; the hairy ones that some call Big Foot. Death is not to be feared or mourned, but a time of transition from one plane or dimension to another; reincarnation is a natural process of the soul incarnating back into another physical body to carry on its work and evolution...and you will all meet again. Sutherland, not only spends a lot of time out in the field doing research, but cramming through "Lost and Ancient Texts" that give close accounts of the War of the Gods, putting man right in the middle in an attempt to up the odds for successful battles. Just as today, the ancients watched the sky for the traveling back and forth of the gods flying about in their 'vimanas'. As you will see in this book, there is no doubt that these ancient people had a better understanding of flying crafts than we have today. "Giants Gods and Lost Races" will take you back to the time of Lemuria and Atlantis. It will explain the people; the cultures and religions. It will take you through their destruction and their attempt to rebuild the world after the great cataclysms. This book takes you through the Matriarchal or Nature Religions into and through the Patriarchal Religions. It was a time of beauty and magic on one side of the coin, yet on the other side a time of darkness, blood-letting and repression, both physically and spiritually.

Giants, Fallen Angels, and the Return of the Nephilim

Book Description

Are you prepared for what is about to happen? Giants, Fallen Angels and the Return of the Nephilim will discuss Biblical prophecies of giants on the earth, the Last Days demonic plot of engineering genetic hybrids, and what all of it has to do with Israel and the Middle East. In this book, you will receive answers to these questions and more Have tribes of giants ever walked this Earth? Why are there massive and precise prehistoric megalithic structures throughout the world? Was early man a Neolithic Stone Age caveman or did he receive knowledge from other sources? Are aliens actually fallen angels? Who are the Nephilim, and are they returning to Earth? Discover how important these questions are, from both a personal and global perspective. Read this book and open your eyes to the dangers that await mankind, and humanitys only hope.

There Were Giants Upon the Earth

Book Description

The crowning work of the best-selling Earth Chronicles series • Reveals the existence of physical evidence of alien presence on Earth in the distant past • Identifies and describes the demigods, such as Gilgamesh, descended from these visitors • Outlines the tests of this physical evidence of alien presence that could unlock the secrets of health, longevity, life, and death In whose genetic image were we made? From his first book The 12th Planet on, Zecharia Sitchin has asserted that the Bible’s Elohim who said “Let us fashion The Adam in our image and after our likeness” were the gods of Sumer and Babylon--the Anunnaki who had come to Earth from their planet Nibiru. The Adam, he wrote, was genetically engineered by adding Anunnaki genes to those of an existing hominid, some 300,000 years ago. Then, according to the Bible, intermarriage took place: “There were giants upon the Earth” who took Adam’s female offspring as wives, giving birth to “heroes of renown.” With meticulous detail, Sitchin shows that these were the demigods of Sumerian and Babylonian lore, such as the famed Mesopotamian king Gilgamesh as well as the hero of the Deluge, the Babylonian Utnapishtim. Are we then, all of us, descendants of demigods? In this crowning oeuvre, Zecharia Sitchin proceeds step-by-step through a mass of ancient writings and artifacts, leading the reader to the stunning Royal Tombs of Ur. He reveals a DNA source that could prove the biblical and Sumerian tales true, providing conclusive physical evidence for past alien presence on Earth and an unprecedented scientific opportunity to track down the “Missing Link” in humankind’s evolution, unlocking the secrets of longevity and even the ultimate mystery of life and death.

Ancient Giants of the Americas

Book Description

Did a race of ancient giants once inhabit the Americas? Do ancient megalithic stoneworks, out-of-place artifacts, DNA mysteries, and strange bones provide proof of their existence? Ancient Giants of the Americas reveals an array of astounding truths, including: How giants were a dominant feature of Native American origin myths. Extraordinary first-person tales about meetings with giant Native Americans. How early pioneers discovered the remains of ancient giants and a previously unknown civilization—and how the Smithsonian successfully covered them up. Analyzing the historical and archaeological evidence, Xaviant Haze provides ample proof that our ancestors in the ancient Americas were much taller and a lot more mysterious than we imagine. Their exploits inspired the Native Americans to keep oral accounts of these mysterious giants, who left behind strange artifacts, massive cities of burial mounds, and the remains of a vast copper-mining network. Who were these ancient giants? Did some really have six toes? Were some related to the elongated-skull peoples of Peru? Your view of American history will never be the same after going down the giant rabbit hole that is Ancient Giants of the Americas.

Ancient Giants

Book Description

Investigates physical evidence, history, and myths to reveal the lost race of giants that once dominated the world • Reveals suppressed archaeological and scientific discoveries supporting the existence of a worldwide race of giants • Examines giant myths and legends from ancient religious texts and literature from around the world • Includes findings from throughout Europe (Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Russia), the Middle East (Israel, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Iran), Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the Far East (China, Japan, Malaysia, and the Philippines) From the Nephilim and Goliath in the Bible to the Titans in Greek mythology and the Fomorians and Frost Giants in Celtic and Nordic lore, almost every culture around the world has spoken of an ancient race of giants. Giant footprints left in the geological bedrock, tens of thousands of years old, have been discovered in India, China, and the war-torn lands of Syria. Giant bones and full skeletons have been found in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, and Asia. Yet despite mounting evidence, mainstream science continues to consign these findings to the fringe. Examining global myths, historical records, megalithic ruins, and archaeological findings, Xaviant Haze provides compelling evidence for a lost race of giants in Earth’s prehistory. He explores myths that go back thousands of years, including those found in the world’s holiest scriptures, as well as medieval and modern myths, such as Geoffrey of Monmouth’s account of the first kings of Britain and the stories of giant bones unearthed by Allied soldiers during World War II. He investigates historical reports of ancient giants found in Ireland and the British Isles—the remains of which mysteriously disappeared shortly after their discovery. He explores the legends of giants in Russia and goes deep into the Far East, revealing the multitude of fascinating giant legends in China. Haze explains how giants were responsible for the megalithic wonders of Malta and how the early settlers of Australia discovered the remains of giants but these findings were suppressed by the Royal Academies. He also explores the mythic origins of the giants: Were they the hybrid results from genetic experiments of ancient aliens or from the interbreeding of the fallen angels with the daughters of man? Covering legends and finds from throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the Far East, Haze also presents--in its entirety--The Book of Giants, a portion of the Dead Sea Scrolls suppressed due to its overwhelming support for the existence of giants in antiquity.

Giants in the Earth

Book Description

A narrative of pioneer hardship and heroism on the boundless Dakota prairie, as a Norwegian-American immigrant family passed through Ellis Island and worked to eke out a living in America's midwest.

The Red-Haired Giants

Book Description

The Red-Haired GiantsAtlantis in North America “And the Gods ruled from Akakor. They ruled over men and earth with ships faster than birds' flight, ships that reached their goal without sails or oars and by night as well as by day. They had magic stones to look into the distance so that they could see cities, rivers, hills and lakes. Whatever happened on earth or in the sky was reflected in the stones. They had great knowledge and could suspend the heaviest stones, fling lightning or melt rocks.” Prior to the upcoming cataclysms, the ancient gods left earth for safer places. According to Tatunca Nara, “After the former Masters left in the year 'Zero', a global catastrophe occurred. Before leaving, they gave the sacred knowledge to their earthbound offspring to protect until their return. These people were known as the “Sacred Record Keepers”. The pre-diluvium patriarchs took shelter in underground cities, underground tunnel systems and the high mountains above flood level. When the star visitors returned from the heavens, these grateful patriarchs gave them their loyalty and deified them as gods. In her book, The Secret Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky links Noah to Enoch, describing the family of Noah as bearing the appellations of the giant Titans and Atlanteans. In ancient times the world was seen as two parts with one part mirroring the other. The lands of the east, where the sun rose, were known as the Upper World. Their inhabitants were known as the Talans. The lands of the west, where the sun set, were called the Lower or Under World. North America, known as Atala or Atalan was ruled by the Nagas, a class of semi divine beings. The Mahabharata describes them as a handsome race who could either take on the form of human or serpentine. They were not only a civilized people, but a maritime power. Indian myths and legends mention that many deities (exalted men) visited the western land of Atalan. One of these dignitaries was Vishnu who went there to help the survivors rehabilitate themselves from the ravages of a flood that nearly destroyed Atlantis. The Toltec and Aztecs called Vishnu 'Kukulkan or Quetzalcoatl'; the Mayans called him Kukulkan, and the Inca called him Guculmatz. Evidence strongly supports that races of Atlantean giants lived in North America and were the advent of the smaller races of modern men and women. As thousands of earthen burial mounds attest, constant war against one another caused their numbers to diminish and the smaller, but more numerous races eventually subjugated them."The Red-Haired Giants: Atlantis in North America" tells the story of the red-haired giants fall from grace and their eventual extermination.

Giants: Men of Renown

Book Description

Denver Michaels runs down the many stories of giants around the world and testifies to the reality of their existence in the past. Chapters and subchapters on: Giants in the Bible; Extrabiblical Sources; The Book of Enoch; The Kebra Nagast; The Book of Giants; The Book of Moses; Apocryphal Texts; Mesoamerican & South American Stories; Tales from the Maya; Stories from the South Pacific; New Zealand; Hawaiian Giants; Giants of Ancient America; The Stonish Giants; Mescalero Tales; The Nahullo; Mastodons, Mammoths & Mound Builders; Pawnee Giants; The Si-Te-Cah; Tsul ‘Kalu; Native Legends: Giants or Bigfoot?; Greek Mythology; Primordial Giants; The Titans & Olympians; The Hyperboreans; European Myths; The Giants of Britain & Ireland; Norse Giants; Myths from the Indian Subcontinent; Daityas, Rakshasas, & More; Jainism: Giants & Inconceivable Lifespans; It All Goes Back to Sumer; Ullikummi; The Conquistadors Meet the Sons of Anak; Hernando de Soto; Cabeza de Vaca; Vázquez de Coronado; Other Spanish Explorers; More New World Encounters; Amerigo Vespucci and the Island of the Giants; Jean Ribault; Captain John Smith; The Bigfeet & The Long Ears; Easter Island; Ancient America: We Have it All Wrong; The Allegewi & The Adena; The Seri; Cliff-Dwelling Giants; The Giants of the Channel Islands; The Wa-gas & Ancient Giants; Putting it All Together; The Builders; Strange Tablets & Other Artifacts; Where is the Evidence?; Ancient Astronaut Theorists Say Yes!; more. Tons of illustrations with an 8-page color section.

The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America

Book Description

A study of the substantial evidence for a former race of giants in North America and its 150-year suppression by the Smithsonian Institution • Shows how thousands of giant skeletons have been found, particularly in the Mississippi Valley, as well as the ruins of the giants’ cities • Explores 400 years of giant finds, including newspaper articles, first person accounts, state historical records, and illustrated field reports • Reveals the Stonehenge-era megalithic burial complex on Catalina Island with over 4,000 giant skeletons, including kings more than 9 feet tall • Includes more than 100 rare photographs and illustrations of the lost evidence Drawing on 400 years of newspaper articles and photos, first person accounts, state historical records, and illustrated field reports, Richard J. Dewhurst reveals not only that North America was once ruled by an advanced race of giants but also that the Smithsonian has been actively suppressing the physical evidence for nearly 150 years. He shows how thousands of giant skeletons have been unearthed at Mound Builder sites across the continent, only to disappear from the historical record. He examines other concealed giant discoveries, such as the giant mummies found in Spirit Cave, Nevada, wrapped in fine textiles and dating to 8000 BCE; the hundreds of red-haired bog mummies found at sinkhole “cenotes” on the west coast of Florida and dating to 7500 BCE; and the ruins of the giants’ cities with populations in excess of 100,000 in Arizona, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Louisiana. Dewhurst shows how this suppression began shortly after the Civil War and transformed into an outright cover-up in 1879 when Major John Wesley Powell was appointed Smithsonian director, launching a strict pro-evolution, pro-Manifest Destiny agenda. He also reveals the 1920s’ discovery on Catalina Island of a megalithic burial complex with 6,000 years of continuous burials and over 4,000 skeletons, including a succession of kings and queens, some more than 9 feet tall--the evidence for which is hidden in the restricted-access evidence rooms at the Smithsonian.