Glacial Marine Sedimentation

Book Description

The papers in this collection are based on a symposium held at the 1988 annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, with the objective of identifying sedimentary criteria and facies models that can be used to characterize the glacial-climate setting of ancient sedimentary sequences. Includes papers on Antarctica, Alaska, and Ellesmere Island, and a brief literature review.

Glacial-Marine Sedimentation

Book Description

This volume of 18 papers describes the glacial-marine sedimentary environment in a variety of temporal and spatial settings. The volume's primary emphasis is the characteri zation of Quaternary glacial-marine sedimentation to show (1) the significant differences that exist between glacial marine environments in different geographic settings and (2) their resulting glacial-marine deposits and facies. Addi tionally, papers describing ancient glacial-marine environ ments are also presented to illustrate lithified analogs of the Quaternary deposits. With the Doctrine of Uniformitarianism in mind (the present is the key to the past), it is hoped that this volume will serve to expand the horizons of geologists working on the rock record, especially those whose primary criteria for recognition of ancient glacial-marine environments is the presence of dropstones in a finer-grained matrix. As the papers presented here show, diamictite is only one of many types of deposits that form in the glacial-marine sedimentary environment. Papers presented in this volume examine the Quaternary glacia1-marine sedimentary picture in subarctic Alaska, Antarctica, the Arctic Ocean, the Kane Basin, Baffin Island, the Puget-Fraser Lowland of Washington and British Columbia, and the North Atlantic Ocean. Ancient glacia1-marine depos its described are the Neogene Yakataga Formation of southern Alaska, the Late Paleozoic Dwyka Formation of the Karoo Basin of South Africa, and the Precambrian Mineral Fork Formation of Utah. For continuity, a paper summar1z1ng the temporal and spatial occurrences of glacial-marine deposits is also presented.

Glacial Marine Sediments and Sedimentation

Book Description

Contains 728 references. Introduction deals with terminology, distinguishing characteristics and models of glacial marine sedimentation.

Stratigraphy and Glacial-Marine Sediments of the Amerasian Basin, Central Arctic Ocean

Book Description

Thirteen correlatable lithostratigraphic units are recognized in cores recovered from the central Artic Ocean. The stratigraphic units range in age from late Miocene to Holocene and can be correlated over several hundred thousand square kilometers. Six intervals of increased glacial ice-rafting are defined. A classification of glacial-marine sediment based on silt-clay histograms characterizes 4 classes. This is compared to non-Arctic glacial-marine sediment. (Author).

Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences

Book Description

Globally growing demand of energy and mineral resources, reliable future projection of climate processes and the protection of coasts to mitigate the threats of disasters and hazards require a comprehensive understanding of the structure, ongoing processes and genesis of the marine geosphere. Beyond the “classical” research fields in marine geology in current time more general concepts have been evolved integrating marine geophysics, hydrography, marine biology, climatology and ecology. As an umbrella the term “marine geosciences” has been broadly accepted for this new complex field of research and the solutions of practical tasks in the marine realm. The “Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences” comprises the current knowledge in marine geosciences whereby not only basic but also applied and technical sciences are covered. Through this concept a broad scale of users in the field of marine sciences and techniques is addressed from students and scholars in academia to engineers and decision makers in industry and politics.

Recent Marine Sediments

Book Description