Global Jurisprudential Apartheid in the Twenty-First Century

Book Description

In Global Jurisprudential Apartheid in the Twenty-First Century: Universalism and Particularism in International Law, the contributors argue that the world is witnessing the formation of a global jurisprudential apartheid despite the promotion of democracy, equality, human rights, and humanitarianism. Examining organisations such as international criminal courts, the World Trade Organisation, the United Nations Security Council, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, the contributors unpack the challenges of global jurisprudential apartheid. In particular, they analyse the ways in which these organizations hold and contribute to the increasing inequalities between the Global North and the Global South. Ultimately, Global Jurisprudential Apartheid in the Twenty-First Century shows that globalisation is a variant of the apartheid era particularism and not universalism, working to advantage the Global North while disadvantaging the Global South under the pretense of humanitarianism.

Social and Legal Theory in the Age of Decoloniality

Book Description

Right from the enslavement era through to the colonial and contemporary eras, Africans have been denied their human essence portrayed as indistinct from animals or beasts for imperial burdens, Africans have been historically dispossessed and exploited. Postulating the theory of global jurisprudential apartheid, the book accounts for biases in various legal systems, norms, values and conventions that bind Africans while affording impunity to Western states. Drawing on contemporary notions of animism, transhumanism, posthumanism and science and technology studies, the book critically interrogates the possibility of a jurisprudence of anticipation which is attentive to the emergent New World Order that engineers human beings to become nonhumans while nonhumans become humans. Connecting discourses on decoloniality with jurisprudence in the areas of family law, environment, indigenisation, property, migration, constitutionalism, employment and labour law, commercial law and Ubuntu, the book also juggles with emergent issues around Earth Jurisprudence, ecocentrism, wild law, rights of nature, Earth Court and Earth Tribunal. Arguing for decoloniality that attends to global jurisprudential apartheid., this tome is handy for legal scholars and practitioners, social scientists, civil society organisations, policy makers and researchers interested in transformation, decoloniality and Pan-Africanism.

Consumerism, Sustainability, and Happiness

Book Description

What would it take to have a world where everyone had enough? How can we eliminate poverty, leave enough for nonhuman nature, and increase well-being? This book explores ways the reader can live their life, engage with cultural change, and engage with policy making, to build that world. We are presently on a path to environmental destruction, as our societies are driven by forces which leave many people without what they need to meet their basic needs, while also wasting vast resources on an unsatisfying consumer economy. The current system does not lead to a sense of wellbeing, even among those who are relatively materially comfortable. This book focuses on solutions for building a world of enough. It explains how we can reorient our thinking and take the steps necessary to transform our social systems. It looks at ways to reduce the insatiable desire for status and consumption that drive our economies. It focuses on emerging approaches to economics that take well-being as their goal and explores the policies that are crucial for getting there, such as reducing inequality, investing in public goods, and reducing work time. The book arms the reader with a variety of tools for building a world where everyone has enough for a good life.

Corporate Governance in Namibia

Book Description

This book will include a review of the research dealing with the drivers and consequences of Namibia’s corporate governance. The focus will be on Namibian-specific research but this will probably be complemented with international references.


Book Description

Disserted is a groundbreaking, comprehensive book that guides LL.B students on how to craft a first-class dissertation. It tackles head-on the triple crisis faced by law students in developing nations - a crisis of doubting, thinking, and writing This crisis manifests itself in the form of poorly written dissertations. This is the first book to show how to practically assemble a dissertation from the perspective of decoloniality. This makes Disserted uniquely suited to students from the Global South, considering that decoloniality empowers them to overcome the triple crisis. Indeed, its originality in presenting practical advice and decolonial theory sets this book apart from the handful of guides on LL.B dissertations. Existing resources and manuals are filled with generalities and lack in practicality. Written in student-friendly prose, its 23 chapters cover a wide range of topics. including research proposals, topic selection, purpose and problem statements. literature reviews, digital tools and models powered by artificial intelligence (AI), the basics of legal prompt engineering, plagiarism, grammar, and research methods. Each chapter offers secrets and deep insights, drawing from the author's extensive experience in supervising LL.B dissertations and research papers, notably in Southern Africa and India. Though primarily targeting LL.B students, Disserted also serves as an essential companion and indispensable resource for supervisors, law professors, jurists, and anyone interested in unraveling the complexities of writing dissertations. Overall, Disserted underscores the importance of structured dissertation writing coupled with a decolonized research approach that subverts dominant perspectives, exposes the role of Al and technology in entrenching the coloniality of knowledge, and fosters a broader understanding of law.

Financial Inclusion and Digital Transformation Regulatory Practices in Selected SADC Countries

Book Description

This book investigates the regulation and promotion of financial inclusion and provides a comparative analysis of the regulation, promotion and enforcement of the relevant laws in the SADC (in particular, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe), as well as the challenges of financial inclusion. In turn, it evaluates financial inclusion in the context of specific challenges faced by unbanked and underbanked customers, who are easy targets for cyber criminals because they tend to have lower levels of digital literacy. The book presents novel discussions that identify the challenges and flaws associated with the enforcement of financial inclusion laws and related measures intended to promote financial inclusion in the SADC region. This is primarily done in order to reveal the current strengths and weaknesses of financial inclusion laws in relation to certain aspects of the companies, securities and financial markets in the region. For example, there is no common financial inclusion instrument/law that is effectively and uniformly applied throughout the SADC. This has impeded the enforcement authorities’ efforts to effectively combat financial exclusion across the region.The book is likely the most comprehensive study to date on the regulation and promotion of financial inclusion in the SADC region and fills a major gap in SADC and African legal jurisprudence. As such, it offers a valuable asset for policymakers, attorneys, bankers, securities (share) holders, and other market participants who deal with financial inclusion, as well as undergraduate and graduate students interested in the topic.

Re-invigorating ubuntu through water: A human right to water under the Namibian Constitution

Book Description

This book argues for the existence of a court enforceable human right to water that is implied from the right to life in Article 6 of the Namibian Constitution. The book builds this argument by using tools of constitutional interpretation and with the aid of comparative materials. As such, the African value of ubuntu is invoked. Ubuntu – which is legally developed through its four key principles of community, interdependence, dignity and solidarity – is anchored in a novel approach to Namibian constitutional interpretation that is conceptualised as ‘re-invigorative constitutionalism’. The book advances the ‘AQuA’ (adequacy – quality – accessibility) content of water and articulates the correlative duties within the context of the respect – protect – fulfil trilogy, which are duties imposed upon the Namibian state as the primary duty bearer for a right to water. These duties include irreducible essential content duties that are argued to be immediate when compared to general obligations. In giving substance to duties that flow from a right to water, international law interpretative resources are also relied upon, including General Comment No 15 by the United Nations Committee on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights, the African Commission’s Principles and Guidelines on Social and Economic Rights, and the World Health Organisation’s Drinking-water Quality Guidelines. Moreover, the book addresses various justiciability concerns that may arise, arguing that Namibian courts are institutionally competent and legitimate in enforcing right to water claims through the application of the bounded deliberation model. Additionally, because the Principles of State Policy in Article 95 of the Namibian Constitution are rendered court unenforceable by Article 101, the argument is made that this does not undermine the claim that a right to water, anchored in the right to life, can be enforced through the courts. - Dr Ndjodi Ndeunyema Modern Law Review Early Career Research Fellow, University of Oxford.

The Gambia in transition: Towards a new constitutional order

Book Description

The Gambia opened a new chapter in her history after 22 years of authoritarian rule under former dictator Yahya Jammeh, heralding the promise of a ‘New Gambia.’ The country is at a critical juncture in its transition from Jammeh’s autocratic rule to a fully-fledged democracy. The ambitious transitional processes include the Truth Reparations and Reconciliation Commission to create an official record of past abuses and crimes, the Constitutional Review Commission to draft a new Constitution, and the permanent National Human Rights Commission to build a human rights culture. The Gambia in transition: Towards a new constitutional order is a diverse collection of timely, rigorous, and insightful essays on human rights, constitutional reform, rule of law and democratic governance. It serves as an important reference for academics, policymakers, researchers, civil society organisations, human rights defenders, learners, and the public at large.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Recolonisation of Africa

Book Description

This book argues that the fourth industrial revolution, the process of accelerated automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices via digital technology, will serve to further marginalise Africa within the international community. In this book, the author argues that the looting of Africa that started with human capital and then natural resources, now continues unabated via data and digital resources looting. Developing on the notion of "Coloniality of Data", the fourth industrial revolution is postulated as the final phase which will conclude Africa’s peregrination towards recolonisation. Global cartels, networks of coloniality, and tech multinational corporations have turned big data into capital, which is largely unregulated or poorly regulated in Africa as the continent lacks the strong institutions necessary to regulate the mining of data. Written from a decolonial perspective, this book employs three analytical pillars of coloniality of power, knowledge and being. Highlighting the crippling continuation of asymmetrical global power relations, this book will be an important read for researchers of African studies, politics and international political economy. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license