Win Your War

Book Description

You're already in a war. It's time to fight. This book will equip you with tools to protect the five fronts of spiritual battle: your relationship with God, your identity, your family and friends, your church, and the world. Win Your War is a practical marriage, parenting, and relationship book that is grounded in the Word of God and focused on recognizing Satan's role in your life. Mark and Grace Driscoll help you understand the power Jesus gives you to overcome the enemy's attacks. Mark and Grace Driscoll look at the nature of spiritual warfare in response to Adam and Eve. God has a kingdom where His people are governed by the Spirit. Satan has the world, where his people are governed by the flesh. Spiritual warfare is the battle between these two realities in everything, including our identity, temptation, gender, marriage, and emotional well-being. Some years ago Mark Driscoll preached on the Book of Genesis and discovered an unexpected theme about spiritual warfare that works itself out in all of human history: the storyline of the Bible is that there is first a wedding and then a war. Satan did not show up until a man and woman were married and had a ministry call on their lives. The first thing he did was attack marriage and separate men and women. After reading this book, you will uncover the five fronts of spiritual battle: your relationship with God, your identity, your family and friends, your church, and the world. Also Available in Spanish ISBN-13: 978-1-62999-259-4 E-Book ISBN: 978-1-62999-260-0 OTHER TITLE BY MARK DRISCOLL Spirit-Filled Jesus (2018) ISBN: 978-1629995229

What Does the Bible Say About Angels and Demons?

Book Description

Modern western culture seems to find angels, demons, and even dragons irresistible. They are the topic of many books, films, and television series. A recent poll indicated that nearly eighty percent of people believe in such beings. But they are hardly a modern invention. Such creatures that go beyond time and space have been imagined for centuries. The Bible itself addresses the topic with various tales of angels and demons, and yes, even dragons. If you are intrigued about this background, this book is for you. It reveals how thoroughly biblical these creatures are, and what they can still teach us.

Angels and Demons

Book Description

Everything the Bible Says About Angels and Demons

Book Description

Readers' fascination with angelic beings--both dark and light--continues to grow. Numerous authors have given their ideas about angelic beings, but it's time to hear what God has to say. All the scriptural references on the subject have been collected and explained in a clear and concise format. The book's length and focus make it perfect for readers on the go who love the Word of God.

The Truth About Angels and Demons

Book Description

The Bible actually says fairly little about angels and demons, but popular culture has pushed them into prominence and Christians need to know what to do with this. Tony Evans discusses the functions and realities of the spiritual realm in digestible style.

Sense and Nonsense about Angels and Demons

Book Description

This fascinating, easy-to-read book cuts through the folklore and misinformation about angels and demons to show what the Bible actually reveals---and doesn't reveal---about them. You might be surprised. You'll definitely be interested. And you'll learn how to accurately understand the Bible so your faith has something solid to stand on.


Book Description

The truth about demons is far stranger—and even more fascinating—than what's commonly believed. Are demons real? Are they red creatures with goatees holding pitchforks and sitting on people's shoulders while whispering bad things? Did a third of the angels really rebel with Satan? Are demons and "principalities and powers" just terms for the same entities, or are they different members of the kingdom of darkness? Is the world a chaotic mess because of what happened in Eden, or is there more to the story of evil? What people believed about evil spiritual forces in ancient biblical times is often very different than what people have been led to believe about them today. And this ancient worldview is missing from most attempts to treat the topic. In Demons, Michael Heiser debunks popular presuppositions about the very real powers of darkness. Rather than traditions, stories, speculations, or myths, Demons is grounded in what ancient people of both the Old and New Testament eras believed about evil spiritual forces and in what the Bible actually says. You'll come away with a sound, biblical understanding of demons, supernatural rebellion, evil spirits, and spiritual warfare.

God Angels Demons

Book Description

THERE ARE FOUR THINGS I AM ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE ABOUT. FIRST, GOD EXISTS, RULES THE UNIVERSE, AND KNOWS US BY NAME. SECOND, GOD APPOINTS US ANGELS, KEEPS US SAFE, AND TEACHES US LIFE LESSONS. THIRD, SATAN AND HIS DEMONS WANT TO HURT OR KILL YOU OR FOR YOU TO CURSE GOD. FOURTH, I WILL SHARE MY REAL-LIFE EXPERIENCES WITH YOU. ***** For really hot days, we had the traditional swing set that was well-used and a little creaky. But our backyard was kind of special. There was room to play ball, plenty of trees to climb, and the best place was the abandoned chicken coop at the back right-hand corner of the property. Missing the door and all its windows and with its rotted and tattered siding gave it the appearance of being haunted. The wood flooring was mostly rotten, but even with these conditions it was a great place to play army. The standard order of the day from our parents was, "Stay out of the chicken coop." ***** The attack came without any warning! I was facing the interior of the bed as I slept on my left side. There was a crushing blow to my back from the top of my shoulders to the small of my back. It was a solid object of massive intensity. During impact, it slid my whole body approximately six inches from its original sleeping position. The enormous pain was emanating from my back through my rib cage to the full front of my body.

Fear Not

Book Description

Angels, demons and evil spirits often populate the pages of the Bible. We are tempted to either dismiss them as imaginary or be afraid of what might go bump in the night. The truth is that these supernatural aspects of the Bible are real and important. God has revealed them to us in his Word so that we can better understand the universe and the power of Jesus. We live in a world where scary movies have supernatural themes and where fortune tellers and mediums have moved into mainstream culture. It is important that Christians are properly informed in how to think about these things, to have the understanding to adequately explain the supernatural aspects of the Bible and this world. Fear Not will help you understand what the Bible has to say about angels, demons, evil spirits and spiritual warfare, including addressing questions like: Are angels real? Do they have power? How does Satan work in the world? Should Christians be afraid of Satan? Can Christians be possessed by evil spirits? Are Christians called to engage in spiritual warfare? How should Christians think about fortune telling, witchcraft and other occult practices? Too many books on this topic speculate about what might be out there, ending up more like fiction than truth. Others are full of anecdotes and subjective stories of personal experiences with the unseen world. This book is different. Instead of speculating about what might be out there, we look carefully to see what God has revealed to us in his Word. This book explores what the Bible has to say about these supernatural themes, both in the Old and New Testaments. Fear Not explains passages systematically and logically, looking at both direct and indirect supernatural references and unpacking challenging sections. Only when we have seen what God has told us can we draw correct conclusions about this world we cannot see. The core message of the Bible is that Jesus is truly the Saviour and Lord. Evil spirits and Satan are not figments of the imaginations of an ancient superstitious people; they are realities that can and should scare us if we don't trust in Jesus. Christians, however, can have great confidence that our King Jesus is Lord, even of the things we cannot see.

Angels, Demons and the Armour of God

Book Description

In the shadows of the everyday world, a battle rages. It's an unseen struggle, where angels and demons clash, and the destiny of souls hangs in the balance. It's a spiritual war that transcends time and space, and you are a part of it. "Angels, Demons, and the Armour of God: The Unseen Struggle" delves into the depths of this age-old conflict. From the heavenly hosts to the forces of darkness, the pages of this book unveil the mysteries of the spiritual realm. Discover: 🌟 The nature of angels and demons, as revealed in the sacred pages of the Bible. 🌟 The significance of the whole armour of God in your daily life and spiritual journey. 🌟 The warnings against misplaced devotion and the consequences of straying from the path of righteousness. 🌟 Real-life strategies to discern spiritual influences, fight off demonic oppression, and stand firm in the face of adversity. 🌟 How the cosmic battle between angels and demons impacts your world and your role in the conflict. Step into a realm where faith is your shield, truth is your belt, and righteousness is your breastplate. Explore the profound truths of the Bible and unlock the secrets of the spiritual battle that surrounds you. Are you ready to embrace your role in the unseen struggle? This book is your guide to equipping yourself with the armour of God and shining as a light in the darkness. Join the fight, and let the power of the Divine lead you to victory in the eternal war for souls.