God Has Spoken

Book Description

In this repackaged edition of God Has Spoken, late theologian J. I. Packer mounts a formative defense of the inerrancy of the Bible, calling readers to reclaim the unity between inspiration (how God has spoken) and revelation (what God has spoken).

God Has Spoken

Book Description

Christian theology didn’t develop in a vacuum. Understanding the story behind the doctrines that have been debated, defined, and defended throughout history is crucial for truly understanding the doctrines themselves. In this groundbreaking resource, professor Gerald Bray traces the history of Christian theology from the early church to the modern era. Structured to parallel the order in which orthodoxy gradually matured in response to challenges from both within and without the church, this volume tells the story of how Christians have struggled to understand, confess, and worship the triune God through the centuries.

Has God Spoken?

Book Description

HAS GOD SPOKEN? contains documented scientific and historical proof that God has spoken. God has not neglected our generation, but has provided us with ample proofs of His existence, His nature, and of His speaking to us through inspired men in the past.

Has God Spoken?

Book Description

Are Christians Guilty of Blind Faith, or Is The Bible Really God's Inspired Word? Can You Ever Know For Sure? Join best-selling author Hank Hanegraaff for a stirring defense of the Bible as the Word of God and your only reliable foundation for life. In answering the riveting question, “Has God spoken?”, Hanegraaff uses manuscript evidence, archeology, predictive prophecy, and much more to memorably demonstrate that the Bible is divine rather than merely human in origin. Hanegraaff demolishes modern objections to Scripture, such as: There are more mistakes in manuscript copies of the Bible than there are words in the New Testament. The biblical account of King David is no more factual than tales of King Arthur—there simply is no evidence in archeology or history for Israel’s quintessential king. Contemporary prophets are proven 100 percent wrong, 100 percent of the time, and biblical prophets are just as unreliable. Has God Spoken? joins its predecessors—The Face That Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution and Resurrection—as Hanegraaff’s final book in a trilogy that provides complete and compelling answers to the most critical issues facing Christians today.

God Has Spoken in His Son

Book Description

Peter O'Brien's excellent, cohesive exposition of Hebrews examines the major interlocking themes highlighted by the author addressing this "word of exhortation" (Heb 13:22). The themes in this NSBT include God speaking, Christology, salvation, the people of God, and warnings and encouragements.

Has God Said?

Book Description

Has God said? Has God actually spoken, declared himself and his purposes to us? Historically the Christian faith has affirmed God's redemptive, revelatory speaking as historical, contentful, redemptive, centrally in Jesus Christ and, under Christ and by the Spirit, in the text of Holy Scripture. But in the past three centuries developments in Western culture have created a crisis in relation to historical, divine authority. The modern reintroduction of destructive dualisms, cosmological and epistemological, via Descartes, Newton, Spinoza, and Kant have injured not only the physical sciences (e.g., positivism) but Christian theology as well. The resulting "eclipse of God" has permeated Western culture. In terms of the Christian understanding of revelation, it has meant the separation of God from historical action, the rejection of God's actual self-declaration, and especially in textual form, Holy Scripture. After critical analysis of these dualistic developments, this book presents the problematic effects in both Protestant (Schleiermacher, Bultmann, Tillich) and Roman Catholic (Rahner, Dulles) theology. The thought and influence of Karl Barth on the nature of Scripture is examined and distinguished from most "Barthian approaches." The effects of dualistic "Barthian" thought on contemporary evangelical views of Scripture (Pinnock, Fackre, Bloesch) are also critically analyzed and responses made (Helm, Wolterstorff, Packer). The final chapter is a christocentric, multileveled reformulation of the classical Scripture Principle, via Einstein, Torrance, and Calvin, that reaffirms the church's historical "identity thesis," that Holy Scripture is the written Word of God, a crucial aspect of God's larger redemptive-revelatory purpose in Christ.

When God Spoke to Me

Book Description

Have you ever questioned whether your inspiration, insight, or sudden shift in experience was the result of divine guidance or communication? When God Spoke to Me is a collection of inspiring stories from ordinary people that shares the many ways God speaks to all of us in our lives. As these touching accounts demonstrate, hearing God's voice has the power to: Heal your emotional and physical wounds. Mend your relationships. Provide life-altering guidance and direction when you need it most. Instill within you a profound experience of peace, love, and awareness of your union with God. From these touching first-person accounts, you will discover: The many ways ordinary people just like you are touched by the voice of God. The dramatic effects that hearing God's voice can have in your life. How to recognize the ways you may already be hearing God's voice without knowing it. How to receive guidance, healing, and communication from God in new and life-changing ways. If you experience uncertainty, challenge, or pain in your life, When God Spoke to Me will give you hope, comfort, and the knowledge that you are not alone.

God Has Spoken

Book Description

J. I. Packer maintains that anyone who wants to know God will want to know as much as they can of what is in the Bible. For through it God reveals himself and his purpose to us; and in it we discover his fellowship and grace. Packer presents the case for reliability of the Bible and urges us to return with open hearts to reading God's word, and to discovering its overwhelming power in our lives.This challenging sequel to Knowing God is a great resource for the Christian journey.

The Pietist Option

Book Description

The time has come for Pietism to revitalize Christianity in America. Historian Christopher Gehrz and pastor Mark Pattie argue that the spirit of Pietism, with its emphasis on our walk with Jesus and its vibrant hope for a better future, holds great promise for the church today. Modeled after Philipp Spener's Pia Desideria, this concise and winsome volume introduces Pietism to a new generation.

He Speaks in the Silence

Book Description

He Speaks in the Silence is about Diane Comer’s search for the kind of intimacy with God every woman longs for. It is a story of trying to be a good girl, of following the rules, of longing for a satisfaction that eludes us. Disappointed with all Diane had been told was supposed to fulfill her, she begged God in desperation to give her more. And He did. But first He took her through a trial so debilitating it almost destroyed what little faith she had. He let her go deaf. Using vivid parallels between her deafness and every woman’s struggle to hear God, this book shows women not only how Diane, as a deaf woman, hears in everyday life, but also how she can learn to listen to God in the midst of her own loud life, finding intimacy with God and the deep soul satisfaction she longs for.