God Redeeming His Bride

Book Description

God Redeeming His Bride

Book Description

Highly practical and gracious advice on church discipline. Includes interviews with over 30 pastors from different countries and backgrounds.

The Bride Of Christ: The Bridegroom and His Bride

Book Description

Right from the very beginning in eternity past, God had planned history with His Son having a bride, a companion that would co-reign with Him and enjoy Him forever. That is the eternal purpose of God in creating a bride for His Son. If you read the Scripture from cover to cover, you would discover that God teaches us in a variety of different ways. Sometimes God uses powerful word pictures, sometimes He uses symbols, sometimes He uses examples of people both good and bad. Sometimes God uses a direct word, an authoritative word, sometimes He uses examples from nature, like a tree planted by the rivers of water that will not cease to bear fruit. This book highlights how God gave us an example of an ancient Jewish wedding ceremony that correlates with Christ, the Bridegroom, and His bride the church. From the father choosing a bride for his son, paying the bridal price, the bridegroom snatching his bride and bringing her to the bridal chamber, and then finally co-reigning with him in their household with him as the head. It is absolutely amazing the correlation between the two. What was a mystery to the Jews has been revealed. The mystery was that both Jew and Gentile called the church would be the bride of Christ. The bride of Christ is describing the kind of relationship we can have with Jesus. God is seeking willing lovers, who would voluntarily seek His heart, voluntarily surrender to Him, and voluntarily love Him with all their heart, soul and mind, and strength.

Redemption of the Bride

Book Description

The beautiful allegory of the Redemption of the Bride tells the story of the House of Israel: her covenant betrothal to Jehovah, her adulterous apostasy from that covenant, and her restoration through His tender mercies and compassion upon her.;; The title "Bride" applies to both men and women. It is used to denote a special covenant relationship between the individual and God. It represents the binding of one heart to another. In the case of the new and everlasting covenant -- the eternal covenant God offers His people -- it represents the binding of God's heart to Israel, and Israel's to God. This is a relationship that is intended to be so close that the Lord, Himself, refers to it as a marriage.;; Israel is an all-inclusive name to indicate God's covenant family, to which all people are invited to belong. It is not linked to genetics or bloodline, but to those who accept and love God with all their heart, might, mind and strength.;; In this book, the terms "Israel," "Church," and "Bride" will be used interchangeably. The Lord uses various titles to illustrate the many traits and characteristics of His relationship to His people. Even as He is the Lion of Judah, the Lamb, the Shepherd, the Rock, the Living Water, the Stone of Stumbling, and the Great I AM -- He is also our Father, our Elder Brother, and in this study, the Faithful Husband.;; This allegory reveals much about the characteristics of the Bridegroom: He is long-suffering, faithful, and determined to redeem His people. Although He would be justified in "divorcing" Himself from His Bride, the Savior-Husband remains true to His marriage covenant, and pays the price for her redemption -- a redemption purchased through His own blood. He cleanses and heals His Bride of sin and despair, and restores her to an honored place at His side.


Book Description

This story-oriented recovery book unfolds the back-story of redemption in Exodus to show how Jesus redeems us from the slavery of abuse and addiction and restores us to our created purpose, the worship of God.

Women of the Bible and God’s Redeeming Love

Book Description

Ever say, “No one feels like me or understands what I’m feeling.” Ever ask, “Why me, Lord?” If these words are familiar, you’re not alone. Beginning with Eve, women are women. God’s blueprint for us has not changed, nor will it. That’s why this study is so exciting. In it, you will discover the women of the Bible are just like us! Without exception, they had plans, hopes, and dreams. They loved, laughed, and cried. They feared, sacrificed, and nurtured. They experienced good times and bad. Some had kids; some didn’t. Some were married, some weren’t. Some were wholesome while others were decadent. They experienced significant victories and shameful defeats, all of them. That’s why their stories seem familiar; these women are like us! The Bible proves that although flawed and frail, ordinary messy women were useful to our extraordinary God. Why? Because he redeemed them, the whole of their lives—the good, the bad, and the ugly. He didn’t leave one of them the way he found them. He won’t leave us lonely, unforgiven, or despairing either! If you fret, feel worn and weary; look pretty on the outside but feel pretty flawed and frail on the inside; or if sin surrounds you, this study is for you. God is into women! He loves us and makes all things new through his redeeming love! Anne is a missionary and graduate of Metro Atlanta Seminary. She is the co-founder of Open Heavens Ministries, Inc., a nonprofit discipleship ministry established in 2004. Its mission is growing others in faith and practice through the study of God’s Word. All aspects of ministry, on the streets, in classrooms, and in the Church, is focused and centered on God’s Word – the good news – the Gospel of Christ. A comprehensive study guide and workbook which invites us into the lives of Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Rebekah, Miriam, Rahab, Ruth, Esther, Gomer, and Mary – the Virgin Mother.

The Holy Wedding Christ and His Bride

Book Description

The Holy Wedding is a six-week study revealing God's original intent to have a people in which He could share His love through an intimate relationship-like a marriage. God's design would eventually lead to a holy wedding between Himself and His people. We pick up the thread of this beautiful picture in Genesis and follow it through all the way to Revelation. The Bible employs various imagery in describing God's people, but the most intimate and affection portrayal is that of a bride. Realizing God loves His bride passionately, emotionally, longingly, protectively, faithfully, and jealously is essential because it is transforming. A power is awakened when our hearts are assured that we are deeply loved as there is no fear in love; perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18). This is a love to be cherished! I hope you will join me in exploring the magnificent story of Christ and His Bride as we anticipate the day that we will behold our Bridegroom face-to-face.

Restoration Story

Book Description

What unanswered questions do you have about your life? Some of us struggle to find meaning, others wonder about identity, and all of us want to be loved. Your story—the events and relationships that define you—will guide how you answer those questions. But God has a story too. His story is about sending Jesus to this broken world to mend all ...

The Christ-Centered Expositor

Book Description

The Christ-Centered Expositor by pastor and preaching professor Tony Merida provides a comprehensive overview of effective expository preaching that begins with the inner life of the expositor, and then moves to the essential elements of sermon preparation and delivery. Ideal for pastors, teachers, and students, The Christ-Centered Expositor will equip you for greater faithfulness to God, his Word, and his mission.