Gold, Dollars, and Power

Book Description

"Gavin demonstrates that Bretton Woods was in fact a highly politicized system that was prone to crisis and required constant intervention and controls to continue functioning. More important, postwar monetary relations were not a salve to political tensions, as is often contended.

Gold and the Dollar Crisis

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What Has Government Done to Our Money?

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Book Description

An eBook in .pdf is available at: This is the third book on the topic of gold-based monetary systems by Nathan Lewis, following Gold: the Once and Future Money (2007) and Gold: the Monetary Polaris (2013). It builds upon the principles expressed in those first two books, and takes a historical approach to humans' long experience with gold- and silver-based monetary systems.

Between the Dollar-Sterling Gold Points

Book Description

This book investigates US-UK monetary relations, 1791 to 1931. It presents and examines data on the exchange rate with emphasis on the institutional and legal aspects. It will serve as a Dollar-Sterling handbook for those interested in this important aspect of international monetary history.


Book Description

For most of the last three millennia, the world’s commercial centers have used one or another variant of a gold standard. It should be one of the best understood of human institutions, but it’s not. It’s one of the worst understood, by both its advocates and detractors. Though it has been spurned by governments many times, this has never been due to a fault of gold to serve its duty, but because governments had other plans for their currencies beyond maintaining their stability. And so, says Nathan Lewis, there is no reason to believe that the great monetary successes of the past four centuries, and indeed the past four millennia, could not be recreated in the next four centuries. In Gold, he makes a forceful, well-documented case for a worldwide return to the gold standard. Governments and central bankers around the world today unanimously agree on the desirability of stable money, ever more so after some monetary disaster has reduced yet another economy to smoking ruins. Lewis shows how gold provides the stability needed to foster greater prosperity and productivity throughout the world. He offers an insightful look at money in all its forms, from the seventh century B.C. to the present day, explaining in straightforward layman’s terms the effects of inflation, deflation, and floating currencies along with their effect on prices, wages, taxes, and debt. He explains how the circulation of money is regulated by central banks and, in the process, demystifies the concepts of supply, demand, and the value of currency. And he illustrates how higher taxes diminish productivity, trade, and the stability of money. Lewis also provides an entertaining history of U.S. money and offers a sobering look at recent currency crises around the world, including the Asian monetary crisis of the late 1990s and the devastating currency devaluations in Russia, China, Mexico, and Yugoslavia. Lewis’s ultimate conclusion is simple but powerful: gold has been adopted as money because it works. The gold standard produced decades and even centuries of stable money and economic abundance. If history is a guide, it will be done again. Nathan Lewis was formerly the chief international economist of a firm that provided investment research for institutions. He now works for an asset management company based in New York. Lewis has written for the Financial Times, Asian Wall Street Journal, Japan Times, Pravda, and other publications. He has appeared on financial television in the United States, Japan, and the Middle East.

Brief History of the Gold Standard (GS) in the United States

Book Description

The U.S. monetary system is based on paper money backed by the full faith and credit of the fed. gov't. The currency is neither valued in, backed by, nor officially convertible into gold or silver. Through much of its history, however, the U.S. was on a metallic standard of one sort or another. On occasion, there are calls to return to such a system. Such calls are usually accompanied by claims that gold or silver backing has provided considerable economic benefits in the past. This report reviews the history of the GS in the U.S. It clarifies the dates during which the GS was used, the type of GS in operation at the various times, and the statutory changes used to alter the GS and eventually end it. It is not a discussion of the merits of the GS. A print on demand oub.

Gold Is Real Money

Book Description

Many people today don't think about gold much. Far less really think about the U.S. dollar. They assume that there is no need. Ignorance is not bliss. In the future, people will wish they had considered the relationship that gold shares with our currency. For most of U.S. history, money was gold. The dollar was backed by gold, and the paper currency that traded hands were backed by gold held in vaults. It was no coincidence that the U.S. enjoyed a great rise to become a superpower in the world. People wanted our money because they recognized that it was good, honest, and sound money backed by gold. There was a reason and an incentive to save money. Other nations gladly accepted our money - in fact, the U.S. Dollar was so trusted and respected that our money became the world's Reserve Currency. This means that other nations would buy dollars and keep them as part of their money reserves, right along with their gold holdings. And why not - our money was as good as gold, because it was representative of gold. Over the years, there were some cracks to our system that developed. Finally, in 1971, gold was totally severed from the U.S. dollar. In that year the whole world changed. Our honest money which was so trusted turned into nothing more than worthless paper. The U.S. government and the big banks publicly told everyone that gold was no longer relevant. This was total hypocrisy, since they clung to their own gold reserves. Since 1971, both the government and the big banks have a love/hate relationship with gold. They hate gold when it is in the public's hands because it represents a threat to their fraudulent paper money system. They secretly love gold when it is in their vaults. You can't have it both ways. If gold is no longer relevant, the governments and largest banks on earth would get rid of their gold holdings. Instead, they maintain their gold holdings and even add to the gold in their vaults. While the governments of the world and big international banks hold tightly to their gold, we now have this paper currency in our lives. We work for it, spend it, save it, and have a belief that it somehow has value. The problem is that it really has no value. It is worth about as much as Monopoly Money with patriotic images. The only thing that gives it any buying power is our collective belief that it is worth something. Worse still, our government lets the privately owned Federal Reserve print as much money as they would like. This causes inflation and the purchasing power of a dollar to go down all the time. We'll examine all of this and how this current mess came to be. We'll look at the players and bad actors in this sorry saga of how our money has been debased from a solid gold backed system to worthless paper currency. We'll also look at what We The People can do about it to protect ourselves. I admit that this book is not light hearted fun reading. But it is essential reading to understand the current mess we are in, and what may come next for our world, our country, and our family.