Book Description
Gold Digger Black and White #44 SEPT 1998 On Jade, Array and Tirant reveal that they are stealing mages for a reason. Meanwhile, Sheila is afraid she has made Brianna lose her memory, and Brianna is using even more magic now. While Gar and Sheila try to figure out what is wrong with Brianna, Genn arrives and senses that the Grave Digger curse is back in control. The Edge Guard try to stop her, but Brianna only surrenders when Genn threatens to go into her mind. On Earth, Cheetah barely defeats the Beta-Phatom in time as she later learns when Charlotte lets slip that if the beta ring is overcharged it will explode along with whoever is using it. As Penny and Gina take turns babysitting a reviving a Saurian, another Beta-Phantom attacks... but is stopped by the awakened Saurian "robot". 24 pages. B&W