The role of carbon markets in preventing dangerous climate change

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Emissions trading is central to the Government's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. This inquiry examines the prospects for a global carbon market and the implications of this for further development of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). It reviews the impact and future prospects for the EU ETS in meeting the Government's twin objectives of reducing emissions at lowest cost and setting a carbon price that delivers investment in low-carbon technologies. The EU ETS has emissions caps set too high to force emitters to make the often costly investment decisions which would reduce emissions. The recession has only served to loosen what little constraint the cap provided. The carbon price has been too low to encourage the necessary investment in low-carbon processes and infrastructure. The cap mechanism therefore needs to be significantly tightened. This should be supported by cancelling 'new entrant reserve' allowances and auctioning as many allowances as possible, rather than giving them away for free (with the revenues possibly hypothecated to climate change measures). The Government should explore the possible use of a carbon tax. It should also encourage more use of allowance auctions with reserve prices, more use of incentives for low-carbon power generation and emissions performance standards for electricity generation. The emphasis should also be on harmonising the approach internationally, and on extending effective emissions trading systems. The Committee lists 19 conclusions and recommendations.

Climate Change - the UK Programme 2006

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This publication contains oral and written evidence taken before the Committee in their inquiry into the Government's Climate Change Programme announced in March 2006 (in its White Paper 'Tomorrow's Climate, Today's Challenge' Cm. 6764, ISBN 0101676425). It includes contributions from officials from Defra, the Confederation of British Industry, the UK Sustainable Development Commission, Greater London Authority and local authorities.

Air quality

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This report concludes that poor air quality reduces the life expectancy of everyone in the UK by an average of seven to eight months and up to 50,000 people a year may die prematurely because of it. Air pollution also causes significant damage to ecosystems. Despite these facts being known, air quality is not seen as a priority across government and the UK is failing to meet a range of domestic and European targets. The quantified costs of poor air quality that are used to develop policy are out-dated. They do not take account of all the known health effects, treatment costs, and environmental damage, nor do they take account of fines that could be imposed by the EU for failing to meet air quality targets. Many Government departments do not seem fully to understand how their policies affect air quality, the impact poor air quality has, and its cost to the economy. Awareness of the issue needs to be raised at all levels of government, and policies need to take greater account of air quality impacts. Transport causes the most exposure to harmful air pollutants, and air quality targets will not be met without a significant shift in transport policy. Local authorities need to do more to tackle poor air quality, and they must be given information on how to develop local air quality strategies.

Carbon Capture and Storage

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Adapting to climate change

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Climate projections show that Britain can expect wetter winters, drier summers and a higher likelihood of flash-floods, heat waves and droughts. Yet adaptation to climate change has been given only a fraction of the attention that has gone into reducing greenhouse gases. The Government must build awareness and support for the wide-ranging and urgent programme of action that is needed to protect people, property and prosperity and safeguard the natural environment. Adapting infrastructure and homes will be expensive. To maintain current levels of flood protection for homes, real terms spending on flood defences will need to increase from its current level of around £600 million per annum to around £1 billion in 2035. Estimates in 2009 suggest that by the end of the century around £7 billion may be needed to improve the Thames flood barrier and tidal defences. New homes being built now must be designed to cope with the inevitable changes in climate over the next 50 - 80 years. The Government must make adaptation and mitigation more central to the planning system. New developments should only be permitted if they are suited to future climates. Existing homes will also need to be adapted so that they are comfortable during hotter summers and better protected against the risk of flooding. The Government must help to kick start an integrated retro-fitting programme that covers adaptation, water efficiency and energy efficiency. Green infrastructure - such as water storage, greater tree cover and more open green spaces - must also be promoted.

Halting Biodiversity Loss

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This is the thirteenth report from the Environmental Audit Committee of the 2007-08 session (HCP 743, ISBN 9780215524843). The Committee states, that the Government will fail to meet the 2010 traget to halt biodiversity loss, although the target might have been unrealistic. The Committee does see some progress, with 80% of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSIs) in a favourable condition, with a number of rare species having recovered. In general though, biodiversity loss continues in the wider countryside with many species and habitats facing severe declines and local extinctions. The Committee does believe though that with leadership and effective policies, biodiversity loss could in fact be reversed, and states the Government should adopt a new target to halt the loss. Biodiversity policies need to be cross-departmental, and the Government's ecosystem assessment is a way forward, by encouraging such an approach and promoting biodiversity protection at the regional and local scales. The Committee further states that the Government could make a large contribution in preventing biodiversity loss through more support for the UK Overseas Territories.

Reaching an International Agreement on Climate Change

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The agreement of the Bali roadmap charted a course for negotiations on a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol when it expires in 2012. But there remain uncertainties about the pace and eventual outcome of the negotiations. A post-2012 agreement will only be a success if it is guided by the science, which warns that developed countries must reduce emissions by 25-40 per cent by 2020 and 80-95 per cent by 2050. These figures only translate to a 50-50 chance of avoiding dangerous climate change, and the international community should aspire to even greater reductions. Most developing countries are not required to reduce emissions, but will need to commit to certain actions that will limit the growth of and eventually stabilise their emissions. The Committee believes that the targets for developed countries and commitment to actions by developing countries are the minimum that the UK and EU should accept in the negotiations. Diplomacy will be key in helping to reach agreement on the effort required. The Government will have to work closely with developing countries to explore the actions that they might be willing to commit to. The post-2012 agreement can be more flexible and creative than its predecessor in responding to the different needs of different countries. It is clear that substantial developed country financing will be required in order to shift developing countries onto a low-carbon path and also to encourage them to agree to mitigation actions.

Sustainable Housing

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Following on from a previous Committee report on sustainable housing issues (HCP 135-I, session 2004-05; ISBN 0215021517) published in January 2005, this report considers recent developments, including the Government's decision to increase the proposed rate of new build housing from 150,000 to 200,000 per year by 2016. Issues discussed include: the likely effectiveness of the proposed voluntary Code for Sustainable Homes in terms of achieving well-designed, energy efficient sustainable buildings; whether the Government is doing enough to promote the Code within the building industry and the general public; fiscal measures needed to reward higher building quality and greater environmental performance; funding for the timely provision of infrastructure such as transport links, schools and hospitals in main growth areas; security of water supplies and whether the Government, the Environment Agency and the water companies are doing enough to educate people about water efficiency. Overall, the Committee's report recognises the need for additional housing capacity but criticises the Government's failure to acknowledge the valid concerns about the environmental impacts of its house building plans, and its lack of planning to ensure the necessary supporting infrastructure is put in place to establish sustainable communities.

The World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002

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This is a follow-up to the Committees report (HCP 98, session 2002-03, ISBN 021501328X) which looked at the outcome of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), which took place in Johannesburg in 2002. This report examines the UK implementation of the WDC commitments. A briefing by the National Audit Office (included in this report) reviews the co-operation between the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the UN Sustainable Development Commission (SDC). The WSSD Table of Commitments should be regarded as a delivery mechanism, even though it was not drafted clearly enough. UK Government departments should incorporate WSSD commitments more vigorously into their departmental activities, and there should be more comprehensive and frequent progress reports for the benefit of Parliament, the general public, and the SDC.