GPSS Fortran

Book Description

Modelling Systems; Structure of GPSS-F; Stations and Policies; Facilities; Multifacilites; Storage; Coordinating Transactions; Families; Random Sequences; Gathering Statistical Data; Models.

Simulation of Local Area Networks

Book Description

A fast-growing area in the communications industry is the internetworking of an ever-increasing proliferation of computers, particularly via local area networks (LANs). The LAN is a resource-sharing data communications network being used by many offices to interchange information such as electronic mail, word processing, and files among computers and other devices. This unique book shows the user how to establish the performance characteristics of a LAN before putting it to use in a particular type of situation. Simulation of Local Area Networks consists of eight chapters, each with its own extensive list of references. The first chapter provides a brief review of local area networks, and the second chapter gives the analytical models of popular LANs-token-passing bus and ring networks, CSMA/CD LANs, and star networks. Chapter 3 covers general principles of simulation, and Chapter 4 discusses fundamental concepts in probability and statistics relating to simulation modeling. Materials in Chapters 3 and 4 are specifically applied in developing simulation models on token-passing LANs, CSMA/CD LANs, and star LANs in Chapters 5 through 7. The computer code in Chapters 5, 6, and 7 is divided into segments, and a detailed explanation of each segment is provided. The last chapter reviews special-purpose languages such as GPSS, SIMSCRIPT, GASP, SIMULA, SLAM, and RESQ. Helpful criteria for language selection are included. The entire code is put together in the appendixes. This book has two major advantages over existing texts. First, it uses C, a well-developed general-purpose language that is familiar to most analysts. Second, the text specifically applies the simulation principles to local area networks. No other book available shows the systems analyst how to evaluate the performance of existing or proposed systems under different kinds of conditions.

System Simulation, 2nd Edition

Book Description

The book provides sound knowledge about the fundamental aspects of the important technique of system simulation which is used in the analysis of complex systems.

Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Practice

Book Description

Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Practice provides a comprehensive review of both methodologies and applications of simulation and modeling. The methodology section includes such topics as the philosophy of simulation, inverse problems in simulation, simulation model compilers, treatment of ill-defined systems, and a survey of simulation languages. The application section covers a wide range of topics, including applications to environmental management, biology and medicine, neural networks, collaborative visualization and intelligent interfaces. The book consists of 13 invited chapters written by former colleagues and students of Professor Karplus. Also included are several short 'reminiscences' describing Professor Karplus' impact on the professional careers of former colleagues and students who worked closely with him over the years.

Discrete-event Simulation Using GPSS

Book Description

Elements of Simulation

Book Description

The use of simulation in statistics dates from the start of the 20th century, coinciding with the beginnings of radio broadcasting and the invention of television. Just as radio and television are now commonplace in our everyday lives, simulation methods are now widely used throughout the many branches of statistics, as can be readily appreciated from reading Chapters 1 and 9. The book has grown out of a fifteen-hour lecture course given to third-year mathematics undergraduates at the University of Kent, and it could be used either as an undergraduate or a postgraduate text. Simulation may either be taught as an operational research tool in its own right, or as a mathematical method which cements together different parts of statistics and which may be used in a variety of lecture courses. In the last three chapters indications are made of the varied uses of simulation throughout statistics. Alternatively, simulation may be used to motivate subjects such as the teaching of distribution theory and the manipulation of random variables, and Chapters 4 and 5 especially will hopefully be useful in this respect.

Parallel Processes and Related Automata / Parallele Prozesse und damit zusammenhängende Automaten

Book Description

The third supplement volume of "Computing" deals with parallel processes and thus with a highly topical area of informatics. As both the first supplement volumes were concerned with numerical questions, the entire subject, the cultivation of which "Computing" purports, is now broadly outlined in the supplement volumes too. The reason for the simultaneous production of so many papers on the same subject was the 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Handler, an eminent specialist in the field of parallel processing. It was the wish of his friends, colleagues and collaborators that Herr Handler be honoured by the gift of a volume which would have as its centre of interest the area of research that he represents. In this volume, parallelism is focused upon from various angles and an attempt has been made, through new results, to bring it a little further. It is obvious from a glance at the bibliographies of the papers contributed, in which many of Herr Handler's publications are referenced, that he was never far from the writer's minds.


Book Description

Die schon seit einigen Jahren beobachtbare erfreuliche Tendenz, daB die Jahrestagungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fOr Operations Research zunehmend von allen Interessentengruppen . der Unternehmensforschung innerhalb sowie auBerhalb der Gesellschaft als willkommenes Forum fOr einen breiten, dabei aber zugleich auch intensiven wissenschaftlichen Meinungs- und Erfahrungsaustausch genutzt werden, hat sich auf der 9. Jahrestagung, die vom 24. bis 26. September 1980 in den Raumen der Universitat Essen durchgefOhrt wurde, fortgesetzt und weiter verstarkt. Dies zeigt sich allein schon dadurch, daB auf dieser von Ober 400 Teilnehmern besuchten 9. Jahrestagung 135 Vortrage gehalten wurden. Hinzu kamen der Eroffnungs-und der Plenarvortrag, die Hohepunkte der Tagung darstellten und fOr die ein auf nationaler Ebene renommierter Praktiker sowie ein international angesehener Wissenschaftler des Opera tions Research gewonnen werden konnten. Der hiermit vorgelegte Pro ceedings-Band, der erstmals!1" Springer-Verlag erscheint, gibt einen Oberblick Ober das wissenschaftliche Programm dieser 9. Jahrestagung. Bei der Vielzahl der eingegangenen Vortragsanmeldungen konnte - wie auch schon in den beiden Jahren zuvor - durch die Einordnung der Beitrage in 26 Sektionen eine fruchtbare Fachdiskussion zwischen Vertre tern der Hochschule und der Praxis auf den unterschiedlichen Teildiszipli nen des Operations Research ermoglicht werden. Zugleich wurde damit auch den interessierten Zuhorern ein nach bewahrten Themengebieten strukturiertes reichhaltigesAuswahlangebot gemacht, das in dieserVielfalt gerne aufgenommen worden ist. Dabei lieBen sich gemaB der inhaltlichen Bezeichnung und vortragsmaBigen Gestaltung der Sektionen zwei durch aus begrOBenswerte Entwicklungsrichtungen des Operations Research erkennen.