Gracefully Broken, Yet Restored

Book Description

Life begins. Through some hardship and barriers, the evolution of a woman with a powerful platform, who has traveled the world, encouraging and uplifting women, is revealed. Sorry not sorry. As marital bliss evolves into unimaginable truths, the ultimate betrayal sends everything into a tailspin. In addition to that, there's a life-changing detour, a generational struggle that has been revealed, whorish spirits. From happiness to heartbreak, an emotional roller coaster, and now a reaffirmed victory. Staying focused on your faith and enduring every turmoil to become "more than a survivor"! This journey ends with a new beginning because of a better understanding.

Gracefully Broken

Book Description

Sometimes in Life, God has to break you to humble you and bring you to a place where you can hear and follow Him. When He does this, it is not to destroy or hurt you; but He does it with grace to position and promote you into His purpose for you. This process of breaking forces us to confront issues about ourselves that we would rather avoid. And it can be hard on our flesh and touch every aspect of our lives. But just like the clay in the hands of a potter, the final product is a beautiful life perfectly suited for God's purpose. In this book, you will find insights that will guide you through whatever spiritual struggle that you are facing in your life. You will find the truth that can help you understand the difficulties of your past, as well as discover strength and direction for the future. 'Gracefully Broken' is a roadmap to fulfillment, happiness, and destiny for any child of God experiencing a time of inexplicable spiritual struggles. It is for people who can sense that God is working in their lives, but do not understand what He is trying to do.

Gracefully Broken

Book Description

Inside the pages of this book, you'll experience the inspirational true story of Hall-of-Famer basketball player Walter Jordan. Enjoy the fast-paced journey from the inner-city where Walter was raised to his days as a champion high school basketball player, NCAA all-star at Purdue University, and then for the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers. Walter's story doesn't end there! Despite his many highs and lows, he maintained a positive servant attitude toward everybody he met. His resilient and consistent manner makes him one of the most approachable persons you'll ever meet. In this book, Walter documents his amazing humbling experiences, faith, his family, his strength, courage, and determination. As a servant and overcomer, he pours his heart out in hopes of inspiring others. His PASSION and COMPASSION enable him to see the unseen and hear the unheard! You'll discover: See potential and the best in other people. Make yourself approachable and accessible to those in need. Find perseverance within yourself. Stay motivated and full of faith. Know who God says you are. Lean not to your own understanding.


Book Description

Michael Payton, who has brought us three top-selling motivational books, “Just for Thought-Articles of Motivation,” “Time to Think-Meditation and Reflection,” and “Hope: The Strongest Motivation,” now takes us into the world of Christian gospel music and the motivational impact it has had on Christianity throughout the years. Gospel music, whether it be Southern Baptist, country or rock, all have inspired and motivated people around the world to seek Christianity as the rule and guide of their lives. With “Gospel Music: Motivation Through Song,” Michael Payton presents 50 Christian songs, combining both traditional and modern-day, giving his interpretation of how each song inspires and motivates the individual to accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. At the end of each chapter the reader will have the opportunity to record his/her own personal thoughts on what the song means to them. “Gospel Music: Motivation Through Song,” showcases the great motivational tool Christian music has been and still is in leading all of us to Christ.

Gracefully Broken

Book Description

Gracefully Broken is a collaboration of survival stories set in an anthology. The stories are real accounts of how four women survived events meant to destroy them. Karen Spears, Maxine Mitchell Sturgis, Shari Ramasamy, and Vickie L. Evans individually faced their struggle, stood up, spoke up, and ultimately soared-up. They surrendered everything to God and were gracefully broken to be used by Him to become women of grace; women of faith; women of influence; and women of excellence.

Gracefully Broken

Book Description

In this life, you will encounter many struggles and difficulties. Sometimes pain and sorrow can overwhelm your heart and mind, leaving you feeling hopeless and alone. In her rise from the devastation of child-loss, depression, and addiction, to betrayal, emotional abuse and more, Patty Seale brings you to hope and healing in "Gracefully Broken." A Bible study and self-help book packed with real-life events for the many difficulties and heart-wrenching pain you face. What do the personal stories and biblical stories have in common? Heartache and drawing close to God in the brokenness. Embrace the vulnerability and rawness of each story and walk hand-in-hand with Christ your Kind as he leads you to a place of healing at the cross.

Gracefully Broken Wonderfully Restored: Overcoming Spiritual Seduction

Book Description

Imagine living more blessed than you had sense enough to dream, only to get a revelation eight years later that your living is in vain because it's not for God's glory. So you act upon this revelation and surrender to God, forsaking the things of the world to live a life committed to Christ. And although there have been many struggles and disappointments, you have never regretted your decision to live for God, and you're fully committed and loving your walk with Jesus. Nothing makes you feel better than knowing you are walking according to His will. Then all of a sudden, you find yourself in a world of sin--sin that you never had a desire for and don't have a clue as to how you got there. And now you're in the fight of your life to overcome because, regardless of your newfound weakness, your heart belongs to God and your greatest desire is still to live a life pleasing to Him. This is a true story of Chinnita Morris' walk with Christ gone awry and her relentless passion and fight to overcome the tactics of her worst enemy, the devil. Little did she know that what the enemy tried to use to destroy her, God would use to raise a much more spiritually mature woman who would be bold enough to share her testimony to help many who may be in the same or similar situations and to warn others about seducing spirits.

Gracefully Broken

Book Description

In this book, "Gracefully Broken," we will navigate some personal journeys that I have traveled in which I experienced some of the most challenging experiences in my life. Many Christians are facing daunting life situations that may have made you feel like throwing in the towel. When issues seem impossible, it might be challenging to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You might find yourself asking the question, "why do I seem to be going through so much." This book is designed to share my journey from being gracefully broken to being made the whole. The book is intended to bring healing and deliverance to others who have experienced brokenness. Divorce, the death of a loved one, overlooked for a promotion, or even hurt in the church are broken areas that affect us in different ways. God allows us to experience crushing like the olive to produce a sweet-smelling aroma and bring out things in us that we have yet to discover. Jesus asked a question in John 5:6, "Wilt thou be made whole?" The truth of the matter is that you can be made whole. When a glass is shattered, some pieces are too small to see with the naked eye. The parts might not be required to put the damaged areas back together. Let God put the pieces together.

Gracefully Broken

Book Description

How to Heal a Broken Wing

Book Description

“Such a visual piece . . . readers young and old will return to the story to look more deeply; they won’t be disappointed.” — Booklist (starred review) In a city full of hurried people, only young Will notices the bird lying hurt on the ground. With the help of his sympathetic mother, he gently wraps the injured bird and takes it home. Wistful and uplifting in true Bob Graham fashion, here is a tale of possibility — and of the souls who never doubt its power.