Growth models for ponderosa pine

Book Description

Yields for high-survival, unthinned ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) plantations in northern California are estimated. Stems of 367 trees in 12 plantations were analyzed to produce a growth model simulating stand yields. Diameter, basal area, and net cubic volume yields by Site Indices, 40 through 120 are tabulated for stands ranging in age between 10 and 50 years and in spacing between 6 by 6 and 12 by 12 feet. Tables also show diameter distributions by crown classes and stem volumes in cubic feet for plantation-grown ponderosa pine. These data provide both a standard with which to compare the effects of management decisions, and a performance goal.

Growth Intercept, Years-to-breast-height, and Juvenile Height Growth Models for Ponderosa Pine

Book Description

This report describes features of three models developed for estimating site index & height growth of ponderosa pine. The models are based on data from 80 ponderosa pine stem analysis plots established throughout the range of this species in British Columbia. The first model is used to calculate the number of years that a tree takes to reach breast height. The second model calculates the average annual height growth, adjusted for age. The final model is for calculating juvenile height.

Prediction of Height Increment for Models of Forest Growth

Book Description

Functional forms of equations were derived for predicting 10-year periodic height increment of forest trees from height, diameter, diameter increment, and habitat type. Crown ratio was considered as an additional variable for prediction, but its contribution was negligible. Coefficients of the function were estimated for 10 species of trees growing in 10 habitat types of northern Idaho and northwestern Montana.