Guarire il pensiero

Book Description

Gli Esseni sono da sempre riconosciuti quali terapeuti dell’anima e del corpo. Eredi di una tradizione millenaria, portano avanti tutt’oggi la loro opera di guarigione dell’umanità e della terra. Le terapie essene vedono nell’uomo l’essere globale abitato dal Divino e mirano al ristabilirsi dell’armonia totale della persona. Olivier Manitara, Maestro esseno, ci offre in questo testo indicazioni preziose per ottenere la guarigione globale dell’essere, iniziando dal risveglio della coscienza e dall’armonia del pensiero, e ci fornisce numerosi esercizi terapeutici di guarigione attraverso la concentrazione, la meditazione e le preghiere agli Angeli.

The Intention Experiment

Book Description

Draws on original experiments as well as scientific research to explore a theory that the entire universe is connected by a vast energy field that can be manipulated for the betterment of the world using positive thought processes.

To Be a Machine

Book Description

“This gonzo-journalistic exploration of the Silicon Valley techno-utopians’ pursuit of escaping mortality is a breezy romp full of colorful characters.” —New York Times Book Review (Editor's Choice) Transhumanism is a movement pushing the limits of our bodies—our capabilities, intelligence, and lifespans—in the hopes that, through technology, we can become something better than ourselves. It has found support among Silicon Valley billionaires and some of the world’s biggest businesses. In To Be a Machine, journalist Mark O'Connell explores the staggering possibilities and moral quandaries that present themselves when you of think of your body as a device. He visits the world's foremost cryonics facility to witness how some have chosen to forestall death. He discovers an underground collective of biohackers, implanting electronics under their skin to enhance their senses. He meets a team of scientists urgently investigating how to protect mankind from artificial superintelligence. Where is our obsession with technology leading us? What does the rise of AI mean not just for our offices and homes, but for our humanity? Could the technologies we create to help us eventually bring us to harm? Addressing these questions, O'Connell presents a profound, provocative, often laugh-out-loud-funny look at an influential movement. In investigating what it means to be a machine, he offers a surprising meditation on what it means to be human.


Book Description

The basis of the award-winning film starring Orson Welles, Compulsion gives a shocking fictionalized account of the Leopold-Loeb murder case--in which two young graduates of the University of Chicago kidnapped and killed a child for the intellectual challenge. "A graphic and absorbing reconstruction of an infamous crime".--Saturday Review.

Asperger's and Girls

Book Description

World-renowned experts join those with Asperger's Syndrome to resolve issues that girls and women face every day!

Manuale completo di Voodoo blu

Book Description

Benvenuti nell'affascinante mondo di Voodoo blu! Nel "Manuale completo di Voodoo blu", scoprirai uno straordinario compendio di conoscenze ancestrali e pratiche mistiche che ti guideranno verso una vita di protezione, armonia e benessere. Sei pronto a sperimentare la magia e il potere di Voodoo blu nella tua vita? Questo libro è una guida completa che ti porterà per mano attraverso incantesimi di protezione, rituali per rafforzare la tua difesa personale e domestica, nonché rituali per ritrovare la calma mentale e alleviare lo stress nei momenti difficili. Scoprirai il potere degli incantesimi di protezione e come usarli per tenere a bada le energie negative. Con l'aiuto di questo manuale imparerai a connetterti con le forze spirituali di Voodoo blu e ad usarle per creare uno scudo protettivo intorno a te e al tuo ambiente. Dagli incantesimi per allontanare la sfortuna ai rituali per aumentare la tua energia vitale, troverai un'ampia gamma di pratiche per attirare prosperità e benessere nella tua vita. Ogni pagina è intrisa di antica saggezza e rituali attentamente progettati per migliorare la tua connessione con il divino e proteggere il tuo essere da qualsiasi energia negativa. Questi antichi segreti ti permetteranno di aprirti a un nuovo livello di protezione e difesa energetica. Non importa se sei nuovo nel mondo del Voodoo o un praticante esperto, questo manuale è per te. Ogni tecnica, amuleto e incantesimo è spiegato in modo chiaro e conciso, permettendoti di addentrarti in questo universo mistico con facilità e sicurezza. Preparati a intraprendere un fantastico viaggio di scoperta di te stesso, protezione e crescita spirituale! Voodoo blu ti fornirà la guida e la forza di cui hai bisogno per affrontare le sfide della vita e trovare la tranquillità che desideri. Non aspettare oltre e ottieni la tua copia del "Manuale completo di Voodoo blu" oggi. Scopri il potere che porti dentro e libera tutto il tuo potenziale per una vita piena di protezione e prosperità! Imparerai: Creare una bambola voodoo Strumenti ed elementi magici per il voodoo Incantesimi di protezione Rituali di protezione Energia e protezione della casa Incantesimi per calmare la mente Amuleti di protezione Erbe e incensi per rituali

The Golden Key

Book Description

The mistake made by many people, when things go wrong, is to skim through book after book, withoutgetting anywhere. Read The Golden Key several times. Do exactly what it says, and if you are persistent enough you will overcome any difficulty. Emmet Fox This book includes: 1. The Golden Key to Prayer; 2. AFFIRMATIONS for: Peace Healing Finances Comfort Forgiveness Relationship Blessings Animal Blessing Indecision Weight Release 3. A short biography of Emmet Fox 4. The italian translation (La chiave d'oro) About the Author Emmet Fox (July 30, 1886 – August 13, 1951) was a New Thought spiritual leader of the early 20th century, famous for his large Divine Science church services held in New York City during the Great Depression. His books and pamphlets have been distributed to over three million people and it can be conservatively estimated that they have come into the hands of more then a ten million.

The italian reset diet

Book Description

In this book, Dr. Dario Polisano will give you the answers that no one has ever given you regarding food and nutrition. He will explain how to achieve psycho-physical well-being, resetting and detoxifying your body, followed by a gradual reintroduction of the allowed foods. You can finally lose all excess weight in a quick and healthy fashion. Most people know the relationship between diet and health, and many among them already understand that gluten, dairy products, and sugars (among other things) are harmful to one's well-being. And yet, all too often, when we go into specifics trying to reach an explanation about the real reasons and the real harmful effects of these foods, we find ourselves without answers. In this book you will find the answers you have been looking for for some timeclear answers, expressed with simple but thorough explanations, and all based on scientific evidence. The answers that nobody has ever given you. You will also discover what the true Mediterranean diet entails, and learn how to follow it to improve your health. You will understand the reasons why certain illnesses arise, but above all, how to intervene in order to reset your body will be explained to you, through a targeted food program which will allow you to come into your best physical shape. For those who want to lose weight quickly, healthily and permanently, this is the book for you! Those who do not need to lose weight, but who live with more or less serious health problems will also find this book very useful. Dr. Dario Polisano is a biologist-nutritionist with degrees in ”Pharmaceutical Science Applied to Health Products” and ”Food Science and Human Nutrition.” He is an expert in clinical nutrition, and he is registered in the Honor Roll of Nutritionists. Today he continuously updates his course of study; in fact, he is now completing a master's degree in naturopathy and has achieved countless advanced courses on nutrition and on food integrators for cancer patients. After radically changing how he eats, and solving the countless health problems that had plagued him for years, he decided to help others by spreading his diet method, which he developed after long years of study. Dr. Dario Polisano affirms that we must not suppress the symptoms of our body, but rather interpret them and take action on the biological mechanisms that caused them. Translator: Giuseppe Di Martino PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Libro di Estèr

Book Description

IL LIBRO DI ESTÈR O DEL MAESTRO DI GIUSTIZIA NELLA CASA DI PREGHIERA PER TUTTI I POPOLI Scuola Nuova Essenica ristabilita dal Maestro di Giustizia nella Terza Redenzione Finale dell'Umanità Un testo dalla conoscenza della Scuola degli Esseni