La guia esencial del catecismo de la igelia catolica

Book Description

The Catechism - basically, the "operating instructions" for being a Catholic - isn't just for Catechism class prior to First Communion and Confirmation. It's an amazing collection of Church teachings and rules that cover everything from the basics, like honoring God, to more unusual subjects such as paying just wages and respecting animals. An understanding of the Catechism is key to the daily life of Catholics, and an appreciation of what Catholics believe. In Spanish.


Book Description

Iniciamos este libro con algunos conceptos básicos y elementales para una comprensión real e intuitiva de lo que es la Estadística Aplicada, sobre todo su aplicación a los problemas de la Enfermería y especialmente la especialidad de Matrona.

Introduction to Research in the Health Sciences - E-Book

Book Description

Now in its 7th edition this textbook is a must have for any health professional student. It provides a comprehensive overview of health research, in a concise and easy to read format using examples directly related to the health sciences. It helps students understand health research models, and how research goes on to inform and improve evidence-based clinical practice. For practitioners it provides guidance on published research in journals, providing an essential tool to keep their practice evidence based. Uses simple language and demystifies research jargon Covers both quantitative and qualitative research methodology, taking a very practical approach Provides an extensive glossary for better understanding of the language of research Fully updated online interactive self-assessment tests including MCQs, true or false questions and short answer questions.

La Guia de los Nuevos Estimulantes

Book Description

¿Por qué si nuestra vida es más fácil, el trabajo más suave que antaño, la alimentación superior y la esperanza de vida roza los ochenta años, nos medicamos mucho más que antes. Seguramente la respuesta está en la falta de motivación, es decir, en la costumbre de tener un medicamento para todo: si engordamos una pastilla nos hará adelgazar; si no dormimos, un tranquilizante nos ayudará a dormir; etc. No se trata de cuestionar el papel indispensable del médico, sino, simplemente de recordar que existen medicamentos, tradicionales o modernos que, en algunos casos, han sido eficaces. Pero, atención, es el médico quien debe decidir la necesidad real de un tratamiento y la utilización de un producto más allá de las indicaciones legales. Apoyado por numerosas revistas científicas, este libro nos introduce en el núcleo de los mecanismos que deciden nuestra forma física e intelectual. Lejos de recetas preestablecidas, evalúa los medios a nuestra disposición e invita a que cada uno reflexione y evalúe la oportunidad de concienciarse. Al mismo tiempo, actualiza el antiguo adagio de Hipócrates: "Que tu alimento sea tu medicina". Este libro recoge un largo mosaico de productos -con algunas reservas- con un objetivo claro: describir el uso actual de moléculas psicoestimulantes (no estupefacientes) sin convertirlas en medicinas de uso diario. El lector descubrirá que puede tomar un euforizante unido a un antiamnésico y a un antiestresante, etc., comprobando que el riesgo de toxicidad es débil o inexistente, pero dándose cuenta de que existe una carencia allí donde el cuerpo y el espíritu funcionan perfectamente.

Exploring Research

Book Description

Book's content and also references for related works of fiction, and other material of a more informal nature. For Psychologists, Management and Businesspersons or other social or behavioral science-related professionals who are looking to sharpen their understanding of research methods.

Artificial Intelligence, Computer and Software Engineering Advances

Book Description

This book constitutes the proceedings of the XV Multidisciplinary International Congress on Science and Technology (CIT 2020), held in Quito, Ecuador, on 26–30 October 2020, proudly organized by Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE in collaboration with GDEON. CIT is an international event with a multidisciplinary approach that promotes the dissemination of advances in Science and Technology research through the presentation of keynote conferences. In CIT, theoretical, technical, or application works that are research products are presented to discuss and debate ideas, experiences, and challenges. Presenting high-quality, peer-reviewed papers, the book discusses the following topics: Artificial Intelligence Computational Modeling Data Communications Defense Engineering Innovation, Technology, and Society Managing Technology & Sustained Innovation, and Business Development Modern Vehicle Technology Security and Cryptography Software Engineering

Current Catalog

Book Description

First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.