
Book Description

Drone technologies have constantly been developing for over 100 years. The latest models exhibit a previously unseen set of specifications available to the end users. The collective effort of distinguished international researchers, within the field of drone technologies, has been incorporated into this textbook suitable to the broader audience. The book has been edited by Prof. George Dekoulis, Aerospace Engineering Institute (AEI), Cyprus, an expert on state-of-the-art implementations of reconfigurable space engineering systems. The book consists of four main sections, namely, "Introduction," "Drone History," "Drone Design," and "Drone Applications." We hope this book will be beneficial to professionals, researchers, and academicians and, moreover, to inspire the younger generations into pursuing relevant academic studies and professional careers within the drone industry.

Handbook of Research on International Business and Models for Global Purpose-Driven Companies

Book Description

International businesses struggle to be competitive and influential at the global market level. With the new ideas in the management and leadership disciplines, hard skills are losing or are believed to be losing their strategic relevance while soft skills are praised and highly sought after. The Handbook of Research on International Business and Models for Global Purpose-Driven Companies, a pivotal reference source, provides vital research on international business management strategies and applications within internal organizations that allow companies to strategically position themselves for increased success in the global economy. While highlighting topics such as organizational culture, internal communication, and generational workforce, this publication explores leadership disciplines as well as the methods of handling multicultural organizations. This book is ideally designed for entrepreneurs, executives, managers, business professionals, human resource officials, researchers, academicians, and students.

Manual para el desarrollo de ferrocarriles urbanos

Book Description

A nivel global, ciudades buscan desarrollar soluciones de transporte asequibles, ecológicas y socialmente responsables que puedan satisfacer las necesidades de conectividad de las crecientes poblaciones metropolitanas y respaldar el futuro desarrollo económico y urbano. Cuando los sistemas ferroviarios urbanos se planifican e implementan adecuadamente como parte de una red de transporte público más amplia, éstis pueden brindar vías rápidas de movilidad y acceso vital a los centros urbanos desde la periferias. Los servicios ferroviarios urbanos de alto rendimiento, cuando se abordan cuidadosamente en el contexto de un proyecto de desarrollo, pueden ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos brindándoles acceso a oportunidades laborales y servicios esenciales, tanto del entorno urbano inmediato como de comunidades vecinas. Este manual sintetiza y difunde conocimientos sobre planificación, implementación y operación de los proyectos ferroviarios urbanos para: i) destacar la necesidad de realizar estudios tempranos y planificar los proyectos, ii) contribuir a que los proyectos sean más sostenibles (desde el punto de vista económico, social y ambiental); iii) mejorar los beneficios socioeconómicos de los usuarios y el acceso de estos a distintas oportunidades; iv) maximizar el valor de la participación privada, cuando corresponda, y v) fortalecer la capacidad de las instituciones encargadas de la gestión e implementación de los proyectos. Se ofrece experiencia para lidiar con los desafíos técnicos, institucionales y financieros a los que se enfrentan los tomadores de decisiones de proyectos ferroviarios urbanos. Se reúnen los conocimientos especializados del personal del Banco Mundial y el aporte de numerosos especialistas para sintetizar buenas prácticas y recomendaciones basadas en experiencia global que no responden a intereses comerciales, financieros ni políticos, entre otros. El material presentado tiene como objetivo servir de guía imparcial para maximizar el impacto y afrontar los desafíos que conllevan los sistemas ferroviarios urbanos en las ciudades de países desarrollados y en desarrollo. No se brinda un enfoque único, sino que se reconocen las complejidades y los distintos contextos existentes cuando se aborda un proyecto de desarrollo ferroviario urbano; de ese modo, se apoya a las autoridades a prepararse para formular las preguntas adecuadas, analizar las cuestiones clave, llevar a cabo los estudios necesarios, aplicar las herramientas apropiadas y aprender de las buenas prácticas internacionales, todo ello en el oportuno momento del proceso de desarrollo del proyecto.

Research Anthology on Changing Dynamics of Diversity and Safety in the Workforce

Book Description

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of safety and ergonomics in the workplace. From work-life balance and mental health to risk prevention, maintaining a healthy and happy workforce has become essential for the progress of every company. Moreover, ensuring inclusive spaces has become a pillar of business with some worrying that the diversity agenda will be overshadowed by the recent pandemic. It is imperative that current research is compiled that sheds light on the advancements being made in promoting diversity and wellbeing in the modern workforce. The Research Anthology on Changing Dynamics of Diversity and Safety in the Workforce is a comprehensive reference source that provides the latest emerging research on diversity management and initiatives as well as occupational health and safety practices in the workplace. These concepts are necessary for global workplaces to remain safe, efficient, and inclusive. Covering topics such as employee equity, human resources practices, and worker wellbeing, this anthology provides an excellent resource for researchers, human resources personnel, managers, safety officers, policymakers, CEOs, students, professors, and academicians.

Cal/OSHA Pocket Guide for the Construction Industry

Book Description

The Cal/OSHA Pocket Guide for the Construction Industry is a handy guide for workers, employers, supervisors, and safety personnel. This latest 2011 edition is a quick field reference that summarizes selected safety standards from the California Code of Regulations. The major subject headings are alphabetized and cross-referenced within the text, and it has a detailed index. Spiral bound, 8.5 x 5.5"

Textbook of Patient Safety and Clinical Risk Management

Book Description

Implementing safety practices in healthcare saves lives and improves the quality of care: it is therefore vital to apply good clinical practices, such as the WHO surgical checklist, to adopt the most appropriate measures for the prevention of assistance-related risks, and to identify the potential ones using tools such as reporting & learning systems. The culture of safety in the care environment and of human factors influencing it should be developed from the beginning of medical studies and in the first years of professional practice, in order to have the maximum impact on clinicians' and nurses' behavior. Medical errors tend to vary with the level of proficiency and experience, and this must be taken into account in adverse events prevention. Human factors assume a decisive importance in resilient organizations, and an understanding of risk control and containment is fundamental for all medical and surgical specialties. This open access book offers recommendations and examples of how to improve patient safety by changing practices, introducing organizational and technological innovations, and creating effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable care systems, in order to spread the quality and patient safety culture among the new generation of healthcare professionals, and is intended for residents and young professionals in different clinical specialties.

Tuberculosis Programs

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