Gypsy Stigma and Exclusion in Turkey, 1970

Book Description

Using an oral history approach, this book draws on Gypsy and non-Gypsy narratives to tell the story of Gypsy forced dislocation from Bayramic, a northwestern town of Turkey, in 1970. Gül Özatesler examines memory construction, the categories of Gypsyness and Turkishness, and the different perspectives and positions that emerged, considering all in relation to underlying socioeconomic structure. The book reveals how ethnic and other identities can be deployed to conceal socioeconomic and political inequalities.

Gypsy Stigma and Exclusion in Turkey, 1970

Book Description

Using an oral history approach, this book draws on Gypsy and non-Gypsy narratives to tell the story of Gypsy forced dislocation from Bayramic, a northwestern town of Turkey, in 1970. Gül Özatesler examines memory construction, the categories of Gypsyness and Turkishness, and the different perspectives and positions that emerged, considering all in relation to underlying socioeconomic structure. The book reveals how ethnic and other identities can be deployed to conceal socioeconomic and political inequalities.

Roma Activism

Book Description

Exploring contemporary debates and developments in Roma-related research and forms of activism, this volume argues for taking up reflexivity as practice in these fields, and advocates a necessary renewal of research sites, methods, and epistemologies. The contributors gathered here – whose professional trajectories often lie at the confluence between activism, academia, and policy or development interventions – are exceptionally well placed to reflect on mainstream practices in all these fields, and, from their particular positions, envision a reimagining of these practices.

We are Here!

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Gypsies in Contemporary Egypt

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In Gypsies in Contemporary Egypt sociologist Alexandra Parrs draws on two years of fieldwork to explore how Dom identities are constructed, negotiated, and contested in the specifically Egyptian national context. With an eye to the pitfalls and evolution of scholarly work on the vastly more studied European Roma, she traces the scattered representations of Egyptian Dom, from accounts of them by nineteenth-century European Orientalists to their portrayal in Egyptian cinema as belly dancers in the 1950s and beggars and thieves more recently.


Book Description

Overview of the Roma/Gypy community and its history of discrimination and persecution in Europe, analyzing the various policies adopted during the 600 years since the Roma/Gypsies first migrated to Europe. The report examines specific areas where the Roma/Gypsy community as a whole currently faces difficulties, like disadvantage and discrimination in employment, housing, health, education and vocational opportunities.

Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Romany Studies

Book Description

A collection of essays on a wide range of aspects of the Roma communities, cultures, social and political conditions across Europe. The scholarly field of Romany studies is trapped by the history of Roma in a unique and peculiar position in Europe. The investigation of Roma was in the past marginal to academic concerns because most of its practitioners were amateur folklorists interested in treating the Roma as paragons of a lost world and not as citizens of modern nation-states. Today the field is hemmed in by two different power fields: the emotionally understandable, though intellectually debilitating, concern to turn the plight of the Roma into a matter of human rights and the difficulty that academics experience in dealing with people who are not a people in the sense that nation states constitute and make peoples. CONTENTSIntroduction Michael StewartOPERATIONALISING ETHNICITY AS A THEORETICAL TERM What Makes Us Gypsies, Who Knows !: Ethnicity and Reproduction Judit DurstConstructing Culture through Shared Location, Bricolage and Exchange: the Case of Gypsies and Roma Judith OkelyThe Romani Musicians on the Stage of Pluri-culturalism: the Case of the Kalyi Jag Group in Hungary Katalin KovalcsikHarming Cultural Feelings: Images and Categorisation of Temporary Romani Migrants to Graz/Austria Stefan BenedikOPERATIONALISING ETHNICITY IN PRACTICECrediting Recognition: Monetary Transactions of Poor Roma in Tercov Yasar Abu GhoshOn the Borders of Gender. Marriage and the Role of the Child amongst Hungarian Gypsies Cec lia Kovai Passing: Rebeka and the Gay Pride. On the Discursive Boundaries and Possibilities of Skin Colour Kata Horv thThe Employment of Roma, Turks and Bulgarians. A Comparative Report Based on the Outcome of the Multipurpose Household Survey 2007 Alexey PamporovANTI-ROMANY RACISMSHistory and MemoryFrom Time-Banditry to the Challenge of Established Historiographies: Romani Contributions to Old and New Images of the Holocaust Huub van BaarThe Other Genocide Michael Stewart The Unhidden Jew . Jewish Narratives in Romany Life Stories Zsuzsanna VidraContemporary ManifestationsNomads Land? Political Cultures and Nationalist Stances vis- -vis Roma in Italy Giovanni PickerNot Always the Same Old Story: Spatial Segregation and Feelings of Dislike towards Roma and Sinti in Large Cities and Medium-size Towns in Italy Tommaso Vitale and Enrico ClapsRomany ResponsesThe Web against Discrimination? Internet and Gypsies/Travellers Activism in Britain Marcelo FredianiRomany/Gypsy Church or People of God? The Dynamics of Pentecostal Mission and Romani/Gypsy Ethnicity Management Johannes RiesClaiming Legitimacy in/of a Romany NGO Hana Synkov Short Biographies of the Contributors

Processes of Prejudice

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Roma and Egyptians in Albania

Book Description

This report provides key insights into the social exclusion processes that affect Roma and Egyptian communities in Albania—two of the most vulnerable minority communities in Albania. It offers advice on the design of concrete actions to facilitate the inclusion of Roma and Egyptian communities into Albanian society, and also includes feedback from the Roma and Egyptian communities on the study findings and recommendations.'Roma and Egyptians in Albania' includes supporting data collected via participatory methodologies conducted in eleven study sites to investigate the socio-economic, cultural, institutional, and historical situation of Roma and Egyptian communities across Albania. The report's proposed public policies and strategies on minority, poverty, and social exclusion issues have been endorsed by the Roma and Egyptian communities.

Exclusionary Violence

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A comprehensive examination of pre-Nazi violence against Jews in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Germany