Repensar la sostenibilidad

Book Description

La sostenibilidad, cualidad de lo sostenible, hace referencia a un proceso que puede alargarse en el tiempo. Cuando este proceso lo referimos a cuestiones socio-ecológicas, comprobamos cómo, desde hace ya largo tiempo, no son pocas las voces acreditadas que han puesto sobre aviso del progresivo deterioro ecológico y sus consecuencias perjudiciales para la vida humana. Nuestra obra parte de estas negatividades para repensar la idea de sostenibilidad en sus justos términos, y así dar cabida a una variedad de aportaciones que ayuden a restituimos dentro de los límites ecosistémicos.

Comunicación especializada y divulgación en la red

Book Description

Comunicación especializada y divulgación en la red: aproximaciones basadas en corpus adopta un enfoque basado en corpus para analizar los principales rasgos discursivos de la divulgación y de la comunicación especializada en español. El volumen presenta un modelo teórico para el estudio de la divulgación en los géneros digitales y lo aplica a una serie de estudios de caso que analizan diferentes rasgos (entre otros, la metáfora, la polifonía o los encuadres discursivos) que permiten caracterizar cómo se comunican contenidos especializados a un público lego. La investigación se basa en el corpus WebLesp, que contiene distintos géneros digitales en cuatro ámbitos sectoriales: medicina, derecho, economía y ciencia. El volumen se dirige a investigadores expertos y principiantes, así como a alumnado y profesorado, interesados en la lingüística española, el análisis de género, el análisis del discurso, el español para fines específicos y la lingüística de corpus. Comunicación especializada y divulgación en la red: aproximaciones basadas en corpus presents a corpus-based approach to the study of the key features of popularization and specialised communication in Spanish. Providing a theoretical framework for the study of popularization in web genres, this book proposes a series of case studies exploring a range of features (including metaphor, polyphony and discourse frames) that contribute to characterise how specialised knowledge is communicated to lay audiences. The research is based on the WebLesp corpus, containing different web genres pertaining to four major domains: law, economics, medicine, and science. This will be of particular interest to researchers and advanced students in Spanish Linguistics, Genre Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Spanish for Specific Purposes and Corpus Linguistics.

Cities of Tomorrow

Book Description

Cities of Tomorrow is a critical history of planning in theory and practice in the twentieth century, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise to it. Trenchant, perceptive, global in coverage, this book is an unrivalled account of its crucial subject. The third edition of Cities of Tomorrow is comprehensively revised to take account of abundant new literature published since its original appearance, and to view the 1990s in historical perspective. This is the definitive edition, reviewing the development of the modern planning movement over the entire span of the twentieth century.

The Failure of Environmental Education (And How We Can Fix It)

Book Description

“The hope for the future depends on teaching current and future students the analytical and critical thinking skills for dealing with the most critical problems. My own hope is for this book to be read by everyone, even those outside the field of environmental education. Read this book, read it again, share it widely, and do something - anything - to help our needy and wounded planet."-Marc Bekoff, author of The Animal Manifesto: Six Reasons For Expanding Our Compassion Footprint "Saylan and Blumstein provide a compelling vision of what can be, and what should be, if we have the courage to open our eyes and the boldness to act.”-Peter Saundry, Ph.D., Executive Director of the National Council for Science and the Environment “A clarion call to incorporate environmental education in all grades K-12, across all academic disciplines, in order to produce future generations of environmental stewards."-Mark Gold, President, Heal The Bay "We need a sea change in the educational system. After all, if we can teach schoolchildren that vandalism is wrong, why can we not teach them that environmental destruction is wrong? This book is a haunting call to action. A beautifully written manifesto that gets it right."-Ron Swaisgood, Director of Applied Animal Ecology, Institute for Conservation Research, San Diego Zoo Global “The greatest threat to the future of all species on the planet is the huge gap between what is understood about global climate change by the scientific community and what is known about climate change by the people who need to know -- the public. The sound prescriptions in this book need to be read now. We are running out of time.”-Dr. James Hansen, world-renowned climatologist and author of Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity “Environmental education is a disaster and educating the public on environmental issues is the greatest challenge facing humanity today. This book will help us understand why we are headed toward the collapse of civilization, and more important, how to fix it. Packed with sound science, useful information, and brilliant ideas, it is a book we must read, and give, to our local school boards and principals nationwide. Our children will thank us."-Paul R. Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb and Humanity on a Tightrope

Liberating Voices

Book Description

Inspired by the vision and framework outlined in Christopher Alexander's classic 1977 book, A Pattern Language, Schuler presents a pattern language containing 136 patterns designed to meet these challenges. Using this approach, Schuler proposes a new model of social change that integrates theory and practice by showing how information and communication (whether face-to-face, broadcast, or Internet-based) can be used to address urgent social and environmental problems collaboratively. Each of the patterns that form the pattern language (which was developed collaboratively with nearly 100 contributors) is presented consistently; each describes a problem and its context, a discussion, and a solution. The pattern language begins with the most general patterns ("Theory") and proceeds to the most specific ("Tactics"). Each pattern is a template for research as well as action and is linked to other patterns, thus forming a single coherent whole.

Una vida sustentable

Book Description

Quienes vivimos en la ciudad reconocemos y sabemos de la importancia de reducir el impacto ambiental. Muchas veces creemos que es algo difícil, cuando no imposible, de llevar a cabo. Este libro propone un recorrido por los distintos espacios de desarrollo y consumo de una persona urbana, con herramientas e información para planear nuevas formas de vincularnos con el entorno. Lo fundamental es la toma de consciencia como motor de cambio de hábitos y lograr una conexión humana y verdadera con nuestro medio ambiente para la construcción de un futuro distinto. Maŕia Natalia Mazzei, creadora de @Ecointensa, comparte anécdotas personales, citas inspiradoras y pensamientos, y brinda consejos sobre cómo vivir de manera más ecológica, nutrir la tierra, apoyar las economías locales y crear un estilo de vida sustentable.--Back cover.

Connectivity Conservation

Book Description

One of the biggest threats to the survival of many plant and animal species is the destruction or fragmentation of their natural habitats. The conservation of landscape connections, where animals, plants, and ecological processes can move freely from one habitat to another, is therefore an essential part of any new conservation or environmental protection plan. In practice, however, maintaining, creating, and protecting connectivity in our increasingly dissected world is a daunting challenge. This fascinating volume provides a synthesis on the current status and literature of connectivity conservation research and implementation. It shows the challenges involved in applying existing knowledge to real-world examples and highlights areas in need of further study. Containing contributions from leading scientists and practitioners, this topical and thought-provoking volume will be essential reading for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners working in conservation biology and natural resource management.