X-ray waveguide optics

Book Description

Modern x-ray sources and analysis techniques such as lens less imaging combined with phase retrieval algorithms allow for resolving structure sizes in the nanometer range. For this purpose optics have to be employed, ensuring small focal spot dimensions simultaneously with high photon densities. Furthermore, the wave front behind the optics is required to be smooth enabling for high resolution imaging. Combining all these properties, x-ray waveguides are well suited to perform this task, since the intensity distribution behind the guide is restricted in two dimensions serving as a secondary quasi point-source without wave-front aberrations, showing also a high divergence, suitable for resolving fine features. Importantly, the radiation provided by the waveguide reveals a high degree of coherence, required by many imaging techniques. The waveguide itself consists of an air-filled channel embedded in a solid matrix; typical materials are silicon, germanium or quartz. While the entrance area is nano-sized, the channel length is in the millimeter-range, this way posing challenges to fabricate high aspect ratio geometries. Since the functioning of x-ray waveguides is based on the total reflection at small incident angles, the surface roughness of the channel walls must be as low as possible to avoid scattering and hence loss of intensity. To fulfill these demanding conditions, a process scheme involving spin-coating, electron beam lithography, wet development, reactive ion etching and wafer bonding is optimized within this work. To gain deeper insights into the principle of wave guiding finite difference simulations are performed, also opening access for advanced design considerations such as gratings, tapered and curved channels, or beamsplitters, enabling for constructing novel x-ray tools as for example time delay devices or interferometers. Waveguides in all geometries are tested at synchrotron sources, accomplishing new benchmarks in x-ray optical performance. Here, the x-ray beam leaving the channel, propagates out to a pixel array detector in the far-field region. From the recorded data the intensity distribution in the near-field directly behind the waveguide is reconstructed, revealing an outstanding agreement with the simulations and electron micrographs. Since the radiation field of the waveguide is well-characterized and also tunable to meet the requirements of both the measurement setup and the sample, they are suited of a broad field of applications in coherent x-ray imaging.

X-ray Waveguide Optics: Beyond Straight Channels

Book Description

Modern x-ray sources and analysis techniques such as lens less imaging combined with phase retrieval algorithms allow for resolving structure sizes in the nanometerrange. For this purpose optics have to be employed, ensuring small focal spot dimensions simultaneously with high photon densities. Furthermore, the wave front behind the optics is required to be smooth enabling for high-resolution imaging. Combining all these properties, x-ray waveguides are well suited to perform this task, since the intensity distribution behind the guide is restricted in two dimensions serving as a secondary ...

Advanced x-ray multilayer waveguide optics

Book Description

The aim of this thesis was to design novel waveguide structures, and to analyze them in view of complex phenomena of near-field propagation. For this purpose, experimental far-field measurements were used in combination with finite-difference simulations and phase retrieval methods. Two novel structures have been designed, fabricated and characterized: the waveguide array (WGA), yielding several waveguided beams in transmission, and multi-guide resonate beam couplers (RBCs), tailored to yield two or several reflected beams. Two novel structures have been designed, fabricated and characterized: the WGA, yielding several waveguided beams in transmission, and multi-guide RBCs, tailored to yield two or several reflected beams. The WGA and the multi-guide RBCs are not only distinct in the coupling geometry. A major difference is related to the fact that the WGA principle is based on the separation (non coupling) of the different transmitted wavelets, while the RBC functions are based on a strong coupling of guided radiation in several layers.

Optimization of Waveguide Optics for Lensless X-ray Imaging

Book Description

Lensless x-ray imaging is a promising method to determine the three-dimensional structure of material science and biological specimens at the nanoscale. The development of this technique is strongly related to the optimization of x-ray optics since the image formation and object reconstruction depend significantly on the properties of the illumination wave-field. Waveguide optics act as quasi-point sources and enable the spatial and coherent filtering of x-ray beams. Up to now, x-ray waveguides were severely limited in transmission and flux, restricting their use to high-contrast test structures with moderate resolution and long accumulation times. To overcome these limitations, a novel waveguide design with an optimized refractive index profile is presented which significantly minimizes the absorption of the modes propagating inside the waveguide. Experimental results along with simulations show that these two-component planar x-ray waveguides provide small beam cross-sections along with a high photon flux at the exit. By a serial arrangement of two waveguide slices an optimized illumination source has been developed for high-resolution microscopy, as demonstrated in proof-of-concept imaging experiments.

Fundamentals of Optical Waveguides

Book Description

Fundamentals of Optical Waveguides is an essential resource for any researcher, professional or student involved in optics and communications engineering. Any reader interested in designing or actively working with optical devices must have a firm grasp of the principles of lightwave propagation. Katsunari Okamoto has presented this difficult technology clearly and concisely with several illustrations and equations. Optical theory encompassed in this reference includes coupled mode theory, nonlinear optical effects, finite element method, beam propagation method, staircase concatenation method, along with several central theorems and formulas. Since the publication of the well-received first edition of this book, planar lightwave circuits and photonic crystal fibers have fully matured. With this second edition the advances of these fibers along with other improvements on existing optical technologies are completely detailed. This comprehensive volume enables readers to fully analyze, design and simulate optical atmospheres. Exceptional new chapter on Arrayed-Waveguide Grating (AWG) In-depth discussion of Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCFs) Thorough explanation of Multimode Interference Devices (MMI) Full coverage of polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD)

Modern Developments in X-Ray and Neutron Optics

Book Description

This volume describes modern developments in reflective, refractive and diffractive optics for short wavelength radiation. It also covers recent theoretical approaches to modelling and ray-tracing the x-ray and neutron optical systems. It is based on the joint research activities of specialists in x-ray and neutron optics, working together under the framework of the European Programme for Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST, Action P7) in the period 2002-2006.

Hard X-ray Microscopy Enhanced by Coherent Image Reconstruction

Book Description

X-ray microscopy is used to study the structure, dynamics and bulk properties of matter with high spatial resolutions. It is widely applied, from physics and chemistry to material and life sciences. In the past two decades, progress in X-ray microscopy was driven either by improvements in X-ray optics or by improvements in the image reconstruction by using algorithms as computational lenses. In this work both approaches are combined to exploit the advantages of X-ray imaging with a large numerical aperture and the advantages of coherent image reconstruction. It is shown that a combined X-ray microscope using both, advanced optics and algorithms, is neither limited by flawed optics nor by constraints imposed by reconstruction algorithms, which enables to go beyond current limits in resolution and applications. The thesis is structured in four parts. In the first part hard X-ray lenses, so called multilayer zone plates, are simulated to investigate volume diffraction effects within the multilayer structure, and to study the potential for smaller focus sizes and higher efficiencies. In the second part, the multilayer zone plates are characterized and implemented in an X-ray microscope. In the third part, a new imaging scheme is presented, which combines in-line holography and coherent diffractive imaging. This method overcomes the current resolution limit of in-line holography and can achieve super-resolution with respect to the numerical aperture of the illuminating beam. Finally, in the fourth part a multilayer zone plate is used as an objective lens with a known transfer function in a novel coherent full-field imaging experiment based on iterative phase retrieval, for high resolution and quantitative contrast.

Coherent X-Ray Optics

Book Description

This book gives a thorough treatment of the rapidly-expanding field of coherent x-ray optics, which has recently experienced something of a renaissance with the availability of third-generation synchrotron sources. It is the first book of its kind. The author begins with a treatment of the fundamentals of x-ray diffraction for both coherent and partially coherent radiation, together with the interactions of x-rays with matter. X-ray sources, optics elements and detectors are then discussed, with an emphasis on their role in coherent x-ray optics. Various facets of coherent x-ray imaging are then discussed, including holography, interferometry, self imaging, phase contrast and phase retrieval. Lastly, the foundations of the new field of singular x-ray optics are examined. Most topics are developed from first principles, with numerous references given to the contemporary research literature. This book will be useful to x-ray physicists and students, together with optical physicists and engineers who wish to learn more about the fascinating subject of coherent x-ray optics.