Hatred, Lies, and Violence in the World of Islam

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Hatred, Lies, and Violence in the World of Islam examines the torrential flood of anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish, and anti-Zionist propaganda that permeates many Muslim societies. Raphael Israeli locates the source of this anti-Semitic sentiment in the inadequacies and insecurities of Muslim states. By demonizing and delegitimizing Israel and Jews, they seek to eliminate a successful counterexample of their own failures, thus putting an end to their own "humiliation." Beyond mapping the distribution of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish propaganda in the Arab and Islamic worlds, Israeli uses case-studies to illustrate the premises of this study: the Palestinians, who have a direct stake in battling Israel; Turkey, which now claims leadership of the Arab and Sunni Muslim worlds; and Shi'ite Iran, which provides a more extreme example of both hatred and disregard for fact and history while threatening to destroy Israel. Israeli documents the worldwide collaboration between Jew-haters of all sorts, explaining the exponential growth of Jew-hatred on the Internet, with thousands of new hate sites added every year, outpacing Jew-hatred in the traditional media. He places anti-Semitism in a broader tradition of political lies and political deceit. In the final chapter, Israeli considers the possibility of reversing anti-Jewish agitation in Muslim countries, which he finds unlikely because so many of the region's regimes are built on foundations of anti-Semitism.


Book Description

Islam is unique among all religions. This is the only religion that is still as pure, as false, as violent, and as fanatic as it was when it was propounded by Muhammad about 1400 years ago. Unlike other religions, there has been no change or growth in Islam. This is because they believe that Allah has made the Quran perfect and Muhammad the last final messenger. So, obviously, there cannot be any scope for improvement in Islam!The consequences of Islam are seen by all of us today: almost all terrorist activities worldwide are committed by Muslims; all Islamic nations violate human rights of the minorities; all of them are continuing their war with the non-Muslim world to convert them to Islam by internal subversion of democratic institutions, high birth rate, illegal or legal immigration, propagation of hatred against non-Muslims in mosques and direct/indirect support for terrorist activities, etc.After 9/11, a lot of study of Islam was undertaken, especially in the US by several scholars. The conclusions of this study have been published in several books, whose authors have rightly challenged the view that Islam is a peaceful religion. They have demonstrated, with direct quotes from the Quran and Hadiths, that Islam is an extremely violent religion and that terrorism is an integral part of Islam itself.However, these pioneering studies have two major flaws: first, they highlight only the violent aspects of Islam without understanding the philosophical reasons why Islam is so violent; secondly, they do not offer any actionable solution to eliminate terrorism/Islam. This book attempts to fill up these gaps in our understanding of Islam.This book demonstrates that terrorism cannot be stopped by the current war on terror, as it does not address the root cause of terrorism, which is Islam itself. You kill or capture 5 terrorists, Islam produces 100 new terrorists! Quran and Hadiths are manuals of terror. So, unless they are banned, terrorism cannot stop. However, I must clarify that I am against Islam, not against Muslims. I believe that Muslims, too, are the victims of Islam. From day 1, they are brainwashed to think that the Quran is infallible and that it has been created by Allah. Most Muslims want peace and brotherhood with the rest of the world. But Islam would not let them believe in and work for peace. They are pushed towards hating fellow humans by the Quran and Hadiths continuously. Because of their conditioning, few Muslims dare to challenge the hate-mongering Islamic religious texts, even though they long for peace.So, in my view, the solution lies in nudging Muslims toward understanding the false and violent character of Islam and motivating them to challenge it. We need to explain to them the hard scientific facts that conclusively prove several tenets of Islam to be false. We need to show them how and why the hatred advocated by Islam against others is based on false presumptions. In short, we must educate Muslims with facts, logic, and love. We should never condemn them, just as we do not condemn a sick person. Islam is a virus. Anyone infected by it becomes mentally sick and starts hating all non-Muslims. We need to treat the infected people, rather than condemn them. We must kill the virus to save the sick.This book is an attempt to put these ideas in a consistent, coherent, logical, and facts-based vision and apply this vision to solve the problems created by Islam.In this book, I have examined why Muhammad propounded Islam in the first place, how he philosophically justified what he believed, how almost all his beliefs are false and full of contradictions, and how violence/terrorism logically follows from his beliefs. I have also given a realistic solution to eliminate Islam with the least possible violence.

Preachers of Hate

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Like no book before it, Preachers of Hate uncovers an ancient hatred that threatens the life and livelihood of every American. The “new” anti-Semitism targets not only Jews, but Americans specifically and the West in general. It targets our values, our lifestyle, and our freedoms. It is the single most important issue we face when trying to make sense of the Arab world. Most Americans will be stunned to discover the depth and extent of anti-Semitic hatred in today’s Middle East and Europe, and that many Muslim leaders are not just encouraging it, but spending a great deal of money to spread the lies that spawned the terrorists responsible for the September 11 attack on America. In Preachers of Hate, bestselling author Kenneth R. Timmerman (who is not Jewish) contends that, besides Islam itself, the core unifying force in the Muslim world is a virulent strain of anti-Semitism that postulates the existence of a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. From the pulpits of fiery Muslim clerics to the Arab street, and to the highest reaches of government and state-sponsored media, there is a belief that this thousand-year-old conspiracy has already taken hold in America and is now, especially after the war in Iraq, about to do the same in the Middle East and beyond. It is seen as no less than Muslims’ historical destiny to prevent such a takeover, and to do so by any means possible. To misunderstand the ferocity of that belief is to vastly underestimate the resolve of many Muslims to repel America, Israel, and all things Western. Timmerman explores the roots of this hatred, examining its history, the religious sources upon which it draws, and how it is being transmitted to young people growing up in Arab societies by their leaders, their teachers, and their mosques. He documents how U.S. and European Union money has been used to finance hatred in Palestinian schools. He exposes the double-talk of Arab leaders and their supporters in the West. As it so often was throughout history, this new strain of Jew hatred is really about much more than Jews. They get attacked first, when the enemies of America can’t attack Americans. However, what begins with the Jews never ends with the Jews. “Is there a conspiracy between America and the Jews?” asks Timmerman. “Indeed there is: A common heritage, a dedication to improving the human condition through compassion and tolerance of differences—a conspiracy of freedom. And that is why they hate us.” As with the Jews throughout history, America has been “unfairly successful.” As have the Jews, Americans have “profited” from the misery and poverty of others. If you hate Jews, you must also hate America. Such is the simple logic of the anti-Semite. Such, increasingly, is the logic of the Middle East. It is a message that is reinforced day in and day out by the official government-sanctioned Arab media, from the streets of Egypt, London, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Paris, and Gaza, and in the mosques where impassioned clerics quote verbatim texts like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a pillar of anti-Semitic hatred that originated in czarist Russia. As America reasserts her role in the Middle East and attempts to bring peace between Jews and Arabs, Preachers of Hate is an essential book that reframes a very complicated issue as a matter of life and death.

The Intractable Dispute

Book Description

The Middle East conflict, which has been raging for a century and seems to have no end in sight, is not over territory or other assets, but is historically anchored in the Islamic tradition, which has become the preponderant faith of the Arabs. Being a qualitative factor of an either-or import from the Muslim point of view, which is today best expressed by Iran, the Muslim Brothers, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other radical Muslim movements, it is not given to negotiation and compromise, as any other political conflict, but is governed by absolutes and one-sided perspectives. Arab nationalism, Islam, and Zionism are the main political and religious movements taking center stage in this conflict. The intractable nature of the conflict has so far defied all negotiations, agreements, and peace treaties. All the proposed “peaceful” settlements have thus far remained brittle, while the fundamental issues of stereotyping, suspicion, hatred, and condescendence have remained in place, unshaken. This book confronts two contradictory ideologies and attempts to bridge them over.

Expedient Identity

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The twenty percent Arab-Palestinian minority in Israel, which enjoys officially equal rights, refuses to recognize and accept the concept of a Jewish-Zionist state. Even though Israel is where Palestinians live, they strive to misuse Israeli democracy, allowing their representation of fifteen MK, or Members of Parliament, to subvert the legitimacy of the Israeli state and to totter it. This would allow them to create a bi-national Jewish-Arab country, where Arabs can veto anything Jewish or Zionist in its symbols or regime. But since the Jewish majority is adamant in maintaining the Jewish state, established more than seven decades ago, the Arabs who cannot reconcile their present situation will have to choose eventually between living in permanent friction and frustration, or restarting a new life in one of the surrounding 22 Arab or 57 Muslim countries where their likely adaptation would be much smoother and seamless. One major figurehead mentioned in the book is MK Ahmed Tibi, who despite being the darling of the liberal Israeli media, often adopts extremist anti-Israeli views and claims that Israel incites against his nation.

Black Upon White

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Inspired by the June 2020 demonstrations and riots in America and in other parts of the world, which were triggered by the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, this volume compares the upheaval of the Arab minority in Israel and its claims of “racism” and “discrimination” with the plight of the African Americans in the U.S. The history of Black Power and the Nation of Islam militant activism in America claims that the present conflict between Blacks and whites, which has existed for four centuries, cannot be quelled by human rights demonstrations (peaceful and violent), or legislative measures. Since the 1930s, leaders of Black Power have floated the idea of Black territoriality and sovereignty, self-rule, and independence from white rule as the only way to restore Black dignity and self-confidence. It has been suggested, following the failure of all other solutions after the end of the Civil War, to assign Blacks a section of American soil where they can constitute the largest Black population, and be allowed, with federal assistance and funding, to move freely into and out of this chosen territory, until a Black majority state within the Union affords them the opportunity to practice self-rule.


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From the bestselling author of Why Catholics Are Right, and now available in paperback, a new examination of the history, reasoning, theology, and politics behind the great genocidal phenomenon of modern times: the Islamist war on Christianity. Christians are the most persecuted identifiable group on earth. This is not the opinion of some but the informed view of most--including the United Nations. What is seldom admitted, however, is that the vast majority of the nations that carry out the oppression, intolerance, violence, rape, and murder are Islamic. While Christians suffer in North Korea and parts of India, it is in Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, and even Indonesia and Malaysia where the situation is dark and becoming worse. The statistics and stories are truly terrifying in proportion and degree and as Islam expands and becomes increasingly aggressive, fundamentalist, and confident, Christian minorities live in fear and face a bleak future. Hatred outlines the history of the relationship between Islam and Christianity, explains what Islam actually teaches about the Christian faith, and gives numerous examples of the experience of Christians throughout the Islamic world. It explains not only what happens, but why it happens, and deliberately challenges the comforting but false idea that all of this is somehow an aberration and contrary to Islamic thought.

Glittering Stars in a Dark Landscape

Book Description

Noted scholar Raphael Israeli describes the surprising “normalization” process that occurred during the pandemic year 2020, in his latest book, Glittering Stars in a Dark Landscape: Early Auguries of the 2020 Arab ”Normalization” with Israel. He explains how the 2020 explosion of the “normalization” between Israel and some Arab Gulf States was the fruit of a long process of Arab self-reckoning. Its fruition was crowned, thanks to the efforts of President Donald Trump and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, with counsel from presidential advisor Jared Kushner. The process marks a revolution, insofar as it not only reverses the negative position taken by some Arab States that refused to deal with Israel as long as the Palestinian issue is not resolved, but in view of the Gulf States’ wealth and influence, this reversal will encourage others to follow in their footsteps. Great economic and political benefits will also accrue to Israel as a result.

Old Historians, New Historians, No Historians

Book Description

This polemical volume tackles the thorny and controversial issue of the vastly different narratives told (or manufactured) by the two parties of the conflict in the Middle East (the Arabs and Israel), focusing on 1948, where it all started. While all sides in this debate have vested interests, this author included, an attempt has been made here to reflect the factual truth on the events, although their interpretation will always remain controversial. Although the book argues principally with Benny Morris, the founder and leader of the so-called New Historians, it encompasses a wide array of controversial topics, like the evaluation of the 1948-49 War, the morality of the war (or the necessity to wage it as it was), and its main reverberations, such as the continuing conflict after seven decades, the aggravation of the Palestinian minority in Israel, and the essence of what history means. Israeli argues that the current debate between the so-called Old Historians and the New Historians--itself healthy if and when it is kept to the point and not allowed to degrade into personal libel and recriminations--is not really as unbridgeable as is often claimed. Both sides have erred at points and both sides have some important and complementary light to shed on the contentious events surrounding the birth of Israel.

Misnomers and Cultural Choices

Book Description

Misnomers are often used in international politics to describe issues and situations that use common words, but carry different meanings. For example, tolerance, suicide bombers, women’s equality, and many other words are commonly used by Muslims to make us believe that these words mean the equivalent of the jargon we know, when in fact they cover up dark schemes that depart miles from conventional meanings. • Tolerance means for us to accept others as they are without value/judgment. For Muslims, it means accepting others (often temporarily), despite their inherent inferiority, until converting or dominating them becomes feasible. • Suicide bombers for us means terrorists who do not care for human life, and are prepared to kill themselves together with other targeted enemies. For Muslims, these bombers are holy martyrs who sacrifice themselves for the sake of Allah by killing enemies of Islam, and are assured the bliss of Paradise in the proximity of Allah. • Women are diminished and relegated to a second-rate status in Islam. Women can be beaten and disciplined, while at the same time, equality and special concern is claimed for them. A wide array of examples and situations of Muslim misnomers are cited and elaborated in the book.