Health Instruction Framework for California Public Schools, Preschool Through Young Adult Years

Book Description

Abstract: A curriculum framework providing guidelines for health instruction in the California public school system focuses on the student's development of self-awareness, ability to make decisions, and health action. The framework represents a plan within which local districts can develop courses of study in health education, and from which health instructional materials may be selected. It also provides a basis for developing inservice training programs in health education. The role of health instruction in the curriculum and the relation of health to other academic subject areas are explored. Goals and a philosophy of health education are defined. These content areas of health instruction are presented: personal, family, mental, emotional, consumer, community, and environmental health; nutrition; use and abuse of substances; diseases and disorders; and accident prevention and emergency health services. Within each area, concepts and objectives for 5 developmental levels of students (preschool, early childhood, preadolescent, adolescent, and young adult) are outlined.

Health Education Content Standards for California Public Schools

Book Description

Provides guidance on the essential skills and knowledge that students should have at each grade level. Good health and academic success go together and local educators are encourage to apply these guidelines when developing strategies for helath education and other interdisciplinary subjects.