High Endeavor

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Adventure In Everything

Book Description

Have you ever wondered how others have reached their goals? Have you ever wanted to be more engaged and present? Have you ever wanted your life to be filled with adventure? Most of us have. It's important to note, though, that you don't need to climb Mount Everest, row across the Pacific Ocean, swim the English Channel, or ski to the North Pole to experience a life of adventure. In reality, finding it is a lifestyle choice that reconnects you with your dreams and passions. In Adventure in Everything, you'll learn a framework for making changes guaranteed to weave excitement and a sense of possibility into every single day. Whether it's finding a dream job, discovering a way to turn old responsibilities into new passions, enhancing your most significant relationships, or constructing a completely different way of being in this world, you have the potential for a life infused with exciting possibilities. With Adventure in Everything, you will discover this for yourself.


Book Description

Hanna Bassiano, formerly known as Lady H’ana ril-Koroth of D’neera, was, like all the people of the planet D’neera a telepath. Mutated from true-human stock, the D’neerans had claimed a world of their own to escape persecution, and started a flourishing civilization there. Now, accepted by true-humans, some like Hanna had ventured out into the wider universe, using their talents to the benefit of all. Hanna herself had become humanity’s expert in first contact with other sentient races. And though her very first mission had nearly ended in her death and could have resulted in a devastating interstellar war, both Hanna and humanity had survived. Several additional contacts had seen her firmly established as the person to spearhead this new first-contact mission. She and her handpicked team were now aboard alien contact ship Endeavor Three, following a centuries’ cold trail to a distant world that had sent its own expedition to the human colony world New Earth two hundred years ago. Long before Endeavor reached the planet they came to know as Battleground, Hanna began to explore the starways with her mind, seeking contact with this legendary race. But when at last she managed to touch the minds she sought, Hanna could scarcely believe what she had found—a race that seemed to exist only to fight, to breed, and to die. How could they survive for all these years? How had they come to be like this? And how would they respond to a peaceful expedition of humans arriving on their world? This brand-new science fiction novel follows The D'neeran Factor, an omnibus of Sentience and The Master of Chaos, and continues the adventures of Hanna Bassiano, human telepath and first-contact specialist aboard the spaceship Endeavor.

The Critic

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New York Teacher

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The New York Teacher

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Mathematics, a Human Endeavor

Book Description

For instructors of liberal arts mathematics classes who focus on problem-solving, Harold Jacobs's remarkable textbook has long been the answer, helping teachers connect with of math-anxious students. Drawing on over thirty years of classroom experience, Jacobs shows students how to make observations, discover relationships, and solve problems in the context of ordinary experience.

Ancient Ideals

Book Description