Plasma Science

Book Description

Plasma Science and Engineering transforms fundamental scientific research into powerful societal applications, from materials processing and healthcare to forecasting space weather. Plasma Science: Enabling Technology, Sustainability, Security and Exploration discusses the importance of plasma research, identifies important grand challenges for the next decade, and makes recommendations on funding and workforce. This publication will help federal agencies, policymakers, and academic leadership understand the importance of plasma research and make informed decisions about plasma science funding, workforce, and research directions.

Introduction to High Energy Physics

Book Description

This highly-regarded text provides a comprehensive introduction to modern particle physics. Extensively rewritten and updated, this 4th edition includes developments in elementary particle physics, as well as its connections with cosmology and astrophysics. As in previous editions, the balance between experiment and theory is continually emphasised. The stress is on the phenomenological approach and basic theoretical concepts rather than rigorous mathematical detail. Short descriptions are given of some of the key experiments in the field, and how they have influenced our thinking. Although most of the material is presented in the context of the Standard Model of quarks and leptons, the shortcomings of this model and new physics beyond its compass (such as supersymmetry, neutrino mass and oscillations, GUTs and superstrings) are also discussed. The text includes many problems and a detailed and annotated further reading list.

Foundations of High-Energy-Density Physics

Book Description

A valuable and complete resource that brings together many of the branches of physics needed in high-energy-density physics. Targeted at research scientists and graduate students in physics and astrophysics, this book begins with basic concepts and develops a detailed explanation of the physics of hydrodynamics and energy transport in plasma.

Frontiers in High Energy Density Physics

Book Description

Recent scientific and technical advances have made it possible to create matter in the laboratory under conditions relevant to astrophysical systems such as supernovae and black holes. These advances will also benefit inertial confinement fusion research and the nation's nuclear weapon's program. The report describes the major research facilities on which such high energy density conditions can be achieved and lists a number of key scientific questions about high energy density physics that can be addressed by this research. Several recommendations are presented that would facilitate the development of a comprehensive strategy for realizing these research opportunities.

Experimental Techniques in Nuclear and Particle Physics

Book Description

I have been teaching courses on experimental techniques in nuclear and particle physics to master students in physics and in engineering for many years. This book grew out of the lecture notes I made for these students. The physics and engineering students have rather different expectations of what such a course should be like. I hope that I have nevertheless managed to write a book that can satisfy the needs of these different target audiences. The lectures themselves, of course, need to be adapted to the needs of each group of students. An engineering student will not qu- tion a statement like “the velocity of the electrons in atoms is ?1% of the velocity of light”, a physics student will. Regarding units, I have written factors h and c explicitly in all equations throughout the book. For physics students it would be preferable to use the convention that is common in physics and omit these constants in the equations, but that would probably be confusing for the engineering students. Physics students tend to be more interested in theoretical physics courses. However, physics is an experimental science and physics students should und- stand how experiments work, and be able to make experiments work. This is an open access book.

Physics Of Intense Charged Particle Beams In High Energy Accelerators

Book Description

Physics of Intense Charged Particle Beams in High Energy Accelerators is a graduate-level text — complete with 75 assigned problems — which covers a broad range of topics related to the fundamental properties of collective processes and nonlinear dynamics of intense charged particle beams in periodic focusing accelerators and transport systems. The subject matter is treated systematically from first principles, using a unified theoretical approach, and the emphasis is on the development of basic concepts that illustrate the underlying physical processes in circumstances where intense self fields play a major role in determining the evolution of the system. The theoretical analysis includes the full influence of dc space charge and intense self-field effects on detailed equilibrium, stability and transport properties, and is valid over a wide range of system parameters ranging from moderate-intensity, moderate-emittance beams to very-high-intensity, low-emittance beams. This is particularly important at the high beam intensities envisioned for present and next generation accelerators, colliders and transport systems for high energy and nuclear physics applications and for heavy ion fusion. The statistical models used to describe the properties of intense charged particle beams are based on the Vlasov-Maxwell equations, the macroscopic fluid-Maxwell equations, or the Klimontovich-Maxwell equations, as appropriate, and extensive use is made of theoretical techniques developed in the description of one-component nonneutral plasmas, and multispecies electrically-neutral plasmas, as well as established techniques in accelerator physics, classical mechanics, electrodynamics and statistical physics.Physics of Intense Charged Particle Beams in High Energy Accelerators emphasizes basic physics principles, and the thorough presentation style is intended to have a lasting appeal to graduate students and researchers alike. Because of the advanced theoretical techniques developed for describing one-component charged particle systems, a useful companion volume to this book is Physics of Nonneutral Plasmas by Ronald C Davidson./a

Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos

Book Description

Advances made by physicists in understanding matter, space, and time and by astronomers in understanding the universe as a whole have closely intertwined the question being asked about the universe at its two extremesâ€"the very large and the very small. This report identifies 11 key questions that have a good chance to be answered in the next decade. It urges that a new research strategy be created that brings to bear the techniques of both astronomy and sub-atomic physics in a cross-disciplinary way to address these questions. The report presents seven recommendations to facilitate the necessary research and development coordination. These recommendations identify key priorities for future scientific projects critical for realizing these scientific opportunities.

On the Nonrelativistic Limit of Quantum Electrodynamics

Book Description

Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is a quantum field theory describing light-matter interaction processes on all energy scales. In QED, not only photons are represented as occupied modes of a quantum field, but also electrons (matter) and positrons (antimatter). The necessity of the introduction of antimatter, which goes back to P.A.M. Dirac, has finally the consequence that the QED quantum field cannot be decomposed into its components (particles and photons), since in this sector of light-matter interactions there are processes allowed which violate the particle number conservation. This radically distinguishes QED from the low-energy sector of the light-matter interactions on the energy scale of atomic physics. Starting from the QED Hamiltonian in the Coulomb gauge, a unitary transformation is therefore sought that leads to a unitary equivalent QED Hamiltonian that manifestly preserves the particle number. This is feasible applying Wegner's flow equation in combination with perturbation theory, with the fine structure constant serving as the expansion parameter. In this way, first, high-energy photons, and second, modes of high matter and antimatter densities are eliminated from the QED quantum field up to second order. The resulting Hamiltonian preserves the particle number, is completely symmetric in all its constituents and in all interactions, and also includes terms which renormalize the bare mass of the electron (or the positron). Since this Hamiltonian is still in the Dirac representation, the matter and antimatter degrees of freedom must be decoupled from each other with the help of the Eriksen transformation. By this decoupling, the bare mass of the electron is consistently renormalized, and the anomalous magnetic moment is found in agreement with the Schwinger result. It is thus possible to establish the nonrelativistic limit of full QED as the low-energy sector of light-matter interaction processes in which the electron (or positron) can be interpreted as a classical point particle with the measurable attributes of mass, charge and spin, and in which the particle number is a conservation quantity.