High Performance Spatial Visualization of Traffic Data

Book Description

Current visualizations techniques for identifying performance bottlenecks with loop-detector traffic data are not sufficient for large data sets to create interactive visualization and analysis of possible scenarios. This study seeks to develop a more effective means of processing data obtained at the Traffic Management Center (TMC) to identify recurring patterns in the traffic data that may be being lost in current data collection process. The final objective is to create a software prototype for analysis.

Annual Report

Book Description

The Rise of Big Spatial Data

Book Description

This edited volume gathers the proceedings of the Symposium GIS Ostrava 2016, the Rise of Big Spatial Data, held at the Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, March 16–18, 2016. Combining theoretical papers and applications by authors from around the globe, it summarises the latest research findings in the area of big spatial data and key problems related to its utilisation. Welcome to dawn of the big data era: though it’s in sight, it isn’t quite here yet. Big spatial data is characterised by three main features: volume beyond the limit of usual geo-processing, velocity higher than that available using conventional processes, and variety, combining more diverse geodata sources than usual. The popular term denotes a situation in which one or more of these key properties reaches a point at which traditional methods for geodata collection, storage, processing, control, analysis, modelling, validation and visualisation fail to provide effective solutions. >Entering the era of big spatial data calls for finding solutions that address all “small data” issues that soon create “big data” troubles. Resilience for big spatial data means solving the heterogeneity of spatial data sources (in topics, purpose, completeness, guarantee, licensing, coverage etc.), large volumes (from gigabytes to terabytes and more), undue complexity of geo-applications and systems (i.e. combination of standalone applications with web services, mobile platforms and sensor networks), neglected automation of geodata preparation (i.e. harmonisation, fusion), insufficient control of geodata collection and distribution processes (i.e. scarcity and poor quality of metadata and metadata systems), limited analytical tool capacity (i.e. domination of traditional causal-driven analysis), low visual system performance, inefficient knowledge-discovery techniques (for transformation of vast amounts of information into tiny and essential outputs) and much more. These trends are accelerating as sensors become more ubiquitous around the world.

Innovative Web Applications for Analyzing Traffic Operations

Book Description

In response to the need to improve road traffic operation, researchers implement advanced technologies and integration of systems and data, and develop state-of-the-art applications to assist traffic engineers. This SpringerBrief introduces three novel Web applications which can be an exceptional resource and a good visualization tool for traffic operators, managers, and analysts to monitor the congestion, and analyze incidents and signal performance measures. The applications offer more detailed analysis providing users with insights from different levels and perspectives. The benefit of providing these automated and interactive visualization tools is more efficient estimation of the local transport networks’ performance, thus facilitating the decision making process in case of emergency events.

Incorporating Real-time Spatial-temporal Traffic Data for Traffic Prediction of Transportation Networks Using Machine Learning Yechniques

Book Description

This dissertation investigates the potential of adopting spatial-temporal data and machine learning techniques to predict traffic speed for transportation networks. Traffic data, along with historical weather information from multi regions located in the state of Ohio, were analyzed. Different spatial-temporal cases are generated based on the preprocessed traffic data along with various weather conditions. The first part of the dissertation investigates vehicles' speed variation patterns for different peak periods and different days of the week under congested and non-congested conditions in order to measure and understand the variability patterns. Different spatial-temporal cases are generated based on the preprocessed traffic data along with various weather conditions. Results showed a noticeable difference between rural and urban interstates in terms of speed patterns under normal and event conditions. "The second aim of the dissertation is to investigate the characteristics of speed distribution patterns under free-flow and recurrent congestion by fitting different distribution models. Results showed that the Normal, Burr, and t-location distributions could provide superior fitting performance compared to its alternative models under free-flow conditions" (Hussein et al., 2021). Lastly, the dissertation investigates the potential of adopting spatial-temporal data using machine learning techniques to predict traffic speed. Based on the obtained results, it was indicated that the support vector machine with radial bases kernel outperformed other models. Support vector machine model captured the drivers' speed patterns with the best prediction accuracy among all machine learning algorithms. The findings of this dissertation assist transportation planners and transportation agencies in visualizing the impacts of recurring and non-recurring congestion on arterial and freeways. Knowledge of travel speed distribution is one of the essential aspects of evaluating the performance of the transportation system, which results in improving the reliability of traffic parameters forecasting. Accurate traffic speeds prediction enables a smooth and effective daily operation for logistics and people transport on the transportation network.

Traffic Data Collection and its Standardization

Book Description

A nice night of October 2007, in Beijing, during the XV World Conference on ITS a number of colleagues met informally for a dinner party that spontaneously became a vivid discussion on the importance of traffic data for all types of p- poses. Researchers can hardly do any progress in modeling, developing, and te- ing theories without suitable data, and what practitioners can do in real life is limited not only by technology but also by the availability of the required data. Quite frequently, the data and not the technologies are what determine how far we can go. Any discussion about traffic data leads in a natural way to a discussion on the variety of traffic data sources, formats, levels of aggregation, accuracies, and so on. Consequently, we moved to talk on the initiative that Kuwahara had undertaken in his traffic laboratory at the University of Tokyo, known as the International Traffic Data Base, and thus smoothly but inexorably we came to agree that it would be convenient to organize a workshop to continue our discussion at a more formal level, share our points of view with other colleagues, listen what they had to say and, if possible, d- seminate the findings in our professional and academic communities.

Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R

Book Description

Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R, second edition, is divided into two basic parts, the first presenting R packages, functions, classes and methods for handling spatial data. This part is of interest to users who need to access and visualise spatial data. Data import and export for many file formats for spatial data are covered in detail, as is the interface between R and the open source GRASS GIS and the handling of spatio-temporal data. The second part showcases more specialised kinds of spatial data analysis, including spatial point pattern analysis, interpolation and geostatistics, areal data analysis and disease mapping. The coverage of methods of spatial data analysis ranges from standard techniques to new developments, and the examples used are largely taken from the spatial statistics literature. All the examples can be run using R contributed packages available from the CRAN website, with code and additional data sets from the book's own website. Compared to the first edition, the second edition covers the more systematic approach towards handling spatial data in R, as well as a number of important and widely used CRAN packages that have appeared since the first edition. This book will be of interest to researchers who intend to use R to handle, visualise, and analyse spatial data. It will also be of interest to spatial data analysts who do not use R, but who are interested in practical aspects of implementing software for spatial data analysis. It is a suitable companion book for introductory spatial statistics courses and for applied methods courses in a wide range of subjects using spatial data, including human and physical geography, geographical information science and geoinformatics, the environmental sciences, ecology, public health and disease control, economics, public administration and political science. The book has a website where complete code examples, data sets, and other support material may be found: http://www.asdar-book.org. The authors have taken part in writing and maintaining software for spatial data handling and analysis with R in concert since 2003.

Data Analytics for Smart Cities

Book Description

The development of smart cities is one of the most important challenges over the next few decades. Governments and companies are leveraging billions of dollars in public and private funds for smart cities. Next generation smart cities are heavily dependent on distributed smart sensing systems and devices to monitor the urban infrastructure. The smart sensor networks serve as autonomous intelligent nodes to measure a variety of physical or environmental parameters. They should react in time, establish automated control, and collect information for intelligent decision-making. In this context, one of the major tasks is to develop advanced frameworks for the interpretation of the huge amount of information provided by the emerging testing and monitoring systems. Data Analytics for Smart Cities brings together some of the most exciting new developments in the area of integrating advanced data analytics systems into smart cities along with complementary technological paradigms such as cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT). The book serves as a reference for researchers and engineers in domains of advanced computation, optimization, and data mining for smart civil infrastructure condition assessment, dynamic visualization, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), cyber-physical systems, and smart construction technologies. The chapters are presented in a hands-on manner to facilitate researchers in tackling applications. Arguably, data analytics technologies play a key role in tackling the challenge of creating smart cities. Data analytics applications involve collecting, integrating, and preparing time- and space-dependent data produced by sensors, complex engineered systems, and physical assets, followed by developing and testing analytical models to verify the accuracy of results. This book covers this multidisciplinary field and examines multiple paradigms such as machine learning, pattern recognition, statistics, intelligent databases, knowledge acquisition, data visualization, high performance computing, and expert systems. The book explores new territory by discussing the cutting-edge concept of Big Data analytics for interpreting massive amounts of data in smart city applications.

CyberGIS for Geospatial Discovery and Innovation

Book Description

This book elucidates how cyberGIS (that is, new-generation geographic information science and systems (GIS) based on advanced computing and cyberinfrastructure) transforms computation- and data-intensive geospatial discovery and innovation. It comprehensively addresses opportunities and challenges, roadmaps for research and development, and major progress, trends, and impacts of cyberGIS in the era of big data. The book serves as an authoritative source of information to fill the void of introducing this exciting and growing field. By providing a set of representative applications and science drivers of cyberGIS, this book demonstrates how cyberGIS has been advanced to enable cutting-edge scientific research and innovative geospatial application development. Such cyberGIS advances are contextualized as diverse but interrelated science and technology frontiers. The book also emphasizes several important social dimensions of cyberGIS such as for empowering deliberative civic engagement and enabling collaborative problem solving through structured participation. In sum, this book will be a great resource to students, academics, and geospatial professionals for leaning cutting-edge cyberGIS, geospatial data science, high-performance computing, and related applications and sciences.