High School Students' Perceptions of School Climate in Relation to Discipline History and Discipline Approach

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High school is a unique period of time within students' educational careers where there are an increasing number of variables that can facilitate or impede their academic, social-emotional, and behavioral success. Previous research has demonstrated strong effects of school climate, or the quality of school life and experiences within the school building, on factors including students' academic performance, motivation to learn, and attendance. In addition, school climate has been negatively correlated with drop out rates as well as other short and long term negative outcomes for students. The purpose of this study was to examine student perceptions of school climate in grades 9-12 in two public school districts, and to investigate how factors including participant demographic characteristics as well as discipline history and discipline practices are able to predict perceptions of climate. Participants (N=856) completed the Delaware School Climate Survey (Bear, Yang, Mantz, et al., 2014). Discipline history was measured by asking each student to report how many times they have been sent to the office, given a detention, and the number of days that they have been suspended during one school year. Lastly, the present study assessed student perceptions of implementation of core components of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), which is an evidence-based framework to inform school discipline practices. Students were asked about their perception of whether they feel core components of PBIS are in place in their school buildings. Using linear regression, the number of times that a student reported being sent to the office, and the total number of discipline infractions reported, were shown to significantly predict perceptions of school climate. Additionally, PBIS implementation was found to be a significant moderator of both of these relationships. Thus, students who reported more frequent discipline infractions also reported more negative perceptions of school climate unless they perceived that PBIS was in place in their school. Significant differences in perceptions of school climate by gender, race, and grades received during one school year were also found. Limitations of the study, implications for the field, and future directions will also be discussed.

Assessing the Impact of School Discipline on School Climate in New York City Public Schools

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This proposed research will seek to understand the relationship between zero-tolerance school discipline policies, specifically out-of-school suspensions, and student perceptions of school climate in New York City (NYC) public schools. School climate is defined as the perceptions of students, teachers, and administrators of their school environment and is considered one of the key determinants of academic, social, and emotional success within a school. Using data from the NYC Annual School Survey and U.S. Department of Education Civil Rights and Ordinal Logit modeling, this paper will analyze the relationship between high discipline rates and the key school climate measures -- safety, communications, engagement, and academic expectations -- understood through student-level survey data. This proposed research will build off previous, less quantitatively rigorous analysis which found a negative relationship between suspensions and expulsions and perceptions of school climate.

Teacher, Student, and Administrator Perceptions

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School discipline has been a widely discussed topic in American education for decades. Many programs have been instituted as a solution to the discipline needs; however, they fall short of addressing the root cause of the problem and historically have simply punished students through exclusionary discipline methods (Adams, 2000; Allman & Slate, 2011; Gonzalez 2012; Kupchik & Catlaw, 2015). Restorative practices, a system that is built on relationships and community, strives to target the same behaviors through a different approach. Instead of relying on punishments (such as detention, suspension, or expulsion) restorative practices brings both victim and offender together to share their perspective, repair harm, and move forward (McCluskey, Lloyd, Stead, et al., 2008; Morrison, 2007; Vaandering, 2014; Wachtel, 2016). This mixed methods historical case study investigated how one school district in the state of Connecticut implemented restorative practices and the administrator, and student perceptions on the impact, if any, restorative practices had on school climate. Interviews and focus groups were conducted with 20 participants. In addition, independent samples t-tests were performed using district Comprehensive School Climate Inventory data over the 3 years post implementation of restorative practices to identify any statistically significant indicators of school climate as a potential result of implementing restorative practices. Interviews and focus groups revealed a strong sense of belonging and connection to the school and increased relationships, in addition to building student leadership in implementing restorative practices and a reduction in behavioral incidences that warrant exclusionary discipline measures; however, only one indicator for staff indicated statistical significance on the independent samples t-test. This research suggests that if schools begin to implement restorative practices, they can create a strong school climate and reduce the amount of ineffective exclusionary discipline consequences by shaping student behavior though connection to the school community and relationships.

Teacher Perceptions of School Climate when Using the Love and Logic Discipline Approach

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This study examined teachers' perceptions of school climate when using the Love and Logic discipline approach. Forty-nine participants from three elementary schools completed the School Discipline Climate Survey to assess school climate while using the Love and Logic discipline approach. Seven selected participants were interviewed to support perceptual data from the survey. A comparison was then made to determine if any relationship existed between the School Discipline Climate Survey results and the interview responses. Discipline data provided additional information for two of the three participating schools, with one school providing both pre-and post-implementation data. Responses from participants were tabulated and analyzed. According to this study, discipline offenses decreased annually in schools using the Love and Logic discipline approach with the largest impact being identified after the fifth year of implementation. Both survey and interview data suggested that consistent use of the principles of Love and Logic was an effective discipline approach in school settings. As evidenced by the fact that all school climate survey categories scored 70% or better, with the one exception of the teacher training category only scoring 46%, participants suggested that the Love and Logic discipline approach resulted in a positive school climate.

Effects of School Climate on Student Achievement and Discipline Behaviors in Three Urban High School

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This study examined the relationship between the teachers' perceptions of the school climate in three urban high schools in a southwest district of Houston, Texas, and the TAKS test scores for 5,625 10th and 11th grade students during the 2010-2011 school year in mathematics and English. The study analyzed the relationship between the teachers' perceptions of school climate and the number and severity of students' office discipline referrals, ranging from offenses Level I such as not following the appropriate school dress code, to offenses level IV such as use or possession of drugs or alcohol, during the same school year. Three hundred and eighty four teachers in the three high schools were invited to complete the Classroom & School Climate Survey for Secondary School Teachers, developed by Freiberg and Stein (2003). Student achievement was measured by the 10th and 11th grade TAKS tests scores generated during the 2010-2011 school year. Number and type of students' office discipline referrals for the 2010-2011 school year were collected using the district's archival data. The relationship between the teachers' perceptions of the school climate and students' achievement and discipline infractions was inconclusive due to the limitations of the data and the fact that the survey results on the three campuses were similar. While not statistically significant, a negative correlation was clearly noted between achievement and the number of discipline infractions. The negative correlations indicate that as the major/minor infractions increase, the English and mathematics TAKS test performance decreases.

Discipline Practices and School Climate

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The sociocultural inequities and undesirable student outcomes that result from the overuse and misuse of exclusionary and punitive discipline practices reflect serious consequences for school environments and society as a whole. As research on discipline disproportionality with Latino/a students has been inconsistent, the current study utilizes the baseline ethnic distribution method to further explore discipline experiences of this population. In addition, using teachers and staff survey responses from four junior high schools (N = 168), hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to further understand the social structures that may influence the types of discipline used in schools. Specifically, the relations between adult-student relationships, racial climate, and the use of punitive and positive discipline practices were explored. Results indicate that Latino/a students are significantly more likely to be excluded from school than White students. Racial climate was also found to be a significant moderator in the relation between adult-student relationships and punitive discipline techniques. Implications for theory, research, and practical application are discussed.

Reimagining School Discipline for the 21st Century Student

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Regularly, schools and their personnel enact school disciplinary practices without considering how to harness the engagement of students, practitioners, and communities to enact transformative changes that reduce if not eliminate punitive school discipline approaches. Reimagining School Discipline for the 21st Century centralizes the assets and strengths of historically marginalized students and the professional knowledge of school personnel as possible avenues to implement solutions to eliminate school discipline disproportionality. Rather than redressing the issues of school discipline disproportionality overall, this book examines the existence of school on student groups who, according to research and national and state reports, are afflicted the most: African American, Latinx, Native American, and LGBTQ+ population. A confluence of these identities can exacerbate such disproportionality, which based on the literature decreases the academic growth of students. However, situated within these disparities are opportunities to better and critically engage students based on their cultural, racial/ethnic, and social emotional learning assets. The significant feature of this book lies in its purpose and audience reach. Each chapter was written based on the scholar’s affinity to that student group or practitioner’s affiliation to that specific profession. This provides a genuine perspective and knowledge based on first hand experiences concerning school discipline and applicable approaches to remedy such issues. Additionally, all the chapters articulate the pressing issue of school discipline according to their group, and explicates best-practices to best serve the assets of students in K-12 school settings. As this book is situated, the intended audience is for the following stakeholders, policy makers, social workers, school counselors, school administrators, teachers, and community organizers who want to make impactful and socially-just changes in their school(s) immediately.

School Climate

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Like a strong foundation in a house, the climate of a school is the foundation that supports the structures of teaching and learning. This book provides a framework for educators to look at school and classroom climates using both informal and formal measures. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of climate and details techniques which may be used by heads or classroom teachers to judge the health of their learning environment. The book sets out to enhance understanding of the components of a healthy learning environment and the tools needed to improve that environment. It also looks at ways to assess the impact of change activities in improving and sustaining educational excellence. The international team of contributors bring perspectives from the school systems in America, UK, Australia and Holland.