Honestly Speaking

Book Description

It matters less what you say and more what people hear. Communication is the foundation of leadership, cultures, and relationships. It's at the core of being more fully yourself. Yet communication is one of the primary challenges of our time at work, at home, and online. Even though we have more tools at our fingertips than ever before, we still struggle to be heard and connect with others. Honestly Speaking will revolutionize the way you lead, love, and live your life by shifting the way you communicate. Through a simple change in mindset and easy-to-use frameworks for life's most common scenarios, you'll be able to find more common ground with those you interact with and communicate far better, with confidence and authenticity in any context. In Honestly Speaking, Andrew Blotky shares lessons and tools developed through his years as a leader, teacher, coach, and friend. He's developed new, relatable tools to help you speak honestly with everyone in your life, from the teams you lead to the people you love. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY Andrew Blotky is a leadership and communications expert. He built and led the global employee communications team at Facebook, worked in political communications in the White House and Congress, and now leads an executive coaching and consulting firm specializing in leadership development, culture, and communications. Blotky holds a BA and JD from Stanford University and is a trained mindfulness and yoga teacher. He lives in San Francisco. AUTHOR HOME San Francisco, CA

句型X翻譯 英語力的關鍵(全新修訂版)

Book Description

你是不是常常想開口說英文或是寫作時會因為文法卡卡的而不敢表達呢? 常常脫口而出的一句話,卻不知道文法到底對不對、是不是用錯句型了? 看到每個單字都理解,但湊成一個完整句子時就突然搞不懂意思了? 如果你有上述這些問題,試試看能否正確回答以下題目? Q1 湯姆是我們學校最優秀的棒球運動員嗎? (A) Is Tom the best baseball player in our school? (B) Does Tom the best baseball player in our school? Q2 去年夏天我花了兩星期在非洲旅行。 (A) I cost two weeks last summer traveling in Africa. (B) I spent two weeks last summer traveling in Africa. Q3 我們學校每班由四十名學生組成。 (A)Forty students consist of each class in our school. (B) Forty students make up each class in our school. 答案:(A)、(B)、(B) 這些句型文法都在這本《句型X翻譯 英語力的關鍵》裡都能找到答案! 本書特色: 收錄超過120個一定要會的英文基本句型,輕鬆打好文法基礎! 每個英文句型的背後都有對應的文法概念,而英文聽說讀寫與句型息息相關,尤其閱讀與寫作更是如此。無論是要理解篇章文意,或是寫出通順、達意的句子,著實都要花點功夫學會句型。其實高中三年的英文學習已經涵蓋了基本的重要句型,因此我們參考高中英文教材,以「文法架構」為主軸,收錄五大基本句型、常見動詞用法、連接句子結構的句型、名詞子句、不定詞、動名詞、關係子句、副詞子句、分詞、比較句型、假設法、介系詞、強調用法、否定與倒裝句型等十四個章節。 精心設計的學習編排,透過引導式重點解析搭配例句,易學易懂! 每個單元皆有句型公式、句型暖身、重點說明和即時練習,您可以先從句型暖身提供的句子搭配公式來熟悉句型的應用,而重點說明則針對句型的特點與結構加以解釋,例句也會根據說明重點來標色,甚至在容易出錯的地方,以文字說明提醒讀者注意。在一些單元中還有設計延伸學習,介紹相關或進階的句型,幫助讀者觸類旁通,舉一反三。最後即時練習可以幫助您檢驗自己的學習成效,題型除了單句或填空翻譯外,我們還從歷屆學測、指考中挑選出使用到該單元句型的句子,其中有些句子為避免文意不清而作適當改寫,以幫助準備大考的讀者充分掌握英文句型。 全新改版增修圖表說明、收錄近十年大考試題,讓學習變得有效率! 在這次修訂版中,我們重新檢視內容,在重點說明部分力求言簡意賅,改以表格對照方式呈現,輔以說明的例句亦重新改寫,以求能清楚、容易理解該句型為目標。延伸學習部分亦以實用為考量,較為艱澀或可能造成混淆的內容則予以刪除。最後,在測驗部分,我們收錄近十年的大考題目,並且重新審視、設計題目,剔除題意不清的句子,以求能真正幫助讀者在英文翻譯與寫作中有好的成績。 目錄介紹: Section 1 五大基本句型及其他句型 1-1 完全不及物動詞 1-2 不完全不及物動詞(連綴動詞) 1-3 完全及物動詞 1-4 授與動詞 1-5 不完全及物動詞 1-6 疑問詞疑問句 1-7 是非問句 1-8 間接問句 1-9 附加問句 Section 2 常見動詞的用法 2-1 感官動詞 2-2 使役動詞 2-3 表「花費」動詞 2-4 表「組成、構成」動詞 2-5 認為、覺得…… 2-6 把……視為…… 2-7 避免、防止…… 2-8 表「拍、打、抓、拉」身體部位的動詞 Section 3 連接句子結構的句型 3-1 一個……另一個……還有一個…… 3-2 一來……再來…… 3-3 配對連接詞的句型 (1) 3-4 配對連接詞的句型 (2) 3-5 的確……,不過…… 3-6 祈使句,那麼∕否則 3-7 具轉折功能的連接副詞 Section 4 名詞子句及It常用句型 4-1 名詞子句的用法 4-2 ……是很有可能的 4-3 據報導、據說…… 4-4 似乎、看起來好像…… 4-5 某人突然想到…… 4-6 ……沒有差別、不重要 4-7 難怪……;……不足為奇 4-8 視……為理所當然 4-9 其他 It 作虛主詞的句型 Section 5 不定詞及It常用句型 5-1 不定詞在句中的功用 5-2 描述事物的句型 5-3 描述人特質的句型 5-4 ……是值得的 5-5 不需要、沒必要…… 5-6 別無選擇,只好…… 5-7 結果卻、不料…… 5-8 常見的獨立不定詞片語 Section 6 動名詞及相關句型 6-1 動名詞在句中的功用 6-2 ……是沒有用的 6-3 ……是不可能的 6-4(某事物)需要…… 6-5 在……有困難或問題 6-6 一……就…… 6-7 想要…… 6-8 習慣於…… 6-9 忍不住、不禁…… Section 7 關係子句及相關句型 7-1 關係子句 7-2 凡是……的人 7-3 補述用法 7-4 關係副詞 when、where、why 7-5 某人只需要做的是…… 7-6 最不……的 7-7 像……一樣的 Section 8 副詞子句及相關句型 8-1 引導時間的副詞子句 (1) 8-2 引導時間的副詞子句 (2) 8-3 引導時間的副詞子句 (3) 8-4 引導目的的副詞子句 8-5 引導因果的副詞子句 8-6 引導讓步、對比的副詞子句 8-7 引導條件的副詞子句 8-8 彷彿;就如…… 一般 8-9 A 之於 B 就如 C 之於 D Section 9 分詞及相關句型 9-1 分詞的種類與用法 9-2 分詞構句 9-3 獨立分詞構句 9-4 表附帶狀況的分詞構句 9-5 分詞片語 9-6 包括……在內 9-7 常見的分詞慣用語 Section 10 與比較相關的句型 10-1 原級比較的句型 10-2 than 的比較級句型 10-3 to 的比較級句型 10-4 倍數比較級 10-5 愈……就愈…… 10-6 與其說是 A,不如說是 B 10-7 表最高級的句型 10-8 寧願……而不願…… Section 11 與假設法相關的句型 11-1 if 引導與事實相反的假設句 11-2 與未來事實不符及對未來強烈懷疑的假設句 11-3 原本可以、將、可能、應該……卻沒有 11-4 希望……就好了 11-5 要不是……的話 11-6 該是……的時候了 11-7 建議、命令、要求、堅持…… Section 12 介系詞及相關句型 12-1 除了……還有;除去……之外 12-2 儘管、雖然…… 12-3 而不是…… 12-4 為了…… 12-5 令某人……的是,…… 12-6 處在……情緒或狀態下,…… Section 13 強調用法的句型 13-1 分裂句 13-2 非常……結果、以致於…… 13-3 太……而無法……;夠……而足以…… 13-4 再……也不為過 13-5 感嘆句 Section 14 否定句與倒裝句 14-1 每……必……;沒有……不…… 14-2 有…… 14-3 否定副詞的倒裝 14-4 只有……才(Only 的倒裝) 14-5 地方副詞的倒裝 14-6 主詞補語的倒裝 14-7 也……;也不…… 14-8 省略 if 的假設句 14-9 讓步子句的倒裝

Now You're Speaking My Language

Book Description

Now You’re Speaking My Language from multimillion selling author Gary Chapman (The Five Love Languages) encourages husbands and wives to offer steadfast loyalty, forgiveness, empathy, and commitment to resolving conflict, thus encouraging each other in spiritual growth. With great clarity, Dr. Chapman shows how communication and intimacy are key points in developing a successful marriage by focusing on these principles: Lasting answers to marital growth are found in the Bible, Your relationship with God enhances your marriage relationship, Communication is the main way two become one in a marriage, and Biblical oneness involves sex, but also intellectual, spiritual,emotional, and social oneness.


Book Description

The present volume is dedicated to the phenomenon of pragmaticalization in the context of the theory of grammaticalization. While, in recent decades, the growing interest in the analysis of pragmatic phenomena within grammaticalization research was triggered, amongst others, by studies in the field of subjectivity and intersubjectivity in language, we still lack a model for a broad understanding of how changes on the discourse level come about and face a lack of information which provides a conclusive theoretical framework to systematically record the emergence of an entire layer of discourse units in language. The book is one of the first comprehensive collections contributed to the topic of pragmaticalization, and includes empirical studies on a wide range of languages from diachronic and synchronic perspectives. Aiming to refine our understanding of pragmatic shifts which can be observed by several linguistic units, the contributions discuss such issues as pros and cons of the concept of pragmaticalization, the parameters of pragmaticalization, the emergence of discourse markers and constructions with various pragmatic functions, pathways of change, including the influence of language contact.

Speaking Our Truth

Book Description

Holding each other up with respect, dignity and kindness.

ALL+ 互動英語 2022 年 7 月號 No.212 [有聲版]

Book Description

Ostriches 〈鴕鳥交易〉 Plus Talk 會話百分百 A Spur-of-the-Moment Trip 說走就走,來趟小旅行 1. Booking a Hotel Room 訂房 2. Renting a Car 租車 3. Making a Dinner Reservation 預約餐廳 4. Organizing a Guided Tour 安排導覽 綜合測驗 Ban the Bowl! Why Your Choice of Aquarium Matters 禁用圓形魚缸!水族箱選擇的重要性 Writing 寫作練習 Translation Practice 翻譯寫作 Health 健康與生活素養 Sweetened Beverage Taxes: Boon or Bust? 糖稅真的有效嗎? People 人物側寫 Chef José Andrés: Changing the World One Meal at a Time 用美食撫慰人心的名廚──何塞‧安德烈斯 CNN News The Effort to Clean Up Space 清理太空垃圾 Architecture 特色建築 Bridge to the Past 歐洲屋橋:跨越歷史洪流的建築瑰寶 Science 科學新知 Brain Scan Reveals Flurry of Activity before Death 腦波顯示臨終前的人生跑馬燈 Dialogue Focus 情境對話 No Pain, No Gain 圖解健身器材 Joining a Gym 加入健身房 文意選填 Have You Experienced the Google Effect? 谷歌效應影響了你嗎? Travel 繞著地球玩 The World’s Most Magical Train Trips 世界特色火車之旅 Psychology 商業心理學 Pricing That Works like a Charm 奏效的訂價策略 篇章結構 The Age of the Cyborg Dawns 賽博格時代來臨! Topic Writing 主題式寫作 Writing a Proposal for Change 撰寫請願書

Expressions of the Heart

Book Description

Where does change begin? It begins from within How does it begin It begins with you It begins from within Change of motives Change of heart Change of the within Cindy Gillard knows that life is a journey and that no matter what the obstacle, it is possible to overcome any hardships. With a desire to inspire others, Gillard shares poetry that reflects on her experiences, emotions, and the people who have encouraged her in her lifetime. Partially influenced by spiritual beliefs related to her Cherokee and Choctaw heritage, Gillard leads others down a lyrical path that touches on such relatable themes as change, natures beauty, unconditional love, grief, and faith. Included are beautiful drawingseach unique in its presentationthat shine a light on her love of horses. Expressions of the Heart shares a debut collection of poetry that provides a glimpse into one womans distinctive journey through life.

Syntax - Theory and Analysis. Volume 1

Book Description

This Handbook represents the development of research and the current level of knowledge in the fields of syntactic theory and syntax analysis. Syntax can look back to a long tradition. Especially in the last 50 years, however, the interaction between syntactic theory and syntactic analysis has led to a rapid increase in analyses and theoretical suggestions. This second edition of the Handbook on Syntax adopts a unifying perspective and therefore does not place the division of syntactic theory into several schools to the fore, but the increase in knowledge resulting from the fruitful argumentations between syntactic analysis and syntactic theory. It uses selected phenomena of individual languages and their cross-linguistic realizations to explain what syntactic analyses can do and at the same time to show in what respects syntactic theories differ from each other. It investigates how syntax is related to neighbouring disciplines and investigate the role of the interfaces especially the relationship between syntax and phonology, morphology, compositional semantics, pragmatics, and the lexicon. The phenomena chosen bring together renowned experts in syntax, and represent the consensus reached as to what has to be considered as an important as well as illustrative syntactic phenomenon. The phenomena discuss do not only serve to show syntactic analyses, but also to compare theoretical approaches with each other.

Ted Talks

Book Description

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A must-read insider’s guide to creating unforgettable speeches and changing people's minds. Done right, a talk can electrify a room and transform an audience’s worldview; it can be more powerful than anything in written form. This “invaluable guide” (Publishers Weekly) explains how the miracle of powerful public speaking is achieved, and equips you to give it your best shot. There is no set formula, but there are tools that can empower any speaker. Since taking over TED in 2001, Chris Anderson has worked with all the TED speakers who have inspired us the most, and here he shares insights from such favorites as Sir Ken Robinson, Salman Khan, Monica Lewinsky, and more— everything from how to craft your talk’s content to how you can be most effective on stage.

Twenty Years of Learner Corpus Research. Looking Back, Moving Ahead

Book Description

This proceedings volume covers issues of learner corpus design, collection and annotation and contains reports on various aspects of (written and spoken) learner interlanguage as well as design of learner-corpus-informed tools.