Book Description

Reptilian Joanny and Master HarOld is fate! The two have been together for three decades doing business and subconsciously Kontrolling their MemberShrimps. From the 'Front' they have created it all looks good, from the tie TapLining HarOld wears to the Temple of Eckonkon. Those who have a RealAwareniss can See past the One-Dimensional Performance these two Puppets of the Kalaum God are doing. They are already experiencing a much bigger picture from The RealSide LifeIS with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides of THE ALLIS. Most people have been brainwash to just be 'Liberalized' and to see this world according to those who are in Kontrol, but those who do The NU-U Sessions and Watch Your DreamVisions, they will learn to See Beyond the Kontrolling Maya of Reptilian Joanny and TapLining HK. Only those who have a BraveHeart will be able to handle all the Planned Deception of today's modern era. If YU are a RiskTaker and have the courage to know more, then keep reading and YU will See!


Book Description

"Hello, I am Duane The Great Writer, and this is for all you Wonderful Women to WakeUp and BE Free for YourSelves! As you Sing The NU~U, you will begin to See Beyond all the Restrictions that have been placed upon you, because YU, The RealU, Your RealAwareniss, is going to discover Your TruSource as a FreeBeing of RealLight! What I am presenting to you is not just some 'pretty words' like the Political, Religious and Spiritual Matrix Deceptors, those who have persuaded you to be 'secondary' to those who Kontrol this planet. The RealHeart of a Woman is So Wonderful! Of course, each woman must WakeUp to this. It is not that men are better than women or vice-verse, it is that all of us are FreeBeings of RealLight and we stand 'Being to Being' in The Real UNUverses. To have this RealLife, you must learn to Recognize what you have never known, as this is a huge journey. Read this NUBook and Have Fun Singing The NU~U. Have Your Own RealSide Experience!


Book Description

With the Marketing Ploy and Purposely Planned Deception that has been created throughout the known Human History, the present day population of this world is so Dumbed Down with slanted and perverted nonsense and misinformation. The Reptilian Invented Productions of FearBased FrogHeads (RIPOFF) that of Religion, Education, Politics, Social & SciFi Institutions (REPSystems) mainly rule the earth, which most people are so asleep to that they do not notice what is going on all around them. This does sound like Science Fiction, and it is, as everything in Life is very real as we are experiencing it. We are Now in the Very Scary TechAge, where everyone is a Spy, which does sound funny, but is very real. The DarkBrats who rule the earth, mainly from Ratican City in Rome to the President and Congress of The United States, have Kontrolled this world for thousands of years, and from the beginning of 'their slanted history' when humans were first created as slaves by Reptilians.

Rebazar Tarzs Presents YOU 'THINK' YOU KNOW BEST

Book Description

YU, The RealU, A Free Being of Light, created You, the PersonalSelf. Your Personal Creation is the person your parents named You. You have been told and Konditioned to 'Think' that a 'god' created You, and that this 'god' Kontrols You and everything in Your Life, but this is not so... not even close! But! If You want to 'Believe' and 'Agree' to this Konditioned idea that also Kontrols most of this world and is doing all the destruction to The Natural Environment, You have the right to do so. But! Keep in mind that when You do 'Agree' with the 'god & belief' idea and the Restricting Konditioning You have been Kontrolled by, You will be coming back into more lifetimes unconsciously, just as You have this lifetime. You are always deciding what Your Life will be wherever You are at in Life. You will always exist somewhere in Life and wherever You do exist, that will be Your Life and Your LifeStyle. /


Book Description

The interpretation of a person's DreamVisions is as old as the human race, as it has been from the race of humans The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS, has attempted to communicate with a person's mind and senses. The nightly DreamVisions of people always hint at powerful motivations, feelings, and desires. Our disguised Dream Visions, also hint at many wonderful experiences with The Real UNUversal Guides. There is always some form of prophecy and warnings from other worlds of some impending danger or something wonderful. Everyone has these nightly experiences, but very few pay attention. The world of humans is Now at a very crucial point and a person's DreamVisions should be an overall part of every person's life. If this is not so, then they are merely living a one-dimensional life, and they are mainly at the mercy of the Gods of Men and the Authoritarians who rule the earth. The earth is a Test Zone, as it will someday perish, so it is time to WakeUp Now!


Book Description

King Arthur and The Knights of The Round Table were the Chosen Knights to uphold the Highest Nobility with Honorable Intent. This was like the highest honor to be associated with King Arthur and The Knights, as they always demonstrated Great Courage in the face of death to protect those less fortunate. So, to become a Noble Knight with King Arthur a person had to do Great Deeds, as this was a requirement to be nominated into Knighthood. Many knew of The Great King, but far less were able to stand with him and The Knights. This IS How LifeIS, YU have to Prove Yourself, moreso than just 'Telling a Tale' about what YU like and want to do and be. The Kings, Queens, Presidents, Masters & Gurus with their Kooky Korporations, tell a lot of 'Tall Tales' that sound so good to the masses, but as YU learn to Look 'Behind The Scenes on The RealSide' YU will See a different picture than what they have 'Created' here as their 'Fronts' for your eyes to see.