Binocular Vision and Stereopsis

Book Description

This is a comprehensive survey of binocular vision, with an emphasis on its role in the perception of a three-dimensional world. The central theme is biological vision. Machine vision and computational models are discussed where they contribute to an understanding of living systems.

Fixing My Gaze

Book Description

A revelatory account of the brain's capacity for change When neuroscientist Susan Barry was fifty years old, she experienced the sense of immersion in a three dimensional world for the first time. Skyscrapers on street corners appeared to loom out toward her like the bows of giant ships. Tree branches projected upward and outward, enclosing and commanding palpable volumes of space. Leaves created intricate mosaics in 3D. Barry had been cross-eyed and stereoblind since early infancy. After half a century of perceiving her surroundings as flat and compressed, on that day she saw the city of Manhattan in stereo depth for first time in her life. As a neuroscientist, she understood just how extraordinary this transformation was, not only for herself but for the scientific understanding of the human brain. Scientists have long believed that the brain is malleable only during a "critical period" in early childhood. According to this theory, Barry's brain had organized itself when she was a baby to avoid double vision - and there was no way to rewire it as an adult. But Barry found an optometrist who prescribed a little-known program of vision therapy; after intensive training, Barry was ultimately able to accomplish what other scientists and even she herself had once considered impossible. Dubbed "Stereo Sue" by renowned neurologist Oliver Sacks, Susan Barry tells her own remarkable journey and celebrates the joyous pleasure of our senses.


Book Description

Normal Binocular Vision

Book Description

Binocular vision, i.e. where both eyes are used together, is a fundamental component of human sight. It also aids hand-eye co-ordination, and the perception of the self within the environment. Clinical anomalies pose a wide range of problems to the sufferer, but normal binocular operation must first be understood before the eye specialist can assess and treat dysfunctions. This is a major new textbook for students of optometry, orthoptics and ophthalmology, and also of psychology. Chapters span such key topics as binocular summation, fusion, the normal horopter, anatomy of the extra-ocular muscles, oculomotor control, binocular integration and depth perception. Fully illustrated throughout, the book includes self-assessment exercises at the end of each chapter, and sample experiments in binocular vision functioning.

Ocular and Visual Physiology

Book Description

This book meets the growing demand among ophthalmologists, optometrists and orthoptists, in training and in practice, as well as visual neuroscientists, to have a clear, succinct and well-written textbook to objectively cover the subject of ocular and visual physiology. Ocular and visual physiology is a core knowledge component for these disciplines, and yet is often difficult to understand. However, this book clearly conveys the simple elegance of the relationship between structure and function that is the hallmark of understanding the physiology of the eye and visual system. Ocular and Visual Physiology – Clinical Application is essential reading for any one hoping to have a clear understanding of the subject. Students will find it a great resource to pass their exams. Each of the chapters has been independently reviewed and edited by an expert in the field with a clinical or visual scientific academic background. The text is based on the latest publications in peer-reviewed journals that are closely referenced within the body of the text.

The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference

Book Description

The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, Second Edition, Seven Volume Set is a comprehensive reference work covering the range of topics that constitute current knowledge of the neural mechanisms underlying the different senses. This important work provides the most up-to-date, cutting-edge, comprehensive reference combining volumes on all major sensory modalities in one set. Offering 264 chapters from a distinguished team of international experts, The Senses lays out current knowledge on the anatomy, physiology, and molecular biology of sensory organs, in a collection of comprehensive chapters spanning 4 volumes. Topics covered include the perception, psychophysics, and higher order processing of sensory information, as well as disorders and new diagnostic and treatment methods. Written for a wide audience, this reference work provides students, scholars, medical doctors, as well as anyone interested in neuroscience, a comprehensive overview of the knowledge accumulated on the function of sense organs, sensory systems, and how the brain processes sensory input. As with the first edition, contributions from leading scholars from around the world will ensure The Senses offers a truly international portrait of sensory physiology. The set is the definitive reference on sensory neuroscience and provides the ultimate entry point into the review and original literature in Sensory Neuroscience enabling students and scientists to delve into the subject and deepen their knowledge. All-inclusive coverage of topics: updated edition offers readers the only current reference available covering neurobiology, physiology, anatomy, and molecular biology of sense organs and the processing of sensory information in the brain Authoritative content: world-leading contributors provide readers with a reputable, dynamic and authoritative account of the topics under discussion Comprehensive-style content: in-depth, complex coverage of topics offers students at upper undergraduate level and above full insight into topics under discussion

Perceiving in Depth, Volume 2

Book Description

Volume 2 addresses stereoscopic vision. It starts with the physiology of stereoscopic mechanisms. It then deals with binocular rivalry, binocular summation, and interocular transfer. A review of how images are brought into binocular register is followed by a review of stimulus tokens used to detect disparities. Cyclopean effects, such as cyclopean illusions, cyclopean motion, texture segregation, and binocular direction are reviewed. Factors that influence stereoacuity are discussed. Two chapters describe how stimuli in distinct depth planes produce contrast effects, and affect motion perception and whiteness perception. The Pulfrich stereomotion effect and perception of motion in depth are reviewed. The volume ends with a review of applications of stereoscopy.

Perceiving in Depth, Volume 1

Book Description

The three-volume work Perceiving in Depth is a sequel to Binocular Vision and Stereopsis and to Seeing in Depth, both by Ian P. Howard and Brian J. Rogers. This work is much broader in scope than the previous books and includes mechanisms of depth perception by all senses, including aural, electrosensory organs, and the somatosensory system. Volume 1 reviews sensory coding, psychophysical and analytic procedures, and basic visual mechanisms. Volume 2 reviews stereoscopic vision. Volume 3 reviews all mechanisms of depth perception other than stereoscopic vision. The three volumes are extensively illustrated and referenced and provide the most detailed review of all aspects of perceiving the three-dimensional world.Volume 1 starts with a review of the history of visual science from the ancient Greeks to the early 20th century with special attention devoted to the discovery of the principles of perspective and stereoscopic vision. The first chapter also contains an account of early visual display systems, such as panoramas and peepshows, and the development of stereoscopes and stereophotography. A chapter on the psychophysical and analytic procedures used in investigations of depth perception is followed by a chapter on sensory coding and the geometry of visual space. An account of the structure and physiology of the primate visual system proceeds from the eye through the LGN to the visual cortex and higher visual centers. This is followed by a review of the evolution of visual systems and of the development of the mammalian visual system in the embryonic and post-natal periods, with an emphasis on experience-dependent neural plasticity. An account of the development of perceptual functions, especially depth perception, is followed by a review of the effects of early visual deprivation during the critical period of neural plasticity on amblyopia and other defects in depth perception. Volume 1 ends with accounts of the accommodation mechanism of the human eye and vergence eye movements.

Human Factors of Stereoscopic 3D Displays

Book Description

Human Factors of Stereoscopic Displays provides an overview of all vision-relevant topics and issues that inform stereo display design from a user-centric or human factor, perspective. Although both the basic vision science literature and the applied literature will be reviewed, the strength and originality of this book comes from the emphasis on the basic science literature on human stereo vision and its implications for stereo display design. The reader will learn how to design stereo displays from a human vision/human factors perspective. Over the past several years, there has been a growing interest in the development of high-quality displays that present binocular parallax information to the human visual system for inducing the perception of three-dimensional depth. The methods for presenting binocular parallax to an observer vary widely and include three broad categories of display: stereoscopic, holographic and volumetric displays. Because the technology for stereoscopic displays is more developed and more widely used, than those based on holography or volumetric methods, the proposed book addresses those human factors issues involved in the viewing of stereoscopic displays. Despite the diverse methods for creating stereoscopic displays, which includes stereo spatial multiplexing as well as temporal multiplexing (i.e., field sequential) techniques, there remain common human factor issues that arise when viewing such displays. Human Factors of Stereoscopic Displays will provide a detailed review of these important issues so that they can be considered when designing and using 3D displays. In doing so, the following topics will be covered: interocular cross talk; interocular differences in luminance and contrast; accommodation-vergence mismatch; stereoanomaly; spatio-temporal frequency effects; distance scaling of disparity and high-level cue conflict. body>