Human Problem Solving

Book Description

The aim of this book is to advance our understanding of how humans think. It seeks to do so by putting forth a theory of human problem solving, along with a body of empirical evidence that permits assessment of the theory.

Human and Machine Problem Solving

Book Description

Problem solving is a central topic for both cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence (AI). Psychology seeks to analyze naturally occur ring problem solving into hypothetical processes, while AI seeks to synthesize problem-solving performance from well-defined processes. Psychology may suggest possible processes to AI and, in turn, AI may suggest plausible hypotheses to psychology. It should be useful for both sides to have some idea of the other's contribution-hence this book, which brings together overviews of psychological and AI re search in major areas of problem solving. At a more general level, this book is intended to be a contribution toward comparative cognitive science. Cognitive science is the study of intelligent systems, whether natural or artificial, and treats both organ isms and computers as types of information-processing systems. Clearly, humans and typical current computers have rather different functional or cognitive architectures. Thus, insights into the role of cognitive ar chitecture in performance may be gained by comparing typical human problem solving with efficient machine problem solving over a range of tasks. Readers may notice that there is little mention of connectionist ap proaches in this volume. This is because, at the time of writing, such approaches have had little or no impact on research at the problem solving level. Should a similar volume be produced in ten years or so, of course, a very different story may need to be told.

Plasma Polymerization

Book Description

The Complete Problem Solver

Book Description

This unique volume returns in its second edition, revised and updated with the latest advances in problem solving research. It is designed to provide readers with skills that will make them better problem solvers and to give up-to-date information about the psychology of problem solving. Professor Hayes provides students and professionals with practical, tested methods of defining, representing, and solving problems. Each discussion of the important aspects of human problem solving is supported by the most current research on the psychology problem solving. The Complete Problem Solver, Second Edition features: *Valuable learning strategies; *Decision making methods; *Discussions of the nature of creativity and invention, and *A new chapter on writing. The Complete Problem Solver utilizes numerous examples, diagrams, illustrations, and charts to help any reader become better at problem solving. See the order form for the answer to the problem below.

Homo Problematis Solvendis–Problem-solving Man

Book Description

This book presents the history of modern human creativity/innovation through examples of solutions to basic human needs that have been developed over time. The title – Homo problematis solvendis – is a play on the scientific classifications of humans (e.g. Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens), and is intended to suggest that a defining characteristic of modern humans is our fundamental ability to solve problems (i.e. problem- solving human = Homo problematis solvendis). The book not only offers new perspectives on the history of technology, but also helps readers connect the popular interest in creativity and innovation (in schools, in businesses) with their psychological underpinnings. It discusses why creativity and innovation are vital to societies, and how these key abilities have made it possible for societies to develop into what they are today.

The Psychology of Problem Solving

Book Description

Problems are a central part of human life. The Psychology of Problem Solving organizes in one volume much of what psychologists know about problem solving and the factors that contribute to its success or failure. There are chapters by leading experts in this field, including Miriam Bassok, Randall Engle, Anders Ericsson, Arthur Graesser, Keith Stanovich, Norbert Schwarz, and Barry Zimmerman, among others. The Psychology of Problem Solving is divided into four parts. Following an introduction that reviews the nature of problems and the history and methods of the field, Part II focuses on individual differences in, and the influence of, the abilities and skills that humans bring to problem situations. Part III examines motivational and emotional states and cognitive strategies that influence problem solving performance, while Part IV summarizes and integrates the various views of problem solving proposed in the preceding chapters.

Human Problem Solving

Book Description

The aim of the book is to advance the understanding of how humans think. It seeks to do so by putting forth a theory of human problem solving, along with a body of empirical evidence that permits assessment of the theory. (Author).

Solving Modern Problems With a Stone-Age Brain

Book Description

Like our ancestors, we must do our best to survive, form friendships, win respect, attract mates, and care for our families. In the 21st century, however, the threats to our survival are sometimes hidden. This book presents evolutionary science-based advice for fending off our modern attackers and learning how to be happy in the modern world.

Your Technology Outreach Adventure

Book Description

From straightforward internet access to elaborate makerspaces, libraries have taken center stage when it comes to providing free access to technology to those who visit their physical spaces. But how about people who don’t walk into a library? How do we ensure those members of the community are also being reached by technology programming? It’s time to launch an adventure! Berman, named an ALA Emerging Leader and Library Journal Mover & Shaker, provides readers with a comprehensive plan for creating and implementing successful technology-based outreach. She also teaches readers design thinking skills that can enable library staff to become creative problem solvers. Sharing the methods and experiences of her team at San José Public Library, Berman’s guide presents numerous real-world case studies, including videomaking in a skate park, e-readers for seniors, popup mobile makerspaces, and simple circuits in middle school, that will inspire readers to move technology beyond the walls of the library;offers dozens of design thinking exercises, such as rapid prototyping, empathy mapping, and logic models, as part of a start-to-finish model for developing a new program concept;discusses the origins of and reasons behind the digital divide, then shares outreach fundamentals and best practices that will help ensure success; andprovides information about ways to connect with the community, perform evaluation, offer STEM programming, and additional resources. This guide will empower libraries to design and prototype technology-based outreach ideas safely, quickly, and with confidence, leading to better service for all members of the community.

Artificial Intelligence and Problem Solving

Book Description

This book lends insight into solving some well-known AI problems using the most efficient problem-solving methods by humans and computers. The book discusses the importance of developing critical-thinking methods and skills, and develops a consistent approach toward each problem. This book assembles in one place a set of interesting and challenging AI–type problems that students regularly encounter in computer science, mathematics, and AI courses. These problems are not new, and students from all backgrounds can benefit from the kind of deductive thinking that goes into solving them. The book is especially useful as a companion to any course in computer science or mathematics where there are interesting problems to solve. Features: •Addresses AI and problem-solving from different perspectives •Covers classic AI problems such as Sudoku, Map Coloring, Twelve Coins, Red Donkey, Cryptarithms, Monte Carlo Methods, Rubik’s Cube, Missionaries/Cannibals, Knight’s Tour, Monty Hall, and more •Includes a companion disc with source code, solutions, figures, and more •Offers playability sites where students can exercise the process of developing their solutions •Describes problem-solving methods that might be applied to a variety of situations eBook Customers: Companion files are available for downloading with order number/proof of purchase by writing to the publisher at [email protected].