Humanity: Devolved

Book Description

Nobody knows your DNA like your government. Routine DNA scans flag individuals with genetic mutations. To systematically purge humanity of corrupt genetics, authorities pluck them from society, never to be seen or heard from again. This is done on a global scale. Kyla Thomas, a nurse technician who already lost her husband to these removals, does everything in her power to protect Sam, her cancer-ridden son. Using illegal methods to scrub his DNA samples, she manages to hide him in plain sight until an accident at school reveals his secret. Although temporarily able to fight off capture, the government’s relentless pursuit of the fugitives rips Sam from Kyla’s grasp and jails her. But few things can prevent a desperate mother’s search for her son, and in the process, Kyla begins to uncover government secrets only a select few were ever meant to know.

Humanity Devolved

Book Description

Nobody knows your DNA like your government. Routine DNA scans flag individuals with genetic mutations. To systematically purge humanity of corrupt genetics, authorities pluck them from society, never to be seen or heard from again. This is done on a global scale. Kyla Thomas, a nurse technician who already lost her husband to these removals, does everything in her power to protect Sam, her cancer-ridden son. Using illegal methods to scrub his DNA samples, she manages to hide him in plain sight until an accident at school reveals his secret. Although temporarily able to fight off capture, the government's relentless pursuit of the fugitives rips Sam from Kyla's grasp and jails her. But few things can prevent a desperate mother's search for her son, and in the process, Kyla begins to uncover government secrets only a select few were ever meant to know.

Human Devolution

Book Description

WHERE DID WE COME FROM? Drawing upon a wealth of research into archeology, genetics, reincarnation memories, out-of-body experiences, parapsychology, cross cultural cosmology, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, Cremo provides a refreshing p

The Theory of Human Devolution

Book Description

"DON'T BE TRAPPED BY DOGMA - which is living with the results of other people's thinking." STEVE JOBS..."In a world of universal deceit, to TELL THE TRUTH, IS A REVOLUTIONARY ACT ." "Who controls the past controls the future, and WHO CONTROLS THE PRESENT CONTROLS THE PAST." GEORGE ORWELL... In our postmodern era, many believe that quantum physics has all the answers, because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.....After the invention of quantum physics, the problem of materialistic determinism was solved by the materialistic indeterminism. ...The "hardware" that can support a free consciousness cannot be material. The mechanism that can make possible the freedom it is "a mechanism without mechanism".....An artificial consciousness, created by men, it is also impossible to create. Only an Infinite Intelligence, can imagine and create the support that can make possible the self-determination. And the self-consciousness it is even more complex in the nature of its substance. The "hardware " that can make possible the free consciousness is infinite in complexity and only a Free Creative Being of Infinite Intelligence can create it. ... And God is self-determined by definition. God is the effect without a cause. And our profound nature is divine also because our profound nature is the free consciousness, the self-determination. Because we are free we are self-determined. The spirit is self-determined, the effect it is without cause, this is the profound nature of God because God is freedom, God is The Creator, and His Profound Nature is the self- determination. ....God is the effect without a cause, and we are divine in nature because we are free. ...We are Not Biochemical Robots, we are Not just Biological Machines, we are self- determined consciousness that could only come from God. This is logical. And this is the profound reason for what God does not make the decisions for us, He lets us make our own decisions, because, we are by Nature self-determined, we are like Him, Regnum Dei not Regnum Animalis. ....We all devolved from higher purer humanity, that had, in the beginning, a divine identity, a born divine nobility. We were human-divine and from divine humanity. In the beginning, God created all perfect in body and spirit. And because of the rebellion against the moral of God we devolved. We created another moral, but it was proven to us wrong. ....The philosophical problem of evil tormented me for years. I was obsessed with this problem. And I solved it, the solution is: The victims from today are yesterday's aggressors, and the victims from the beginning were defended by God, even if yesterday the aggressors were in other bodies, in other lives. ...God loves the Human Species. God defended the victims from the Beginning....God loves the humankind. Be humane!... IN THE BEGINNING, WE WERE CREATED AFTER THE IMAGE OF GOD. BUT THE HUMANITY DESECRATED THE IMAGE OF GOD, THAT LIVED AND STILL LIVES IN US, AND THE TRUE IMAGE OF THE ONE TRUE GOD IS JESUS CHRIST.***WHO DESPISES THE MORAL OF FORGIVENESS WILL BE SATURATED BY THE JUSTICE.***THIS IS NOT A POSTMODERN ERA, BUT A POSTHUMAN ERA....THIS IS THE NEW THEORY OF HUMAN DEVOLUTION.

The Theory of Devolution Devilution

Book Description

Devilution is the interjection of the devil, his philosophies, ideologies, and rebellion into God’s creation, including the affairs of man’s existence throughout history, focusing on the emotional, psychological, and behavioral aspects of man’s relating to God and other human beings. The word devilution will be synonymous with devolution and will serve as a surrogate for this word in many instances, revealing man’s true spiritual state.

The Devolution of Man

Book Description

The question "Where do we come from?" may never be answered. But "Why do we exist? that is my interest. Humanity has become a tribe of production and consumption. But for a small percentage of enlightened thinkers through history, the likes of Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Leonardo da Vinci, Fibonacci, Isaac Newton, Rumi, Nikolai Tesla, Socrates, Jesus, Mohammed, Siddhartha Gautama and their peers, for the greater part of human history, we have steadily devolved into a race of slavery to a system that has led us to disease, depression, debt, war and poverty for the majority of the world's population. I have a theory, after many years of studying what ancient cultures knew, to the systems we now have devolved to create, that happiness, health, wealth, good fortune, long life, love and joy are easily achieved. Our birthright in fact. And there is a way back, accessible to all. It is time to know why we exist.


Book Description

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The #1 New York Times bestselling author of World War Z is back with “the Bigfoot thriller you didn’t know you needed in your life, and one of the greatest horror novels I’ve ever read” (Blake Crouch, author of Dark Matter and Recursion). FINALIST FOR THE LOCUS AWARD As the ash and chaos from Mount Rainier’s eruption swirled and finally settled, the story of the Greenloop massacre has passed unnoticed, unexamined . . . until now. The journals of resident Kate Holland, recovered from the town’s bloody wreckage, capture a tale too harrowing—and too earth-shattering in its implications—to be forgotten. In these pages, Max Brooks brings Kate’s extraordinary account to light for the first time, faithfully reproducing her words alongside his own extensive investigations into the massacre and the legendary beasts behind it. Kate’s is a tale of unexpected strength and resilience, of humanity’s defiance in the face of a terrible predator’s gaze, and, inevitably, of savagery and death. Yet it is also far more than that. Because if what Kate Holland saw in those days is real, then we must accept the impossible. We must accept that the creature known as Bigfoot walks among us—and that it is a beast of terrible strength and ferocity. Part survival narrative, part bloody horror tale, part scientific journey into the boundaries between truth and fiction, this is a Bigfoot story as only Max Brooks could chronicle it—and like none you’ve ever read before. Praise for Devolution “Delightful . . . [A] tale of supernatural mayhem that fans of King and Crichton alike will enjoy.”—Kirkus Reviews (starred review) “The story is told in such a compelling manner that horror fans will want to believe and, perhaps, take the warning to heart.”—Booklist (starred review)


Book Description

"He who thinks he can solve all problems without prayer, walks in pride. For it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." *** Though it may seem impossible to open the eyes of those who are willfully blind, with God all things are possible. *** “GOD LOVES YOU. GOD DEFENDED THE VICTIMS FROM THE BEGINNINGS.” *** Whoever despises the Morality of Forgiveness will be saturated by Justice. *** I have searched a man with a candle during the day like Diogenes, the cynic, and I found Him in Heaven, and His Name is Jesus Christ. *** A blind man has the liberty to deny the existence of the Sun, but the blind man exists because of the Sun.” “** God loves the humankind, be humane! *** The truth is the delight of angels and the pain of men. *** The Holy Infinite Love of God, is our Judge and Savior, at the same time. Be Holy! *** The one who is perfect in the love for God is made perfect by God. *** The light is powerful, but the men are blind. *** The Humanity is our Power, not our weakness. *** Christmas doesn't mean cakes, but the love of God. *** Rejecting God for group conformity is an unforgivable sin. *** This is the judgment: The Light has come into the world and the men loved the darkness more than The Light because their works were evil” John 3:19 *** “The Holy Infinite Love of God, is our Judge and Savior, at the same time. *** The philosophy of darkness is more dangerous than the atomic bomb because it separates us from our protector, God. This book is a spiritual fight against the philosophy of darkness, it is the philosophy of light and it will help you to find your way home, into the Light. God, bless you all, my brothers. ll, and above all thank you!”

The Rise of Homo Sapquas

Book Description

Why do the humans need to search for a new home? Why has the search for water on different planets been going on for decades? The beautiful blue planet "Earth" has water, why can't humans live in the oceans? A scientist thinks it is possible to habitat oceans by living in them for millions of years. He then starts a project 'Devolution' which evolves human back to ancestors. The controlled devolution transforms the modern human, Homo Sapiens (Wise Man) into Homo Sapquas (Wise Man of Water). One day the icy glaciers will not be there anymore, the dry lands on the Earth will disappear, there will be only one type of human living on the Earth.........that will be the Homo Sapquas.